
Spironolactone en clenbuterol gaan niet samen?

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Dutch Bodybuilder
15 jaar lid
Lid geworden
10 jan 2004
Ik wou in mijn nakuur spiro gebruiken om de androgene bijwerkingen te beperken zoals haaruitval, dat het niet erger wordt. Tevens wou ik clen gebruiken om zoveel mogelijk massa te behouden.
Ik heb op anabolic review de vraag gesteld of deze twee wel gecombineerd kunnen worden. Waarop een mod me het volgende vertelde:

You don't want to use a diuretic and clen....that's like removing the oil from your motor and increasing the rpms at the same time.

Wat is daarvan waar? Hoe denken jullie erover?
Deze vraag is zeker te moeilijk voor jullie :P hehe
Clen is a beta receptor's going to increase heart rate, respiration rate, in general, cause your body to expend much more energy. Something like systemic spiro is going to make you drop water nonspecifically (i.e. no matter what the cause for holding extra water is, or even whether or not you're holding extra water). Dropping water means more viscosity in your circulatory system. That coupled with an already elevated pulse rate can mean high BP. You'll also have an increased metabolic rate, where your cells will require MORE water, but you'll be taking away more water.
I'm sure people do it, but if you're just using it for an anti-androgen, just use finasteride. Be safe.

Klop dat?
Laat maar zitten, ik heb het al gevonden.

The top biochemists in the field that are in the know also think that clenbuterol may have a pronounced effect in this area. It is felt that clenbuterol may cause potassium to exit the cell and this is why many clenbuterol users get intense muscle cramps. More importantly, the potassium that clenbuterol causes to exit the cell will increase the plasma levels of potassium. Combine this with the use of diuretics from this family and the potential for hyperkalemia increases tremendously. This is just another example of the possible conflicts of self-medication when athletes know nothing of drugs metabolic effects and therefore why it may be contra-indicated with other drugs that athletes will use anyway. Sometimes this only means putting up with bothersome side effects, but in this case the result could be a tragedy. The early signs of hyperkalemia include parathesia, intense cramps, palpitations or angina (heart or chest pain) and extreme weakness. Anyone who experiences such effects before a show while using drugs from this family should immediately get to a hospital.

@ koolhoven, nooit meer zeggen dat die combo volgens jou geen kwaad kan a.u.b. :D
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