

  1. I

    please advice

    trust me I would if they were, but in the gym I go in my neighborhood are mostly skinny or fat corporation dudes and many girls who mostly use only the cardio level. for me is fine since almost always I have the weights level only for myself... I've seen only like 2 guys who I think they use...
  2. I

    please advice

    thank for your reply, although I will have to give it a try, will buy something cheap just to try it out. I have no other choice since I need to gear and can't find any other source. I remember I bought years ago on internet from a foreign site successfully...
  3. I

    please advice

    hey guys, I'm new on this thread and new in using anabolics. had a source for gears but it became unavailable and I'm about to finish my cycle and need some more stuff. I have found some sites here in the Netherlands that they sell anabolics, where u need to send cash money via mail but I...
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