
Jedi Eric battles the Dark Side

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Freaky Bodybuilder
15 jaar lid
Lid geworden
11 okt 2002
Beetje flauw, maar toch wel inspirerend misschien? Geplukt van de Weightlifting webstek van Rickey Dale Crain, de wereldkampioen powerliften lichtgewicht..

Jedi Eric battles the Dark Side

[Powerlifting Jedi RDC and young recruit Eric in the secret training center in Shawnee, OK]

[Eric after finishing a set of deads]

Eric: "Do I really need to deadlift *every* week, Master RDC?"

RDC: "My son, sit down you must. Learn much you will."

Eric: "Yes, Master RDC."

RDC: "Beware the Dark Side my son"

Eric: "I will, Master RDC."

RDC: "The Power of the Dark Side is strong, my son, but stronger you must be."

Eric: "I understand, Master."

RDC: "Remember you must,, more important are they than any routine."

Eric: "Yes, Master. I must master my form."

Eric: "But Master, how can I fight The Dark Side? It is very strong."

RDC: "Young Jedi, do it alone you cannot, my son. You must use The Force......The Force of GENESIS."

Eric: "GENESIS, Master?"

RDC: "Yes, my son. Strong The Dark Side is, but The Force of GENESIS much stronger it is."

RDC: "The Force is strong in you, my son. But master it you must. Stray you must not, from The Force of GENESIS."

RDC: "Now, my son, go and practice, you must, your form wtih an empty bar."

Eric: "An empty bar, Master? But I am must stronger than that."

RDC: "Much to learn you have, young Jedi, much to learn......"

[Young Jedi Eric Stone once again battles the power of the Dark Side. Stone is in the secret Jedi training facility in Shawnee, OK, with Master RDC and Obi-Wan Hatfield.]

[Eric finishes a set of squats, and questions his mentors]

Eric: Master RDC and Obi-Wan Hatfield, do you think my squats would be better if I used bands?

RDC: Much to learn, much to learn young Jedi. Bands, change form they more important they are.

Hatfield: My son, bands are not needed at the higher weights. By using the Force of CAT, you will work the entire movement, and the weight will be too heavy for inertia to hurt you.

Eric: The Force of CAT Obi-Wan?

Hatfield: Yes, my son, CAT is compensatory Accelleration Training. You must use speed, and push hard throughout the whole movement.

RDC: Wise he speaks young one. Speed important it is.

Hatfield: Beware of the Dark Side my son....

[Obi-Wan Hatfield leaves the room, leaving only Jedi Stone and Master RDC]

Eric: Master, how do I resist the Dark Side. Will I not become bored with the routine of the Force?

RDC: Routine of the Force, important it is. Followed the routine of the Force, for many years we have.

Eric: I must continue to follow the routine of the Force then? Won't I hit plateau, Master?

RDC: My son, plateus you may hit. Lead you through the Force will. Remember my son, more important than routine they are.

Eric: The Dark Side is tempting, how can I protect myself?

[Master RDC pauses, and picks up the garmet that protect the Jedis, the GENESIS POWER SUIT]

RDC: Wear this suit you must, protect from the Dark Side it will.

[After 30 minutes, Eric finally struggles into the GENESIS POWER SUIT]

Eric: Master, is the Force of GENESIS supposed to be this hard to attain?

RDC: Do you not think something worth attaining, hard it will be to attain?

[RDC pulls the straps up on Eric's GENESIS POWER SUIT]

RDC: Back into it, you must go, with the Force of GENESIS. Five sets of five you must do.....

misschien niet zo grappig maar wel zeer goed gevonden
dacht ik ook.. ben fan van RDC (Rickey Dale Crain) , het is een sympathieke gozer en Hatfield is de grote SQUAT-expert.. hier is Spike de squat-expert dacht ik, maar zelfs hij kan nog wel wat van RDC bijleren dacht ik zo...

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