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Peterson: Yeonmi Park (mei 2021)

On this episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan was joined by Yeonmi Park. Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector and human rights activist trying to shine a light on the atrocities still being committed in North Korea by the current Kim regime. She wrote her experiences into a bestseller, ‘In Order to Survive.’ She tells stories of her childhood and escaping to remind the world of how terrible things are for North Koreans.

Jordan and Yeonmi discussed various topics, including her incredible story of escaping North Korea, being a slave in China, and her current opinions on issues in modern Eastern and Western society.

Peterson: Yeonmi Park (mei 2021)

On this episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan was joined by Yeonmi Park. Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector and human rights activist trying to shine a light on the atrocities still being committed in North Korea by the current Kim regime. She wrote her experiences into a bestseller, ‘In Order to Survive.’ She tells stories of her childhood and escaping to remind the world of how terrible things are for North Koreans.

Jordan and Yeonmi discussed various topics, including her incredible story of escaping North Korea, being a slave in China, and her current opinions on issues in modern Eastern and Western society.

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Damn, dit was echt een sterk interview. Het eerste gedeelte kon rechtstreeks uit 1984 komen en vervolgens de koppeling met haar ervaringen op de Amerikaanse universiteit en de situatie in Noord-Korea kwam ook wel binnen. Daar bovenop nog een duidelijk geëmotioneerde JP en een einde waar ze het allebei niet droog kunnen houden. Right in the feels.
Het gedeelte over universiteiten is tenenkrommend.
Rubin: Glenn Loury (mei 2021)

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Brown university economist Glenn Loury about why it’s controversial for a black man to be against diversity and inclusion, affirmative action, and reparations. Glenn also shares his thoughts on why the narrative of systemic racism and racial disparities is wrong and how the Democratic party pushes lies to get the support of black voters. Glenn first explains his background, thoughts on COVID, reopening schools and how he came to be a minority voice that supports neoliberalism, capitalism, and free trade. He also explains why he is critical of diversity and inclusion trainings, affirmative action in higher education and why slavery reparations would be a disaster for this country. Glenn describes how the U.S. has come as close as it possibly can to solving institutional racism and why people hold on to the belief that systemic racism is the reason for racial inequality. Glenn discusses Thomas Sowell and his book ”Discrimination and Disparities”. Glenn talks about why racial disparities have always existed and perfect equality is the historic abnormality. There have always been disparities between different groups and blaming systemic racism does not explain why the disparities occur. Glenn outlines the hard work that needs to be done if society wants to eliminate racial disparities in education and income. Glenn also talks about how the single parent family is far too often a typical example of a black family in the black community. He stresses how damaging an absent father can be on a child’s future. He also discusses how the war on poverty has helped some, but also harmed many others by the welfare state creating a poverty trap. Glenn shares why he views himself as an independent and not a Republican or Democrat. He gives his thoughts on how Democrats have fanned the flames of the racism bogeyman in a cynical attempt to get more of the black vote. Glenn also explains how Barack Obama missed many opportunities to engage the country in an honest conversation about race. He also calls out Michelle Obama for saying that she fears for the safety of her daughters. Glenn demands that if African-Americans want to start eliminating these disparities they need to stop playing the victim. The victim mentality will only encourage society to lower the bar for what is possible from African-Americans.
—Link Dood
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On this episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan is joined by Rex Murphy. Rex is a Canadian commentator and author who deals primarily with Canadian political and social matters. He is best known for working on and for CBC Here and Now, CBC Radio 1’s Cross Country Checkup, writing for The Globe and Mail and writing for The National Post. He is a well-recognised and loved figure.

Rex Murphy and I sit down to discuss a variety of topics including his impressive career, Canadian politics, western culture, the woke culture wars, changes in universities, the crumbling study of the humanities, New Finland, Toronto, and more. Find more Rex Murphy by searching his name for articles and in his book
Ongeveer... Alleen ingekort.

Journalist David Fuller made the first full documentary about Jordan Peterson, and also used to work at Channel 4 News as producer and reporter for over a decade. He takes a close look at the recent viral interview with Cathy Newman and uses this cultural watershed to unpack the deeper political, psychological and archetypal levels of the clash.

Uit 2018

On this episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan is joined by Rex Murphy. Rex is a Canadian commentator and author who deals primarily with Canadian political and social matters. He is best known for working on and for CBC Here and Now, CBC Radio 1’s Cross Country Checkup, writing for The Globe and Mail and writing for The National Post. He is a well-recognised and loved figure.

Rex Murphy and I sit down to discuss a variety of topics including his impressive career, Canadian politics, western culture, the woke culture wars, changes in universities, the crumbling study of the humanities, New Finland, Toronto, and more. Find more Rex Murphy by searching his name for articles and in his book
Spine requires calcium and there's no milk in CBC, none.

