
Krijg je meer vet van suikers?

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Cool Novice
Lid geworden
1 jul 2021
1 Stel je eet 2900 calorien aan suikers verzadigde vetten en al die slechte zooi voor de bulk

2 stel je eet 2900 calorien aan haver producten volkoren groente fruit etc

in beide gevallen krijg je genoeg eiwitten binnen.

met welk methode bouw je meer spiermassa op?
Met welke methode krijg je het meeste vet op je
Volgens mij is het thermische effect van geraffineerde suikers en junkfood lager waardoor je het dus 10-15% slomer verbrand dan clean eten
Maar kan het ook mis hebben hier
Voor je gewicht maakt het waarschijnlijk niet zoveel verschil. Voor je gezondheid wel degelijk. Zie onderstaand artikel.

Health is more than just ‘calories in vs. calories out’​

While the “calories in versus calories out” model matters for weight loss, not all calories are created equal when it comes to your health.
That’s because different foods have different effects on various processes in your body, regardless of calorie contents.

The source of calories impacts your hormones and health differently​

Different foods can affect your hormone levels in different ways.
The differing effects of glucose and fructose serve as a good example. These two simple sugars provide the same number of calories per gram, but your body metabolizes them in completely different ways (18Trusted Source).
A diet too rich in added fructose is linked to insulin resistance, increased blood sugar levels, and higher triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels than a diet providing the same number of calories from glucose (19Trusted Source).
That said, fruit, which contains natural fructose along with fiber and water, does not have the same negative effects.
What’s more, the type of fat present in your diet can have different effects on your reproductive hormone levels. For instance, diets rich in polyunsaturated fats appear to boost fertility in healthy women (20Trusted Source).
What’s more, replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats in your diet may further lower your risk of heart disease, even though both types provide the same number of calories per gram (21Trusted Source).

The types of food you eat affect how full you feel​

Your nutrient intake impacts your hunger and feelings of fullness.
For instance, eating a 100-calorie serving of beans will reduce your hunger much more effectively than eating a 100-calorie serving of candy.
That’s because foods rich in protein or fiber are more filling than foods containing lower amounts of these nutrients (22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source, 24Trusted Source).
The candy, which is low in fiber and protein, is much more likely to lead you to overeat later in the day, reducing the likelihood that your “calories in” will match your “calories out.”
Similarly, fructose tends to increase levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin more than glucose does.
It also doesn’t stimulate the fullness centers in your brain in the same way as glucose, so you won’t feel as full after eating fructose as you would after eating glucose (25Trusted Source, 26Trusted Source).
This is why most processed foods that are rich in fructose but devoid of protein or fiber generally make it more difficult for you to maintain an energy balance.

The source of calories has different effects on your metabolism​

Foods affect your metabolism differently. For instance, some require more work to digest, absorb, or metabolize than others. The measure used to quantify this work is called the thermic effect of food (TEF).
The higher the TEF, the more energy a food requires to be metabolized. Protein has the highest TEF, while fat has the lowest. This means that a high-protein diet requires more calories to be metabolized than a lower-protein diet does (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).
This is why eating protein is often said to boost your metabolism to a greater extent than eating carbs or fat. That said, when it comes to weight loss, the TEF of foods appears to have only a small effect on your calorie balance (27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source, 29Trusted Source).

Different foods can impact your hormones, hunger, feelings of fullness, and metabolism differently, regardless of the number of calories they contain. Thus, when it comes to your health, not all calories are created equal.

Why nutrient density matters​

The amount of nutrients a food contains per calorie can vary greatly.
Nutrient-dense foods provide higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial compounds per gram compared with less nutrient-dense foods.
For instance, fruits are much more nutrient-dense than donuts. Calorie for calorie, fruit will provide a much larger dose of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds.
Other examples of nutrient-dense foods include vegetables, whole grains, legumes, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds.
On the other hand, processed foods, including white pasta, soda, cookies, chips, ice cream, and alcohol are considered to have a low nutrient density.
Diets rich in nutrient-dense foods are consistently linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, and may even help you live longer (30Trusted Source, 31Trusted Source).
The “calories in versus calories out” model fails to take nutrient density into account, which is a good reason to doubt its relevance when it comes to your health.

Calorie for calorie, nutrient-dense foods benefit your health much more than nutrient-poor ones. The “calories in versus calories out” model fails to take this into account, reducing its relevance when it comes to your health.

The bottom line​

From a strictly biological perspective, the “calories in versus calories out” model matters for weight loss.
You will only lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn, regardless of the types of food you eat.
However, this model fails to take nutrient density into account, which is highly relevant to your health. Moreover, different foods can impact your hormones, metabolism, hunger, and feelings of fullness differently, in turn influencing your calorie intake.
Practically speaking, some foods can make it easier for you to remain at a healthy weight, all while optimizing your overall health. Focusing solely on calories may cause you to miss the big picture.
1 Stel je eet 2900 calorien aan suikers verzadigde vetten en al die slechte zooi voor de bulk

2 stel je eet 2900 calorien aan haver producten volkoren groente fruit etc

in beide gevallen krijg je genoeg eiwitten binnen.

met welk methode bouw je meer spiermassa op?
Met welke methode krijg je het meeste vet op je

Wat denk je zelf?

Is het beter om super premium benzine in je auto te stoppen of te pissen in je brandstoftank?
Ik begrijp dat de gezonde opties natuurlijk beter zijn voor je lijf. Maar als je puur kijkt naar vetmassa en spiermassa. Wat zijn de verschillen?
Het lijkt me logisch dat een gezond lichaam zonder inflammation, een verneukte insulinegevoeligheid, slechte bloedlipiden, hormonale disbalansen etc etc veroorzaakt door een slecht dieet veel beter presteert in alle opzichten, zo ook bij het opbouwen van spiermassa en het verbranden van vet.

Wat het exacte verschil is uitgedrukt in cijfers zal niemand je precies kunnen vertellen. Hoe is dat te onderzoeken?
snelle suikers leveren een grotere insuline piek op dan trage suikers. De verhoogde suikerspiegel moet zo snel mogelijk weer naar normale waardes en deze suikers worden omgezet in glycogeen. Is je glycogeenvoorraad vol, dan zal je vanaf dat moment automatisch vet aanmaken. Dit om je bloedsuikerspiegel binnen de juiste waardes te houden.
Met trage suikers kan er nog steeds vet worden aangemaakt bij een volle glycogeenvoorraad, maar je activiteit op dat moment zal de suikers ook langer nuttig kunnen gebruiken ipv het geval bij hele heftige suikerpieken. Ik voel me persoonlijk ook veel beter bij tragere suikers, bij snelle suikers krijg ik ook mega dips in energie (ogen vallen dicht)
Hoge insulinepiek zorg voor meer groeien, er zijn zelfs BBers die het via een spuitje verhogen
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