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Omega 3 tegen dementie

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8 jan 2005
FRIDAY, Nov. 17 (HealthDay News) -- Adding further weight to the theory that fish may be brain food, new research found that people with diets rich in fish have a significantly lower risk of dementia and
Alzheimer's disease.

The key appears to be docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that appears to affect dementia risk and to be important for the proper functioning of the central nervous system.

"If you have a high level of DHA, a fatty acid found in fish, it reduced your risk of dementia by about half," said study lead researcher Dr. Ernst J. Schaefer, senior scientist and director of the Lipid Metabolism Laboratory at the Jean Mayer U.S.
Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.

It's known that omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart and the circulatory system. "Just as fish is good for your heart, it's probably good for your brain as well," Schaefer said.

Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in DHA.

The study findings are published in the November issue of the Archives of Neurology.

In the study, Schaefer and his colleagues collected data on DHA levels and dementia in 899 men and women who were part of the Framingham Heart Study. Over nine years of follow-up, 99 people developed dementia, including 71 with Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers found that people with the highest blood levels of DHA had a 47 percent lower risk of developing dementia and a 39 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer's, compared with those with lower DHA levels.

Levels of DHA in the blood vary by how much the liver converts alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid, to DHA and also by the amount of DHA in the diet, the researchers noted.

People with the highest blood levels of DHA said they ate an average of two to three servings of fish a week. People with lower DHA levels ate substantially less fish, the researchers reported.

Schaefer thinks the same benefit can be realized by taking fish-oil supplements. "Everything that we know suggests that supplements would be as effective as eating fish," he said. "Since low fish intake appears to be a risk factor for developing dementia, either eat more fish or use one or two fish oil capsules a day."

However, Schaefer added that a randomized clinical trial is still needed to see if DHA really protects the brain from dementia.

Martha Clare Morris is an epidemiologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and author of an accompanying editorial in the journal. "This is the first study to link blood levels of DHA to protection against Alzheimer's disease," she said, adding that recent animal studies have shown that DHA reduces amyloid plaques -- a hallmark of Alzheimer's -- in the brain and also improves memory.

"There is a lot of animal and biochemical evidence to support what this new study shows," Morris said.

But, she said, she's not sure there is enough data to suggest the value of fish oil supplements. "It looks like the protective benefits from omega-3 fatty acids are at a very low level. There is very little evidence that you get better protection from higher intake," she said. "Whether fish oil supplements are protective is yet to be seen."

Another expert thinks clinical trials are needed to see if DHA really protects against Alzheimer's.

"This shows in a prospective study that DHA is the only plasma lipid to cut the risk for developing dementia a decade or more later," said Greg M. Cole, a neuroscientist at the Greater Los Angeles VA Healthcare System and associate director of the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine.

This apparent protection is associated with eating fish, Cole said. "Other studies have pointed to fish intake as protective but have been far less clear that the omega-3 fatty acids in fish were the factor associated with risk reduction," he said. "This matters because if it is the fat, you could take fish oil supplements and avoid mercury contamination issues."
Certain Fatty Acid May Cut Dementia Risk - Yahoo! News

FRIDAY, Nov. 17 (HealthDay News) -- Adding further weight to the theory that fish may be brain food, new research found that people with diets rich in fish have a significantly lower risk of dementia and
Alzheimer's disease.

It's known that omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart and the circulatory system. "Just as fish is good for your heart, it's probably good for your brain as well," Schaefer said.

People with the highest blood levels of DHA said they ate an average of two to three servings of fish a week. People with lower DHA levels ate substantially less fish, the researchers reported.

"There is a lot of animal and biochemical evidence to support what this new study shows," Morris said.

But, she said, she's not sure there is enough data to suggest the value of fish oil supplements. "It looks like the protective benefits from omega-3 fatty acids are at a very low level. There is very little evidence that you get better protection from higher intake," she said. "Whether fish oil supplements are protective is yet to be seen."

Another expert thinks clinical trials are needed to see if DHA really protects against Alzheimer's.

Certain Fatty Acid May Cut Dementia Risk - Yahoo! News

Op zich wel logisch, de hersenen bestaan voornamelijk uit DHA en EPA (omega 3 en omega 6) vetzuren. Het huidige voedingspatroon van de gemiddelde mens bevat te weinig Omega 3 en te veel Omega 6. In pasgeborenen bijvoorbeeld heeft een te hoge inname van Omega 6 en een te lage inname van Omega 3 een negatief effect op de hersenontwikkeling. Oftewel, deze blijven achter.

Zou inderdaad niet een gek idee zijn dat de inname van Omega 3 dan samehhangt met dementie.
klopt, en er worden iedere dag nieuwe voordelen gevonden bij de consumptie van vette vis en omega 3
toch een onmisbaar supplement
Gooi ik er even paar bij mijn oma naar binnen, maar ben bang dat het daar al te laat is :p
De [Link niet meer beschikbaar] is gisteren met nieuwe richtlijnen voor goede voeding gekomen. Daarin wordt aanbevolen om van de vis vetzuren 450 mg per dag binnen te krijgen. Dit zou neerkomen op minimaal 2 keer vis eten per week waarvan 1 portie van vette vis afkomstig moet zijn. Lijkt mij nog erg weinig moet ik zeggen. Maar je moet ergens beginnen.

Nog een leuk weetje voor zwangere vrouwen (mochten die hier zijn), zwangere vrouwen hebben vaak last van vergeetachtigheid en onhandigheid. Dit komt omdat het voedingspatroon te weinig Omega 3 (DHA) vetzuren bevat om zowel de moeder als het ongeboren kind daarin te kunnen voorzien (sowieso eigenlijk al te weinig voor de moeder alleen, zwanger of niet). Omdat de foetus tijdens de zwangerschap op de eerste plaats komt en de zwanger vrouw op de tweede, worden de hersencellen van de moeder afgebroken om het ongeboren kind in deze Omega 3 vetzuren te kunnen voorzien.
Hierdoor zou ook een grote kans op postnatale depressie kunnen ontstaan. Maar dat is nog niet helemaal onderzocht.
Ach... ik studeer geneeskunde en we hebben die vraag ook eens aan een prof van ons gesteld of dat echt wel extreem goed werkt.
Hij zei dat zulke zaken echt overroepen worden! Het is weer een nieuwe hype! Het zal wel enig effect hebben, maar toch niet extreem veel zoals men zegt, tenzij je er extreme hoeveelheden van inneemt.
Medici weten dit soort dingen pas als laatste, zij zijn getrouwd met medicijnen en dat voeding en voedingssupplementen veel kunnen bijdragen aan een goede gezondheid, staat mijlenver van ze af.
Heb ook zo'n prof in de artsgeneeskunde gesproken en mijn oren 'tetterden' bijna van de gotspe die hij uitte over dat omega-3 suppletie 'overroepen' is (in andere termen dan)

Ben zelf fan van krillolie, de omega-3 daarin wordt supergoed opgenomen dankzij de fosfolipiden.
Oud Topic: Er is al een tijdje geen reactie meer geweest.
Je kan nog iets toevoegen als dit relevant is.
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