
How much protein do you need per day?

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Fake natty
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10 jaar lid
Lid geworden
9 jul 2009
An evidence-based analysis on how much protein you need.

How much daily protein (g) you need depends on your weight (kg), goal, and level of activity: from 1.2 g/kg if sedentary, to 1.4–2.2 g/kg if physically active, up to 3.3 g/kg if trying to gain muscle or lose fat.

As with most things in nutrition, there’s no simple answer. Your individual needs will depend on your health, body composition, main goal, and level of physical activity (type, intensity, and duration). And even taking all this into account, you’ll end up with a starting number, which you’ll need to adjust through self-experimentation.

Daily requirements are expressed in grams of protein, either per kilogram of body weight (g/kg) or per pound of body weight (g/lb). In this article, we’ll only mention daily requirements for adults.


  • If you’re of healthy weight and sedentary, aim for 1.2–1.8 g/kg (0.54–0.82 g/lb).

  • If you’re of healthy weight, active, and wish to keep your weight, aim for 1.4–2.2 g/kg (0.64–1.00 g/lb). Try for the higher end of this range, as tolerated, especially if you’re an athlete.

  • If you’re of healthy weight, active, and wish to build muscle, aim for 1.4–3.3 g/kg (0.64–1.50 g/lb). Eating more than 2.6 g/kg (1.18 g/lb) is probably not going to lead to greater muscle gains, but it can minimize fat gains when “bulking” — i.e., when eating above maintenance in order to gain (muscle) weight.

  • If you’re of healthy weight, active, and wish to lose fat, aim for 2.2–3.3 g/kg (1.00–1.50 g/lb), skewing toward the higher end of this range as you become leaner or if you increase your caloric deficit (hypocaloric diet).

  • If you’re overweight or obese, aim for 1.2–1.5 g/kg (0.54–0.68 g/lb). You do not need to try to figure out your ideal body weight or your lean mass (aka fat-free mass). Most studies on people with obesity report their findings based on total body weight.

  • If you’re pregnant, aim for 1.66–1.77 g/kg (0.75–0.80 g/lb)
Also, note that …

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Waarderingen: Axl
Ook info over underweight?
Ik mis de leeftijdsfactor. Hoe ouder je wordt hoe minder sensitief je wordt voor proteïne inname.
Ook info over underweight?

Zo ver ik weet is daar nooit grootschalig onderzoek naar gedaan. Maar zoals het artikelvaangeeft:

"Protein intake should be based on body weight, not on caloric intake."

In zoverre kun je deze richtlijnen ook toepassen op mensen met ondergewicht lijkt mij.
Ik mis de leeftijdsfactor. Hoe ouder je wordt hoe minder sensitief je wordt voor proteïne inname.

"In this article, we’ll only mention daily requirements for adults."


In deze analyse is er inderdaad niet specifiek gekeken naar eiwitbehoefte op hogere leeftijd. Maar ik denk dat deze aanbevelingen ook toepasbaar zijn bij senioren. Wat ik nog wel heb kumnen vinden:

For maximal stimulation of muscle protein synthesis, the per-meal dose of quality protein (such as can be found in meat, eggs, and dairy) is at least 0.24 g/kg for adults in their twenties and 0.40 g/kg for adults over fifty. Higher doses will not be wasted and are probably necessary when eating mixed meals that contain a variety of protein sources.
Ik dacht dat de tot 3.3g/kg per kg VVM was en niet totale massa?
Note: 3.3x is ook de bovengrens die hier gesteld wordt. Dat is niet hetzelfde als optimaal. :)
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