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Bayesian flyes zijn niet hetzelfde als standaard cable flyes
Ik kende de oefening niet eerlijk gezegd. En ik heb ook geen idee of de pec sterker is bij interne rotatie van de schouder. Overigens zegt Menno er zelf over dat het risico op blessures groter is.

This would have been easy to remedy by rotating your hands 90 degrees forwards thereby internally rotating the shoulder if there hadn’t been a second problem with the dumbbell fly. That problem is the same strength-resistance mismatch we encountered during dumbbell curls. In the bottom of a fly, the resistance reaches its maximum whereas at the top there is practically no resistance at all. What makes this problem extra problematic is that your shoulder is extra susceptible to injury when the elbow travels behind the torso and when the shoulder is internally rotated. Combining the two during a movement that has its maximum resistance in that position is truly the perfect recipe for a shoulder injury.

For those with injury prone shoulders, thoracic extension and scapular retraction may not be enough to guarantee safety. If that’s the case for you, first try lowering your arms in the stretched position. Bring your arms up to the same contracted end position but let them return to up to 45 degrees below the shoulder. Alternatively, limit the end ROM by not letting your elbows travel too far behind your torso. Both measures reduce chest stimulation though, so I advise using a combination of the two that’s just enough to be safe. Most people only need to lower their arms to about 15 degrees below their shoulder and can let them drift back to about a 90 percent chest stretch.
rotating your hands 90 degrees forwards thereby internally rotating the shoulder

Wanneer je je hand draait dan zit de actie in je elleboog, niet in je schouder. Alles daarna is dus niet meer van toepassing.
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