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Heel gevaarlijk om conclusies te trekken uit dit soort observationeel onderzoek. Conclusies uit gerandomiseerd onderzoek:
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In summary, current WHI findings based on results from the intervention, postintervention, and cumulative follow-up phases do not support the use of either CEE plus MPA or CEE alone for chronic disease prevention. The risks of CEE plus MPA outweigh the benefits irrespective of a woman’s age; however, a more favorable risk-to-benefit ratio was seen in younger women with prior hysterectomy who received CEE alone. Increased risks of stroke and venous thrombosis, as well as gallstones and urinary incontinence, in both younger and older women remain a concern with both regimens. Even though hormone therapy is a reasonable option for the management of moderate to severe menopausal symptoms among generally healthy women during early menopause, the risks associated with hormone therapy, in conjunction with the multiple testing limitations attending subgroup analyses, preclude a recommendation in support of its use for disease prevention even among younger women. Current findings also suggest caution when considering hormone therapy treatment in older age groups, even in the presence of persistent vasomotor symptoms, given the high risk of CHD and other outcomes associated with hormone therapy use in this setting.

Ik snap overigens ook niet goed waarom je dit hier post. Dit heeft niets met AAS te maken en zoveel post-menopauzale vrouwen komen hier denk ik niet.
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