XXL Nutrition

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Woooweee! I just scared the $h!+ out of myself... gym closed so it's kinda dark and I was walkin past this door and seen my reflection in my peripheral... Maaaan I thought the booga-man was bouta git me! Haha

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Front Squats...
I think I got it figured out... The problem I realized is... since the exercise is new to me and I had that subconscious fear of the bar rolling down, I was gripping the bar with the tips of my fingers to secure it... but what I was doing is actually pulling it out of place. Once I realized this I tried to just lay my fingers across the top of the bar, and there u go... BAR DIDNT MOVE! and if it did, it was only slightly. So I think other beginners may be doing the same thing... which is why "you have to get used to it"... subconsciously once u get comfortable and confident, your won't grip the bar with your fingers because your not afraid of it rolling down... and that let's it stay in place... Also I realized that when I don't grab the bar with the tips of my fingers, I don't have to keep my elbows all the way up because the bar sits in that groove. Before if my elbows drop while I'm gripping the bar with my finger tips, I was pulling it out of place! I thought this may help others...Another thing I noticed is if u notice the bar moves on one side more than the other, when u cross your arms, place that arm on top of the other. i also tried using plates under my heels like people suggested, and it felt like i could go lower while keeping my back straight. Bottom line: lay fingers across the top of the bar but don't grip the bar. The bar will sit in the groove across collar bone, even if elbows come down a bit it won't roll down. Hope what I figured out and posted here will help others with the same issues

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Doet nu voor het eerst front squats? Lol
Stuck at 300... switching to Jumbo, 3 shakes a day... Jumbo has a mix of several different types of carbs with whey protein creatine and glutamine... check it out...
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Installing a storage cabinet and doing some electric wiring...

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Als er een wedstrijd was voor atleten die 8 weeks out zijn ... Flawless victory
Man damn... my body fighting me hard... I'm trying to get fat and it keeps getting lean... 292 now... Chris Aceto says fk it, go with it. So... change of plans, we going the other direction now baby

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Daddy why u doin that?
Daddy do that hurt?
Daddy why u did that 12 times?
Daddy why u did that 20 times?
Daddy why u make that face?
Daddy when we leavin?!
(when I don't answer they start talking to each other)
He look like that hurt
That's why his muscles big
That's why he can't eat no Happy Meal with us
That's why his whoopins hurt!

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Forever mr O x weeks out [Afbeelding niet meer beschikbaar]
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Was 278 when i woke up. Last progress pic until I get ripped glutes... pedal to the mf metal

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Goede rondingen, alleen zijn benen zijn (nog steeds) niet in verhouding.
13 januari

Dat ziet er al minder vochtig uit in vergelijking met o.a. fibo afgelopen jaar. spongebob mcmillan
Hier nog een foto om dat te bevestigen ..


At first I thought it was veins or stretch marks going down my bicep... then i realized it's muscle fibers

****ing hell .....
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