Peterson: Rima Azar (juni 2021)

Jordan is joined by Dr. Rima Azar. Dr. Rima Azar is an Associate Professor of health psychology at Mount Allison University, co-founder and co-director of NaviCare/SoinNavi, and a former holder of a CIHR New Investigator salary award in Developmental Psychoneuroimmunology. Dr. Rima Azar and Jordan sat down to discuss the importance of free speech and what happened with the recent controversy surrounding her blog, as well as what led to her suspension at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick.
Jordan B. Peterson - Bari Weiss and The New York Times (Jun 10, 2021)

Jordan Peterson is joined by Bari Weiss. Bari Weiss is a journalist and author. She has worked as an opinion writer and editor at the New York Times, before that she was an OP editor and book reviewer at the Wallstreet Journal, and a senior editor at tablet magazine. Bari now writes for herself on SubStack. Jordan and Bari Weiss discussed her career, the circumstances surrounding her resignation from the New York Times, the aftermath of her famous resignation letter which criticized the New York Times, Twitter and social media, the phrase “Systemic Racism”, the work she is doing now, and much more.
Jordan B. Peterson - Michael Malice

Michael Malice is a New York City-based author, podcaster, columnist, and media personality. He is a champion and proponent of free speech, anarchy, and many other non-mainstream ideals.

Nog niet helemaal af geluisterd maar is een hard-core libertair, met uitspraken zoals dat alle politieke invloed onrechtmatige dwang veroorzaakt, dus mag hem wel. Komt wellicht beter (meer uitgebreid) tot z'n recht in gesprekken met Lex Fridman. oa die samen met Yaron Brook (van het Ayn Rand Institute) https://www.youtube.com/c/lexfridman/search?query=malice
Valt me trouwens tegen van JP dat hij niet echt bekend lijkt met libertair denken.

Hij ziet wel alle problemen en 'corruptie' in de machtstructuren. Zo'n beetje z'n hele content draait er om. Maar er iets aan doen mag niet want je bent zelf ook niet perfect.

Laatst in de QA ging JP ook los op een viewer's vraag hoe de corruptie aan te pakken. Dat mag niet want hij zal zelf ook corrupt zijn. Zo'n instelling heb je toch niks aan. En wel geloven in bureaucraten die goed op hem over komen, die zijn niet onbewust corrupt?

Zou denken dat hij wel weet dat ook moraliteit en integriteit als karaktereigenschappen verschillend onder individuen verdeeld zijn en niet iedereen dezelfde fouten zou maken. Of dat systemen ingericht moeten worden om individuele rechten in acht te nemen en geen bureaucraatjes die onder zogenaamde goede bedoelingen tot macht worden aangetrokken alle mogelijkheid geven om willens of wetens ontelbare levens te ruïneren.

Leuk als psycholoog maar politiek snap ik hem niet.

(wel met hem eens dat anarchie/anarcho-capitalism me de oplossing niet lijkt te zijn)
Laatst bewerkt:
CIS: David Goodman (juni 2021)

With the Australian and Chinese governments arguing in increasingly shrill tones, has Australia really "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people"? In China's official view of the world, the Party and the people are one. But is that really true? And how is the Party's role in society changing in the 21st century?

This week, we talk to Prof David Goodman about the role that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) plays in Chinese society -- and that society plays in the CCP. Our regular host Salvatore Babones will be asking him about citizen petitioning in China, how "Party committees" work, and what ordinary people think about the CCP.

Just who is the Communist Party? With more than 90 million members, it can hardly be the monolith that many of us imagine outside China. We're all familiar with big names like Xi Jinping, but what about local cadres, ordinary professionals, or the Party member next door? Join us as we draw on Prof Goodman's decades of study of (and life in) contemporary China.

David S.G. Goodman is Professor Emeritus of Chinese Politics at the University of Sydney. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia and has served as a senior administrator at the University of Sydney, at UTS, and at Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University (XJTLU) in Suzhou, China.
Zat me trouwens een beetje af te vragen of die corona gerelateerde gasten van Darkhorse podcast geen gekkies zijn. (uitvinder van mRNA technologie??? zelf benoemd? en die Pierre Kory over Ivermectin) Video's worden ook verwijderd door youtube, zoals deze: https://www.bitchute.com/video/-_NNTVJzqtY/

Had je die een beetje gekeken Arminius en wat vond je er van? Betrouwbare gasten, of terecht dat Youtube ze geen podium geeft?
Nee, nog niet gekeken. Dat corona gedoe probeer ik eigenlijk een beetje te vermijden. :o
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