
Biomechanische studie van het verschil tussen traditionele , powerlift en box squat

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Dutch Bodybuilder
Lid geworden
9 okt 2013
Volledige studie:

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Samenvatting :

I’ll try to sum this up quickly. The study examined 12 male powerlifters (average age was 27, average weight around 220lbs, average max squat around 485lbs, average years lifting experience 9 yrs) and utilized biomechanical equations, inverse dynamics, markers, 9 cameras (VICON), 2 force plates (KISTLER), and software (VICON) to calculate joint angles, joint torques (moments), velocity, peak power, rate of force development, and ground reaction forces.

What the Researchers Found that Was Not Surprising:

The widest stance was the box squat, in the middle was the powerlifting squat, and the narrowest squat was the traditional squat
During the eccentric component, the lifters sat back much more so in the powerlifting and box squats than they did in the traditional squat
The powerlifting and box squats involved more hip abduction (knees out) than the traditional squat
The powerlifting squat involved the most hip flexion
The traditional squat involved more knee and ankle flexion
Ground reaction forces, velocity, and power were reduced in the box squat due to the gradual shifts in loading between eccentric and concentric phases
The powerlifting squat created the most hip extension torque
The box squat led to the most “vertical” tibia of the variations
Traditional squats allowed for the greatest velocity and power
Powerlifting squats and traditional squats created the greatest force (very similar across loads)
What the Researchers Found that Was Surprising:

The traditional and powerlifting squat involved similar torso angles (leans), and the box squat had the least forward torso lean out of the three styles
The traditional squat displayed the highest loading on the spine (highest torque at L5/S1), as well as the highest loading on the ankle joints
The use of a box decreased peak hip extension torque and spinal extension torque while increasing peak knee extension torque
The box squat displayed the highest loading on the knee joints
Rate of force development (RFD) was 3-4 times higher in the box squat than the other squats. This is INSANE!
Study Strengths

The study investigated experienced powerlifters who are skilled in the various squatting movements
The study utilized a VICON with force plates, etc. which is a thorough way to investigate joint torques and other data
The researchers are well-versed in powerlifting techniques
Study Limitations

Loads used in the study were 30% of 1RM, 50% of 1RM, and 70% of 1RM. Based on my experience, preventing forward trunk lean (which dramatically impacts torques at all the joints) during a maximal box squat is quite difficult. I wonder if the results would be different if maximal loads (or at least submaximal loads at 90% of 1RM or higher) were used
Powerlifters might perform “traditional” squats differently than other lifters – the subjects in this study exhibited slightly more (only .5 degrees) forward trunk lean during the traditional squat than they did the powerlifting squat. I wonder if Oly lifters (obviously especially if heeled shoes are worn) or even lifters who simply stick to full squats most of the time would fare differently on this study
The researchers didn’t attempt to explain the unusually high RFD shown in the box squat. I can personally relate to this – when performing dynamic effort box squats sometimes I feel very springy off the box even though the SSC should have dissipated


I’m sure this study will raise some eyebrows but I’m very well-versed in Biomechanics and the results actually make sense if you understand the interplay between the segment positions and barbell displacement in relation to the joint centers, but if I tried to explain it further I’d probably confuse my readers. In other words, this study seems very legit to me.

The box helps lifters sit back while staying upright (at least with submaximal loads), which actually decreases hip and spinal loads and increases knee loads (prior research by McBride supports this notion in terms of quadricep EMG activity – there wasn’t much of a difference between squats and box squats). The lifters paused for an average of 1.7 seconds during the box squat which most likely decreases contribution from the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) and would explain the decreased force and power production. Something about the pause on the box really seems to help create a ton of RFD which could indicate that it transfers nicely to sport.

The researchers pointed out that knee loading isn’t the only factor to consider in determining joint safety – it’s also important to consider knee ROM and displacement of the femur relative to the tibia. For these reasons the traditional squat is most likely the hardest variation for the knee joint.

The box squat is clearly an excellent alternative for those with restricted ankle mobility (dorsiflexion) who are unable to perform a full range squat (ass to grass) as it will allow for an excellent training effect and the adherence to proper technical form.

Really this study just illustrates that when determining the safety of squat variations you don’t just have to consider how far you sit back, how far the trunk leans, or how far the knees travel over the toes; you also have to consider how far you shift forward or backward with the bar relative to the feet, as this influences joint torques considerably. For this reason, box squats and powerlifting squats could indeed be “safer” for the low back compared to traditional squats.
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