
Flessie bier iemand?

Bezoekers in dit topic

zucht...voor deze keer dan... :)

99,999 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,998 bottles of beer on the wall.
99,998 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,997 bottles of beer on the wall.
wat een tijdverspilling!


99,997 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,996 bottles of beer on the wall.
99,996 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,995 bottles of beer on the wall.

99,995 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,994 bottles of beer on the wall.
99,994 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,993 bottles of beer on the wall.

:beerbang: niet genoeg members :beerbang:
99,993 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,992 bottles of beer on the wall.
99,992 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,991 bottles of beer on the wall.

dan doet iedereen toch een "paar" keer mee :D
99,991 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,990 bottles of beer on the wall.
uh volgens mij heb je een reken foutje gemaakt :P
99,989 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,988 bottles of beer on the wall.

Zal maar verder gaan waar ik eigenlijk moest verder gaan als AsN en JF niet hetzelfde biertje namen :D
99,988 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,987 bottles of beer on the wall.

zo, weer een post dichter bij m'n avater:D
ik neem nog een biertje!

99,987 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,986 bottles of beer on the wall.
99,986 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,985 bottles of beer on the wall.

Kan ik er geen 2 nemen ? Neem er straks dan nog wel 1.
99,985 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,984 bottles of beer on the wall
Nog één voor de gezelligheid :D

99,984 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,983 bottles of beer on the wall
pfff, dorst van dat squatten zeg...

99,983 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,982 bottles of beer on the wall
99,982 bottles of beer,
take one down,
pass it around,
99,981 bottles of beer on the wall
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