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The decision to shoot the film mainly in black and white contributed to the documentary style of cinematography, which cinematographer Janusz Kamiński compared to German Expressionism and Italian neorealism. Kamiński said that he wanted to give the impression of timelessness to the film, so the audience would "not have a sense of when it was made." Spielberg decided to use black and white to match the feel of actual documentary footage of the era. Universal chairman Tom Pollock asked him to shoot the film on a color negative, to allow color VHS copies of the film to later be sold, but Spielberg did not want to accidentally "beautify events."

To Spielberg, the black and white presentation of the film came to represent the Holocaust itself: "The Holocaust was life without light. For me the symbol of life is color. That's why a film about the Holocaust has to be in black-and-white." Robert Gellately notes the film in its entirety can be seen as a metaphor for the Holocaust, with early sporadic violence increasing into a crescendo of death and destruction.He also notes a parallel between the situation of the Jews in the film and the debate in Nazi Germany between making use of the Jews for slave labor or exterminating them outright. Water is seen as giving deliverance by Alan Mintz, Holocaust Studies professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York. He notes its presence in the scene where Schindler arranges for a Holocaust train loaded with victims awaiting transport to be hosed down, and the scene in Auschwitz, where the women are given an actual shower instead of receiving the expected gassing.

The girl in red

While the film is shot primarily in black and white, a red coat is used to distinguish a little girl in the scene depicting the liquidation of the Kraków ghetto. Later in the film, Schindler sees her dead body, recognizable only by the red coat she is still wearing. Spielberg said the scene was intended to symbolize how members of the highest levels of government in the United States knew the Holocaust was occurring, yet did nothing to stop it. "It was as obvious as a little girl wearing a red coat, walking down the street, and yet nothing was done to bomb the German rail lines. Nothing was being done to slow down the annihilation of European Jewry," he said. "So that was my message in letting that scene be in color." Andy Patrizio of IGN notes that the point at which Schindler sees the girl's dead body is the point at which he changes, no longer seeing "the ash and soot of burning corpses piling up on his car as just an annoyance." Professor André H. Caron of the Université de Montréal wonders if the red symbolises "innocence, hope or the red blood of the Jewish people being sacrificed in the horror of the Holocaust."

The girl was portrayed by Oliwia Dąbrowska, three years old at the time of filming. Spielberg asked Dąbrowska not to watch the film until she was eighteen, but she watched it when she was eleven, and says she was "horrified". Upon seeing the film again as an adult, she was proud of the role she played. Although it was unintentional, the character is similar to Roma Ligocka, who was known in the Kraków Ghetto for her red coat. Ligocka, unlike her fictional counterpart, survived the Holocaust. After the film was released, she wrote and published her own story, The Girl in the Red Coat: A Memoir (2002, in translation). According to a 2014 interview of family members, the girl in red was inspired by Kraków resident Genya Gitel Chil.
De broer van Reinhard (1904 – 1942), Heinz (1905 – 1944), hielp net zoals de broer van Göring joden.


Op deze foto's droeg Heinz nog een Heer uniform terwijl Reinhard was uitgedost in een Luftwaffe uniform.
Hitler van Alan Bullock heb ik ook. Volgens mij ook een van de eerste drukken
Ook 1 van de eerste drukken van De Jongs Nederland in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Deze en die van Bullock ooit eens bij een maatje van me zijn tante die overleden was oid met huis uitruimen meegekregen
Eén grote farce dat ODESSA verhaal. Maar ja, Wiesenthal...
Over eigen ruiten ingooien van Priebke gesproken wat een lul zeg
Hij erkend op tv wat er gebeurt is. Als hij niet met die knakker gesproken had had hij zijn laatste adem wel in Bariloche uitgeblazen. Je zou zeggen dat hij wel geleerd had van de slager van Lyon en Eichmann.
Hij erkend op tv wat er gebeurt is. Als hij niet met die knakker gesproken had had hij zijn laatste adem wel in Bariloche uitgeblazen. Je zou zeggen dat hij wel geleerd had van de slager van Lyon en Eichmann.

Het probleem met WWII is dat ze bepaalde oorlogshandelingen voorstellen alsof ze 'uniek Duits' waren. Ik word er moe van eerlijk gezegd. Deze represaille kwam trouwens van hoger af. Priebke was maar een kapitein.

Partizanen & Represailles

Stalin threw everything he could at the invading German armies: and he did not play by the book. German soldiers were rightly terrified of falling into enemy hands alive. Savage reprisals were directed towards the civilian populations of the Soviet Union when German troops were slaughtered behind the lines. It was a policy that had been losing German armies friends since the time of the Franco-Prussian War, but it was an accepted 'usage' allowed by Article 453 of the British Manual of Military Law. As the Labour MP and KC Reginald Paget put it, 'It was really unreasonable to expect the Germans to fight these all-in wrestlers in accordance with the Queensberry rules.' The Americans were even more ruthless: 'one shot merited the destruction of a village. You will see the result in some heaps of rubble in Bavaria and Franconia. As they advanced, if a shot was fired from a village, they either stopped, or evacuated, and whistled up the air force. The isolated heaps of rubble in this relatively undamaged countryside are very striking. The result was that the Americans had very few casualties.'

