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ervaringen met Methyl tren??

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Dutch Bodybuilder
10 jaar lid
Lid geworden
3 mrt 2009

kwa sides, Gains enzo
Nog niet, maar binnenkort wel :D
Is dat een orale vorm van tren?klink niet zo gezond als ik methyl hoor:p
MT is extreem lever toxisch, zwaar spulletje.
Big Cat's Profile....

Pharmaceutical Name: Methyltrienolone
Chemical structure: 17-methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one,17b-ol
Molecular weight of base: 284.3974

Effective dose: 5-15 mg / day
Average Street-price: Only available for research purposes.
Available Doses: None

Brands & Products: Originally produced by Negma, but never approved for production.


Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral trenbolone. It was first explored quite some time ago by Negma in France, the same company that marketed Parabolan (trenbolone). But the drug was never approved by the French government and was hence never produced. The reason was extreme hepatoxicity. Bill Roberts, the biochemist, once commented that taking methyltrienolone made taking insane doses of anadrol and Halotestin together look mild on the liver. While I was unable to find anything in the literature that describes the extent of the liver toxicity, it's a generally accepted fact. That's also why, to the dissapointment of many, you will never find a commercially marketed methyltrienolone product. Its only sold in bulk to labs and universities for research studies involving androgens.

Mainly because (and those who wish it was available will wish so even more now) its such a potent androgen. There is some conflicting information in that regard however. Organic chemist Patrick Arnold, head of LPJ research, once stated that methyltrienolone was the most powerful steroid ever, and that statement has been blown out of proportion and taken on a life of its own. While androgenically a very potent steroid, methyltrienolone is still basically trenbolone with a 17-alpha-methyl group. A group that has the tendency to actually reduce the androgenic potency. So it may actually be somewhat milder than trenbolone, on the contrary to what many pseudo steroid guru's are now claiming after reading Pat Arnold's statement. I can't find any other documented effects of the 17-alpha-alkylation influencing androgen binding in a positive way. It's a potent androgen, with more binding than even DHT2, but the study that claims that is mild at the very best about quantifications, whereas people have used the term 1000 times more powerful than testosterone, which is surely exaggerated.

What is interesting is that it seems to show nearly no binding for coïtus-hormone binding proteins, which makes it a popular choice in androgen receptor studies3, since it will demonstrate equal binding in all tissues regardless of the presence and amount of these proteins. No doubt this plays a role in its supposed binding capacity. In this instance the 17-alpha-alkylation may have played a key role, since it has been demonstrated a multitude of times that 17-alpha-methyl groups decrease the binding for coïtus-hormone binding proteins as well as most other structures, and due to its triple double bond, trenbolone really didn't bind well to these to begin with.

One of the findings made in clinical tests with methyltrienolone was the discovery of high amounts of the DHT-deactivating enzyme 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in muscle tissue4. Once again proof that God meant to keep us humans weak. Hurray for science. Follow-up studies then went on to show that DHT nonetheless showed similar binding in the prostate, and showing little or no presence of the deactivating enzyme. So God would rather have us all die of prostate cancer than gain a few ounces of muscle. It's a comforting thought, no?

What methyltrienolone, despite its amazing capacity, still doesn't overcome are the basic problems with any 19Nor compound. First of all its effects on libido. Methyltrienolone still seems to affect our coïtus drive in such a potent manner that the dreaded Deca Dick (temporary impotence) is a very real threat5. Another is that it still binds almost equipotently to the progesterone receptor3. The latter would be of little concern as long as no circulating estrogen is present since methyltrienolone does not aromatize, but could cause problems such as aggravating water retention and gyno (growth of breast tissue in men) if combined with an aromatizing androgen or an estrogen.

While many may wish that an incredibly strong androgenic, non-aromatizing compound as this was available for daily use, its not. And if the indications are true, its probably best. I've warned many people for the toxicity of fluoxymesterone, and everything points to it that methyltrienolone makes fluoxymesterone look like Tums tablets in terms of liver toxicity.

Stacking and Use:

Obviously this section is mostly useless, as any who would use, let alone stack methyltrienolone for any decent period of time, wouldn't really be around long enough to tell us how well it worked. Ideally one would use it alone, while dieting or for the purpose of gaining lean mass. The androgenic potency is slightly higher than that of trenbolone, so the risk for aggravated hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy and deepening of voice is not only realistic, but almost likely. If one were to use it, you would probably have to use every trick in the book to protect your liver and stay alive: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Milk thistle, dessicated liver and Vitamin B6. The blood pressure raise would not be mild either. So something to lower blood pressure is advised as well.

Of course the best advice is to refrain from using such a compound, although for 99% of the population that is not a problem, and I would assume that the 1% that does have access would know better.
Effective dose: 5-15 mg / day

Als je deze dosering gaat gebruiken ben je snel de pijp uit. Max dosering met de vloeibare methyltren is 2mg per dag en als je het oraal neemt een stuk lager. Ik ga het zelf op 0,75 a 1mg per dag subQ zetten.
MT is extreem lever toxisch, zwaar spulletje.
Big Cat's Profile....

