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Circuit: 10x dips / Squat*lunge*squat*lunge*squat


Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion


Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 20
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week two (Day five)

-Hammer curls
-Side chest compression
-Leg press
-Triceps pushdown

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

25sec. isometric contraction followed by 30 reps
3 rounds

Core/abs, various movements

Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

Circuit: 3x Rocking chair burpees/3x Ab wheel/3x Dips/3x Atlas curls/3x Squat/5sec. L-sit

10 rounds

Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

X3 bar deadlift

3 x 10 x strong band
1 x 8 x monster band
1 x 5 x monster + strong band

X3 bar hack squat

2 x 6 x monster band + strong band


1 x 15 x monster band

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

X3 bar Savickas press

1 x 15 x medium band
1 x 10 x strong band
1 x 12 x strong band

X3 bar upright row

2 x 10 x strong band


Total reps, 100x/each side

Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 21
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week three (Day one)

-Chest compression
-Archer pull
-Cable spread
-Biceps curls

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

20sec. isometric contraction followed by 20 reps
3 rounds
Morgen is het auto-ongeluk 2 weken geleden en ik blijf er (onbewust?) de hele tijd mee in mijn hoofd zitten, apart want normaal kan ik dingen altijd goed relativeren en/of van me afzetten.
De toxische reacties en onbegrip van sommigen terwijl ik 100% in mijn recht was helpen ook niet mee denk ik en het ontneemt me nu even mijn drive en mijn motivatie (insiders know).
Ik krijg nu het gevoel dat er een VOOR en NA is.
Aan dat meisje dat oververmoeid in haar auto kroop en me van de weg reedt, dank u wel om alles in mijn leven overhoop te gooien.

(Even een beetje ventileren om niet helemaal gek te worden)


Ik doe mijn best :o
Morgen is het auto-ongeluk 2 weken geleden en ik blijf er (onbewust?) de hele tijd mee in mijn hoofd zitten, apart want normaal kan ik dingen altijd goed relativeren en/of van me afzetten.
De toxische reacties en onbegrip van sommigen terwijl ik 100% in mijn recht was helpen ook niet mee denk ik en het ontneemt me nu even mijn drive en mijn motivatie (insiders know).
Ik krijg nu het gevoel dat er een VOOR en NA is.
Aan dat meisje dat oververmoeid in haar auto kroop en me van de weg reedt, dank u wel om alles in mijn leven overhoop te gooien.

(Even een beetje ventileren om niet helemaal gek te worden)


Ik doe mijn best :o
Je was er eerst nog zo luchtig over!🙈 goed dat je er bij stil staat toch!

Het had ook anders af kunnen lopen…🤗 beetje van je af praten is altijd goed.

Het is gebeurd en iedereen maakt fouten, ook de dame die je van de weg reed. Probeer het van je af te zetten🤗
Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 21
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week three (Day two)

-Calf toe press
-Door frame shoulder press (modified)
-Triceps pushdown

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

20sec. isometric contraction followed by 30 reps
3 rounds
Jumping jacks variations/Squat variations (warm up)

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 21
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week three (Day three)

-Seated obliques
-Straight arms pushdown
-Overhead compression
-Lower chest compression

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

25sec. isometric contraction followed by 35 reps
3 rounds
Warm up: Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees variations

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 21
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week three (Day four)

-Seated stiff legged deadlift against two Bullworkers
-Seated crunches
-Compression behind the head
-Lat pulldown

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

30sec. isometric contraction followed by 10 reps
3 rounds

Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees /Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 21
Power rep super size and strenght. Phase 8. Week three (Day five)

-Hammer curls
-Side chest compression
-Leg press
-Triceps extension behind the head

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

25sec. isometric contraction followed by 30 reps
1 round

Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees

Mace (6kg)

360°swings, 1 round
10 to 2, 1 round

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion


5x Jumping jacks
5x Squats
5x 4-count burpees
5x Jumping jacks
5x Squats
5x 1-pump burpees
5x Jumping jacks
5x Squats
5x Navy seal burpees
5x Jumping jacks
5x Squats
5x 8-count bodybuilders

Dragon flag, L-sit, head stand, frog stand, hand stand push

Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees/Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 22
Power ten strenght program. Phase 9. Week one (Day one)

-Chest compression
-Side chest compression
-Compression behind the back
-Lat pulldown
-Cable spread

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

10 reps, each rep perform a 10sec. isometric contraction
2 rounds

2kg wooden clubbells

-Shield cast
-Clubbell rotational warm up sequence
-Clubbell spiral drill
-Clubbell flip, grip, slip, swipe sequence
-Hand to hand bullwhip
-2 hands swipe
1 round

Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees/Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 22
Power ten strenght program. Phase 9. Week one (Day two)

-Archer pull
-Hammer curls
-Biceps curls
-Triceps pushdown
-Seated calf toe press

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

10 reps, each rep perform a 10sec. isometric contraction
2 rounds

Mace (6kg)

10 to 2
2 rounds
One arm swings
1 round

Jumping jacks/Squats/Burpees/Dynamic tension/Muscle control/Isotonics/Iso-motion

The ultimate Bullworker rep range workout (Book two) Week 22
Power ten strenght program. Phase 9. Week one (Day one)

-Chest compression
-Low chest compression
-Compression behind the back
-Lat pulldown
-Cable spread

Rep speed contract 1sec., release 2sec.

10 reps, each rep perform a 10sec. isometric contraction
1 round
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