De Frans-Pruisische Oorlog (1870-1871)

Regular armies have always detested guerrillas. In the Franco-Prussian War, some 58,000 French franc-tireurs killed around 1,000 Germans, and compelled the Prussians to deploy 120,000 men - a quarter of their army - to cover the lines of communication. 'We are beating them down pitilessly,' declared Bismarck. 'They are not soldiers. We are treating them as murderers.'

Waarom partizanen (o.a.) worden gehaat:

A British liberal historian, Thomas Arnold, wrote in 1842: "The truth is, that if war, carried out by regular armies under the strictest discipline, is yet a great evil, an irregular partisan warfare is an evil ten times more intolerable; it is in fact to give licence to a whole population to commit all sorts of treachery, rapine and cruelty, without any restraint; letting loose a multitude of armed men, with none of the obedience and none of the honorable feelings of the soldier..."

De Neurenberg Wet (twee citaten)

Under Nuremberg Law, the implication was that any officer who received what was later liable to be interpreted as a criminal command must refuse to carry it out, although - as Paget pointed out - both the British and American Manuals allowed superior orders to be used as a defense for 'criminal' actions. In reality that meant an officer had to resign his commission. In Nazi Germany the response would have been a court martial and a firing squad. Colonel General Beck did resign his command in 1938, and encouraged other generals to follow his example (none did), but that was not wartime.

The hypocrisy of Nuremberg Law alarmed many people. One was the Indian jurist Rahabinode Pal, a judge in the Tokyo trials, who dissented from the judgments, seeing the sentences meted out as retrogressive, 'a sham employment of a legal process for the satisfaction of a thirst for revenge'. Field Marshal Lord Montgomery also disapproved of the tenor of the trials that 'have made the waging of unsuccessful war a crime, for which the generals of the defeated side would be tried and then hanged'. He understood that if the Germans had won the war, he might have been put on trial himself. Shortly after a British Military Court in Hamburg sitting in the aptly named Curio-Haus had condemned Field Marshal Erich von Manstein to eighteen years in prison, the Korean War broke out, and the German press was happy to report that the American Army was accused of precisely the atrocities as the field Marshal.

Waarom Montgomery relevant is:

Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, commanding the British 21st Army Group in 1944, was a Brigade-Major fighting the Irish guerrillas in 1921. 'My whole attention was given to defeating the rebels,' he wrote, 'and it never bothered me a bit how many houses were burned. Any civilian or Republican, soldier or policeman, who interferes with any officer or soldier is shot at once.' Until domestic public opinion compelled them to rescind the order, the British employed a policy of Official Reprisals against the rebels, including the burning of houses of those who assisted them. General Maxwell executed the leaders of the 1916 uprising, and sent their followers to camps in England. 'My own view', Montgomery reflected later on his Irish experience, 'is that to win a war of that sort you have to be ruthless; Oliver Cromwell, or the Germans, would have settled it in a very short time.'

It is interesting that while General Eisenhower paid fulsome tribute to the contribution of the French résistants after the Liberation, Montgomery never displayed either interest in or respect for them. He always seemed to retain the regulars soldier's distaste for irregulars, whatever they fought for. He might have felt a sneaking sympathy for those Wehrmacht officers who asked during the Occupation in France why, if it was just for the British to shoot Sinn Feiners in 1921, it was unacceptable for the Germans to shoot French résistants bearing arms when their own government had signed an armistice with Germany?

Tekstboek oorlogsvoering bij de geallieerden:

The trial of the generals who had led the campaign in the Balkans was considered a watershed. For the first time the second tier, the generals who had acted on Hitler's orders, became responsible for massacres. The German advocates made a brave effort to prove that the taking and shooting of hostages as reprisals for acts committed by partisans or guerrillas was permitted in the British, American and French military manuals; and they pointed out that a similar charge had been controversial in the Kesselring trial, which the British held in Venice, and that the Manchester Guardian had thundered, 'This is not justice as we know it.'* They accused the British military sentencing a man to death for being a figurehead. Cross-examined, List pleaded a hard fight against non-regular forces. It was a Balkan war, 'harsh measures' needed to be taken against partisans who obeyed no laws, who fought 'Balkan-style, treacherous and atrocious...' It did List no good. Tito had been on the Allies' side.

* Kesselring's sentence was commuted to life. Both he and List were released in 1952.
(Kesselring was betrokken bij Ardeatine)

Een laatste interessante opmerking:

'I have always felt that the Geneva Convention is a dangerous piece of stupidity, because it leads people to believe that war can be civilized. It can't.' –John Tonkin (WWII SAS)

Over Ardeatine gesproken:


"When Adolf Galland, in charge of the fighters, reported the alarming development that American fighter planes with added-on fuel tanks had been able to accompany bombers as far as Aachen, Göring dismissed the report. He himself was an old fighter-pilot and knew this was impossible. A few planes must have been blown east by the wind. When Galland persisted, noting that some fighters had been shot down and identified on the ground, Göring lost his temper: 'I herewith give you an official order that they weren't there!' he shouted. Galland, a long cigar clamped between his teeth, gave way with deliberate irony. 'Orders are orders, sir,' he replied with, as Speer noted, 'an unforgettable smile'."
Heeft toch ook een kind verwekt in die contreien of was dat in Nord Pas de Calais?
Jean Loret? Is onderuit gehaald met een DNA test dacht ik. Hitler zou er trouwens geen fan van zijn geweest om te 'fraterniseren' met Franse dames.
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