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Originally posted by Freakyfreek
... Periactin bevorderd de eetlust, dat kan je gewoon aan je arts vragen en geeft hij zonder problemen een recept ....
Esperantisto zei:Raar...niemand die dit leest of zo?
Ergogenics al gezien? : http://www.ergogenics.org/index.html
Lichaamsbeweging in koud water prikkelt eetlust (sciencedaily.com) Na een aquarobic-sessie in koud water eten proefpersonen meer. "Caloric intake after exercise in cold water was 44 percent higher than exercise in warm water and 41 percent higher than in the resting periods. The students consumed a mean 877 calories after exercise in cold water, 608 calories after exercise in warm water and 618 after resting periods."
Exercise In Cold Water May Increase Appetite, UF Study Finds
GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- Exercise in cold water instead of warm water may increase people's appetites, making it harder for them to lose extra pounds, a University of Florida study finds.
Results indicate people may consume more calories after exercising in cold water, according to Lesley White, a UF researcher who designed the study to better understand why aquatic exercise is often less successful than equal amounts of jogging or cycling for people who want to lose weight....... etc.