XXL Nutrition

Macros per maaltijd

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Cool Novice
Lid geworden
8 apr 2016

maakt het veel Uit als Je bv 100 gram eiwit in één maaltijd hebt?
Na een lange werkdag eet ik wel eens 200-400 gr kipfilet met nog eens 100 gr pasta of rijst ongekookt.

meestal zijn mijn avondmaaltijden boven de 60 gr eiwit
Het gaat om het totaal per dag.
Kleine toevoeging op bovenstaande (in de categorie ''nice to know''):

''Based on these findings, consuming only 1 or 2 meals a day will likely not optimize total daily protein balance and this study indicates that adding a snack may still not suffice for maximum gains. You probably need 3 protein servings above the leucine threshold of ~0.3 g/kg protein, roughly over 20 g high-quality protein per meal. Click here to read my more detailed article on the effect of meal frequency on protein balance.

A notable limitation of the study is that the subjects could do their workouts in either the morning or evening class, so it was unclear how the protein distribution in each group matched with their anabolic windows.

In conclusion, this study adds to the evidence that you probably need to consume a minimum of 3 meals a day with at least 0.3 g/kg protein in each meal for maximum muscle growth.''
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