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[Leuk stukje tekst]Women Stimulate Men to Take Anabolic Steroids Without Even Knowing!

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Dutch Bodybuilder
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14 apr 2016
Women Stimulate Men to Take Anabolic Steroids Without Even Knowing!


We say that we train only for ourselves, but that is a huge lie.

No one begins lifting just to feel good. The main reason to start training is visual. We want muscles and visible abs. Feeling good and being athletic is a nice side effect but never the main motivator. It’s always about the looks because they have a high impact on your social life.

You can deadlift 500 lbs? Who cares besides other men in the dungeon?

You can do a side split? Who cares besides your karate teacher?

It’s not about what you can do. It’s about what you look like you can do. It’s about the fantasy. And nothing stimulates hallucinating better than looks.

What do women see in handsome men? They see a mystery. They see a romance. They see a dream that will never end. A man can be super boring, but if his eyes and face make the woman dream, she will be attracted like there is no tomorrow.

As I’ve said before, better-looking people can get away with a lot. Brad Pitt or an equivalent can wear dirty clothes and women will still be ‘miring. Someone who is ugly, bald and short can wear Gucci shoes of the highest order, but no one will notice. That guy is not as inspiring as the mysterious handsome guy.

At the end of the day, the number one reason to start training is “for the bitches”.

Say what you want, but I already know that this has been a huge part of your motivation. I know it from first-hand experience.

Naturally, this means that the primary goal of your training is hypertrophy a.k.a. muscle construction.

You don’t do pull-ups because they are a divine exercise. You do them because you think that they will build your back and arms. And you want to build your back and arms to impress not only yourself but those around you as well.

Women Want To Be Fucked By Slayers
Social media spoiled women. Go to the profile of any girl you know on Facebook. Click on her picture. How many likes? Usually, the number of likes is at least half the number of friends. Underneath you will also find many politically correct comments expressing great admiration towards her. The saddest comments are those coming from begging wannabe Romeos:

”You are perfect.”
”You are so cute.”
”Kill’em girl”
” Your eyes are amazing.”
”Your legs are extra-terrestrial.”
”I would do everything to be with you.”
”I can sense that you smell like roses from here.”

{Give me a break.}

As a result, the ego of the woman in question is boosted into the orbit. That’s why women spend so much time on Facebook and walk while texting on their phones. Just look around! You will see many girls holding iFones as metal detectors. And, boy, they are not looking for Pokemons! They are looking for validation and self-esteem boosters. Social media works great for this.

Back in the day, girls who were 4/10 knew it. Today, girls who are 4/10 think they are 7/10 thanks to the constant ego stimulation coming from the digital world.

This creates a big problem.

When women think too highly of themselves they want MORE and MORE and MORE.

“I deserve better than this,” says Barbie and leaves Ken for Bobby The Abs.

This peculiar phenomenon is clearly seen in the dating sites and apps for smartphones, which are very popular right now.

Here’s what’s really happening there. Those sites are flooded with men and bots. For every woman in a dating app, there are 50 men and 10 bots. In other words, 50 men are fighting for a very limited amount of women. Out of those women, some make Shrek’s girlfriend look like a model. This limits the female pool even further and increases the competition between men. When the competition is high only the best win. You may be a 7/10 guy and yet rejected by a woman who is barely 5/10 with make-up done by a pro. I kid you not, kid. Think of it as the Olympics. Haha. There are many competitors. All of them are good. The difference between 1st and 10th place could be less than a second. However, there are only three medals and everyone is fighting for them.

Social Media Facilitates The Connection Between Slayers and Women
Everything happens through social media these days. Your profile is your digital soul. In American Psycho people were killing each other over business cards. Today, we kill each other over digital likes.

People say that social media makes the world more connected. It’s true in some situations. Right now I can write to almost any superstar through Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Of course, I will probably be talking to some PR experts, but my message would be still closer to the addressee. Previously this was completely impossible.

Ultimately, social media allows the so-called playboys carrying the ”f**k me now without asking questions” physique to connect with all kinds of girls.

This elevates the requirements for men because women see what’s available on the market and buy it.

I have seen average looking girls carrying cellulite for days chat with 10 or more ”slayers” on their phones at the same time. When you combine their awareness with their inflated egos, it’s hard to make them settle for less at least at the beginning when they are simply looking for “adventures”.

The Porn Effect
Porn and movies amplify the effect explained above.

When the human mind is exposed to footage presented in sex clips it’s deformed forever.

Back in the day, we didn’t have the Internet. We couldn’t just write “sex” in Google and see all there is to see plus a lot more that is better to never be seen. Nevertheless, my first exposure to extreme nudity and perversion came through computers. In the past, we exchanged CDs. There were no torrents. A friend of my father gave him a CD with a pirated program on it. On the CD there were also sex pictures. I checked them as you can probably guess. Some of them were “normal”, but there were also sick hardcore images that stuck with me forever. The effect of the sex information flooding around cannot be ignored.

Today, kids are born with phones and tablets constantly connected to the Internet. Their minds are perverted from a very young age. In my days, kids that were under 10 weren’t talking about blowjobs and d**k size. Today…

Porn is one of the many things that form your perception about what’s expected sexually from you. The reality, however, is that porn actors are on roids and take drugs that support long erections. This seems like a clear fact to me and yet many behave like porn is a normal sexual behavior. Consequently, some boys take drugs to recreate what they have seen in the XXX movies.