Pharmaceutical Name: Methyltrienolone
Chemical structure: 17-methylestra-4,9,11-trien-3-one,17b-ol
Molecular weight of base: 284.3974

Effective dose: 5-15 mg / day
Average Street-price: Only available for research purposes.
Available Doses: None

Brands & Products: Originally produced by Negma, but never approved for production.


Methyltrienolone is structurally similar to trenbolone (Parabolan/Finaplix), a well-liked and powerful androgen that does not aromatize to estrogen. The difference is the attachment of a 17-alpha-methyl group for oral activity. So one could refer to methyltrienolone as oral trenbolone. It was first explored quite some time ago by Negma in France, the same company that marketed Parabolan (trenbolone). But the drug was never approved by the French government and was hence never produced. The reason was extreme hepatoxicity. Bill Roberts, the biochemist, once commented that taking methyltrienolone made taking insane doses of anadrol and Halotestin together look mild on the liver. While I was unable to find anything in the literature that describes the extent of the liver toxicity, it's a generally accepted fact. That's also why, to the dissapointment of many, you will never find a commercially marketed methyltrienolone product. Its only sold in bulk to labs and universities for research studies involving androgens.

Mainly because (and those who wish it was available will wish so even more now) its such a potent androgen. There is some conflicting information in that regard however. Organic chemist Patrick Arnold, head of LPJ research, once stated that methyltrienolone was the most powerful steroid ever, and that statement has been blown out of proportion and taken on a life of its own. While androgenically a very potent steroid, methyltrienolone is still basically trenbolone with a 17-alpha-methyl group. A group that has the tendency to actually reduce the androgenic potency. So it may actually be somewhat milder than trenbolone, on the contrary to what many pseudo steroid guru's are now claiming after reading Pat Arnold's statement. I can't find any other documented effects of the 17-alpha-alkylation influencing androgen binding in a positive way. It's a potent androgen, with more binding than even DHT2, but the study that claims that is mild at the very best about quantifications, whereas people have used the term 1000 times more powerful than testosterone, which is surely exaggerated.

What is interesting is that it seems to show nearly no binding for coïtus-hormone binding proteins, which makes it a popular choice in androgen receptor studies3, since it will demonstrate equal binding in all tissues regardless of the presence and amount of these proteins. No doubt this plays a role in its supposed binding capacity. In this instance the 17-alpha-alkylation may have played a key role, since it has been demonstrated a multitude of times that 17-alpha-methyl groups decrease the binding for coïtus-hormone binding proteins as well as most other structures, and due to its triple double bond, trenbolone really didn't bind well to these to begin with.

One of the findings made in clinical tests with methyltrienolone was the discovery of high amounts of the DHT-deactivating enzyme 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in muscle tissue4. Once again proof that God meant to keep us humans weak. Hurray for science. Follow-up studies then went on to show that DHT nonetheless showed similar binding in the prostate, and showing little or no presence of the deactivating enzyme. So God would rather have us all die of prostate cancer than gain a few ounces of muscle. It's a comforting thought, no?

What methyltrienolone, despite its amazing capacity, still doesn't overcome are the basic problems with any 19Nor compound. First of all its effects on libido. Methyltrienolone still seems to affect our coïtus drive in such a potent manner that the dreaded Deca Dick (temporary impotence) is a very real threat5. Another is that it still binds almost equipotently to the progesterone receptor3. The latter would be of little concern as long as no circulating estrogen is present since methyltrienolone does not aromatize, but could cause problems such as aggravating water retention and gyno (growth of breast tissue in men) if combined with an aromatizing androgen or an estrogen.

While many may wish that an incredibly strong androgenic, non-aromatizing compound as this was available for daily use, its not. And if the indications are true, its probably best. I've warned many people for the toxicity of fluoxymesterone, and everything points to it that methyltrienolone makes fluoxymesterone look like Tums tablets in terms of liver toxicity.

Stacking and Use:

Obviously this section is mostly useless, as any who would use, let alone stack methyltrienolone for any decent period of time, wouldn't really be around long enough to tell us how well it worked. Ideally one would use it alone, while dieting or for the purpose of gaining lean mass. The androgenic potency is slightly higher than that of trenbolone, so the risk for aggravated hair loss, acne, prostate hypertrophy and deepening of voice is not only realistic, but almost likely. If one were to use it, you would probably have to use every trick in the book to protect your liver and stay alive: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Milk thistle, dessicated liver and Vitamin B6. The blood pressure raise would not be mild either. So something to lower blood pressure is advised as well.

Of course the best advice is to refrain from using such a compound, although for 99% of the population that is not a problem, and I would assume that the 1% that does have access would know better.

echt wel puur vergif:)
bayla neemt het nu.....gaat er erg hard op...ja blijft troep
wat moet je verwachten van methyltren? ben ook wel nieuwsgierig, wsl sides die 10keer erger zijn
Als je deze dosering gaat gebruiken ben je snel de pijp uit. Max dosering met de vloeibare methyltren is 2mg per dag en als je het oraal neemt een stuk lager. Ik ga het zelf op 0,75 a 1mg per dag subQ zetten.

In de link van staan inderdaad die waarden gegeven van 0,75. Bij 2mg per dag hadden de testers na 2 weken heftige leverproblemen. leuk goedje :p 'k snap dus ook niet waarom het bij BC profile dat staat, heel gevaarlijk zo'n informatie.
Verbrandt het ook plaatselijk vet wanneer je het subQ zet? Ik meen zoiets ergens gelezen te hebben......
sides qua gedragverandering is minder dan bij bij tren. Hou rekening met progesteron gyno, moeilijk werkende meneertje.
gains qua kracht schijnt wel heel goed te zijn.

geen persoonlijke ervaring trouwens.
Nog niet, maar binnenkort wel :D

gozer jij gebruikt hgh, dnp en van alles en nog wat terwijl je fysiek ronduit belachelijk is om al zelfs te gaan kuren maar ach.. gooi dit er ook bij.
sides qua gedragverandering is minder dan bij bij tren. Hou rekening met progesteron gyno, moeilijk werkende meneertje.
gains qua kracht schijnt wel heel goed te zijn.

geen persoonlijke ervaring trouwens.

gozer jij gebruikt hgh, dnp en van alles en nog wat terwijl je fysiek ronduit belachelijk is om al zelfs te gaan kuren maar ach.. gooi dit er ook bij.

Ik vind jouw opmerking zéér kortzichtig en ik ben het eigenlijk een beetje beu met die wijsneuserij van mensen die denken dat ze iedereen over één kam kunnen scheren en van alles denken te weten over elk individu.
Je hebt geen idee van hoe ik er uit zag voor ik begon met trainen!

Ik heb eerst 3 jaar natural getraind om van 2 meter lange strafkamp-figuur van 65 kg en 25cm armpjes naar een enigszins gespierd-figuur van 95kg (en wat meer vet) te veranderen. En nee, ik was niet ondervoed en kwam dus ook niet effe 20 kilo aan in de eerste maand of iets dergelijks!
Ik heb er 4 a 5 keer per week voor moeten trainen (met 1 a 2 keer per jaar een weekje ertussenuit) en eten als een ziekelijk beest waar nog geen naam voor bestaat. Ik ken eigenlijk niemand die dedicated'der is dan ik

Kortom, ik weet heus wel waar ik mee bezig met gozer. Ik ken mijn lichaam en als ik foto's van toen ik begon vergelijk met hoe ik er nu uit zie dan kan ik niks anders dan super trots zijn op wat ik bereikt heb! ;)
Laatst bewerkt:
Kerel laat je niet in met meningen van anderen, omtrent je doel en fysieke stats. Kom op zeg, waar bemoeid iedereen zich mee.
Kerel laat je niet in met meningen van anderen, omtrent je doel en fysieke stats. Kom op zeg, waar bemoeid iedereen zich mee.

Je hebt gelijk hoor, maar soms heb ik van die dagen...

goeiemorgen trouwens:coffee:
ik heb weleens crystal meth gebruikt.
Was ook zeer toxisch.
idd dit is een topic met ervaringen over methyl tren (die ik dan ook heel graag zou weten) en dan beginnen ze wat te zeiken over iemands stats
Verbrandt het ook plaatselijk vet wanneer je het subQ zet? Ik meen zoiets ergens gelezen te hebben......

nee helaas niet,je krijgt een lichte zwelling er voor terug:D
echt tering spul, en bijt bij het zetten..niet fijn

maar oh zolekker alsje gaat trainen je bent niet te stoppen.....
erg lekkkkkkkker.... zouzo nog 3 weken doorgaan,maar ja moet nu echt off

laatste dag erop zitten.....

---------- Toegevoegd om 14:26 ---------- De post hierboven werd geplaatst om 14:18 ----------

namijnervaring zouik het max 2 weken zetten, 2-4 mg ED is ZAT!!

na 3/4e dag knalde het erin,tot het einde 2e week

werd toen grieperig en t knalde in me onderrug dus kan niet echt oordelenover de laaste week

volgend kuurtje ga ikt als kickstart pakken 2 weken en als afsluiter..

kweet niet die kick en pomp die je er van krijgt monsterlijk....

maar lui,lees ook de US boards T is troep,ga er niet zo maar aan...

en als je slim bent wacht ff mijn bloed uitslagen af over een aantal weken...
kan je kijken wat het effectof je waardes is

t klinkt leuk aaHHHHHH ff 2/3 weken knallen,maar denk er wel ff 10x over na

zeker niet als 1e of 2e kuurtje pakken
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