How Do You Bridge The Gap? How Do You Become Competitive?
You have to control the controllable. Obliviously, you are stuck with your genetics. You can’t become taller, shorter, prettier or cuter. The only thing left is to get a bath and build a physique that competes with the playboys.

But who are those guys? Those would be the Jeff Seids, Zyzzes and the Hodge Twins of the world. You see their pictures in photo shoots, on the cover of magazines, in Instagram posts, on YouTube…everywhere. People start to think anyone who lifts should look like that.

Many years ago, I told a friend of mine that I was planning to make a website about lifting. I had a 370 lbs deadlift, 290 lbs, squat and a 180 lbs close grip bench press. He looked at me and said: ”Wouldn’t you be ashamed to make a website about lifting when you look like a stick?” As painful as it was, I understood what he meant. People expect you to look like the lifting experts on TV and YouTube. Otherwise, you are not an expert. You are a loser.

Women do not make an exception.

Females may not be into Mr. Olympia, but many admire the aesthetic crew. They love it like a boy loves tight tits. Even those who say that ”the essential is invisible to the eyes” will be looking when a ”slayer” is undressing. In fact, those fake saints would be looking more than the rest.

This requirement literally pushes some people into steroids. Boys are way more inclined to pin when they know that more girls will want them sexually.

Yes, in this case, I am talking about sexual attraction specifically. Obviously, the lifestyle of a bodybuilder living from injection to injection is hard to explain to a woman. That’s why many bodybuilders have ugly wives resembling a building that was started but never completed. They use their wives as servants mixing the elixirs. Very rarely you will see a bodybuilder marry one of those high maintenance women that look like models. That’s because there’s a conflict of interest in the family. The two of them will be competing for the same spotlight.

The ironic part is that women do not even realize that they are doing such a significant damage to the ocean of thirsty men out there. In their eyes, they just want the best for them and try to take it. They don’t care what about the pain required to build such a physique. They simply want it.

The effect is increased by the fact that the world has never been more ”look at me” and materialistic.

Thanks to the front-facing cameras, people are even more focused on looks and status for good or for bad.

However, trying to satisfy other people’s requirements seems to be a dead end street. There’s always something more, and you are always the victim. That’s why it’s better to seek inner approval rather than transforming into something for the sake of being accepted by someone who doesn’t know much about anything in the first place.

Source: Women Stimulate Men to Take Anabolic Steroids Without Even Knowing! | NattyOrNot.com
We say that we train only for ourselves, but that is a huge lie.

No one begins lifting just to feel good. The main reason to start training is visual. We want muscles and visible abs. Feeling good and being athletic is a nice side effect but never the main motivator. It’s always about the looks because they have a high impact on your social life.

You can deadlift 500 lbs? Who cares besides other men in the dungeon?
Moet hier gewoon om lachen. Dit is door iemand geschreven met een totaal gebrek aan inlevingsvermogen en projecteert zijn eigen gedachten op elke sporter in de wereld. Andere gedachten bestaan niet en zijn bijvoorbaat onzin.

Het begint bij de fantasie van kleine jongens en geen kind van 3 of 4 geeft aan dat ze graag gespierd willen zijn, ze willen vaak (niet allemaal) de sterkste zijn. Sterk zijn is ook een van de belangrijkste eigenschappen van de man als we kijken naar primair gedrag van de mens. Sterker nog het is in de natuur de belangrijkste eigenschap voor een mannetje tot een succesvol leven. Het zit in het DNA van alle levende wezens en daarom is het niet zo vreemd dat kinderen deze gedachten hebben. Kinderen stoeien en vechten al vanaf jonge leeftijd zoals dat ook bij dieren het geval is, sterk is functioneel gespierd niet.
Moet hier gewoon om lachen. Dit is door iemand geschreven met een totaal gebrek aan inlevingsvermogen en projecteert zijn eigen gedachten op elke sporter in de wereld. Andere gedachten bestaan niet en zijn bijvoorbaat onzin.

Het begint bij de fantasie van kleine jongens en geen kind van 3 of 4 geeft aan dat ze graag gespierd willen zijn, ze willen vaak (niet allemaal) de sterkste zijn. Sterk zijn is ook een van de belangrijkste eigenschappen van de man als we kijken naar primair gedrag van de mens. Sterker nog het is in de natuur de belangrijkste eigenschap voor een mannetje tot een succesvol leven. Het zit in het DNA van alle levende wezens en daarom is het niet zo vreemd dat kinderen deze gedachten hebben. Kinderen stoeien en vechten al vanaf jonge leeftijd zoals dat ook bij dieren het geval is, sterk is functioneel gespierd niet.

gespierd eruit zien is ook functioneel. tegen wie doe jij eerder stoer? tegen een magere gast of een spierbundel van 130kg..
er zit waarheid in dat stuk... iemand die dat ontkent liegt of weet niet hoe het in elkaar zit.
Nu zeg ik niet dat elke kerel die traint het vooral voor de wijfjes doet maar je kan toch niet ontkennen dat
het er mee te maken heeft.

Iedereen van ons herinnert zich wel de momenten dat de eerste complimenten van de meisjes ontvangen werden
en dat het leuk was om ze te horen.
Nu ben ik er 40 en interesseert me dat niet zo meer maar als je 20 bent is dat een heel ander verhaal
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Waarderingen: Cal_
De kern van waarheid van dit verhaal is groter als de som van onze ego's :p

Al heb ik een 10/10 vriendin gehad als 3/10 jongen.. dus ook zonder zo'n fysiek kun je er wel komen :p
Naar boven