- Lid sinds
- 10 dec 2009
- Berichten
- 10.730
- Waardering
- 1.913
- Lengte
- 1m88
- Massa
- 83kg
1st log, starting up.
Eerste gymbezoek: 18 dec 2009
Originele openingspost:
1) 80kg BF25+ (Start KT dec '09) http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index248.html#post5946252
1.5) Vergelijking rug begin/3mnd: http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index14.html#post4737327
2) 90kg, taille: 93cm
3) 78kg, taille: 82cm (Einde cut 1 juli '11 : http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index248.html#post5946208 )
4) 90kg, taille: 89cm (Half/eind januari '12)
5) 78kg, taille 78cm (Half juni '12 : http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index342.html#post6901368 )
6) 78kg, taille 82,5cm (eind april '13) Van feb tot 30 april niet getrained op Recon Ron na. Back into the gym.
7) 79kg, taille 82,5cm (24 aug '13) pre-cut pic: http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index373.html#post7951518
8) (8 aug '13) 2 weken in de cut http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index377.html#post7987128
Eerste gymbezoek: 18 dec 2009
Originele openingspost:
In dit draadje zal ik mijn trainings/voedingsschema posten. Ook zal ik na elke training even een update geven. Ik begin met het Rippetoe schema. Ik heb nog nooit aan krachttraining gedaan, laat staan volgens een schema. Ik train puur voor massa en om lekker in mijn vel te zitten. Ik ben volgens mijn ID (juni 2008) 1.88m lang, dus dat zal nu rond de 1.90m zitten schat ik zo. Vetpercentage is niet gemeten maar zal boven de 20% zitten. Een weegschaal hebben we niet dus ik heb geen idee wat ik weeg. Zal mezelf eens proberen te wegen wanneer ik de kans krijg. Edit: Ik heb me laatst gewogen bij een vriend, kwam op de 81.1 uit. Lijkt me een prima gewicht pre-cut
Trainingsdagen: Maandag ochtend, Woensdag middag, Vrijdag middag of Zaterdag ochtend (dit vanwege wisselende optredens in het weekend met bands)
Workout 1
3x5 Squat
3x5 Benchpress
1x5 Deadlift
Workout 2
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing Millitairy Press
3x5 Bent Barbell Row
Voedingsschema ga ik asap mee verder, warming up ook. Ik vroeg me vooral af hoe je op dag 1 je gewicht uitkiest. Vooral omdat ik geen begeleiding ga krijgen (hoor ook meer klachten dan lof over instructeurs). Iemand suggesties? Updates volgen!
---------- Toegevoegd om 22:31 ---------- De post hierboven werd geplaatst om 22:24 ----------
Heb dit gevonden: Ziet er goed uit dacht ik zo!
In dit draadje zal ik mijn trainings/voedingsschema posten. Ook zal ik na elke training even een update geven. Ik begin met het Rippetoe schema. Ik heb nog nooit aan krachttraining gedaan, laat staan volgens een schema. Ik train puur voor massa en om lekker in mijn vel te zitten. Ik ben volgens mijn ID (juni 2008) 1.88m lang, dus dat zal nu rond de 1.90m zitten schat ik zo. Vetpercentage is niet gemeten maar zal boven de 20% zitten. Een weegschaal hebben we niet dus ik heb geen idee wat ik weeg. Zal mezelf eens proberen te wegen wanneer ik de kans krijg. Edit: Ik heb me laatst gewogen bij een vriend, kwam op de 81.1 uit. Lijkt me een prima gewicht pre-cut
Trainingsdagen: Maandag ochtend, Woensdag middag, Vrijdag middag of Zaterdag ochtend (dit vanwege wisselende optredens in het weekend met bands)
Workout 1
3x5 Squat
3x5 Benchpress
1x5 Deadlift
Workout 2
3x5 Squat
3x5 Standing Millitairy Press
3x5 Bent Barbell Row
Voedingsschema ga ik asap mee verder, warming up ook. Ik vroeg me vooral af hoe je op dag 1 je gewicht uitkiest. Vooral omdat ik geen begeleiding ga krijgen (hoor ook meer klachten dan lof over instructeurs). Iemand suggesties? Updates volgen!
---------- Toegevoegd om 22:31 ---------- De post hierboven werd geplaatst om 22:24 ----------
Heb dit gevonden: Ziet er goed uit dacht ik zo!
Question - What weight should I start with during the first week?
The weight you use is going to be determined by the amount you can do for 5 repetitions with proper execution and technique.
The way the "first day" is explained in Starting Strength, the trainee warms up with the bar, then adds a bit of weight and does a set of 5. Continue to add weight and do sets of 5 until form/technique breaks down. Keep the weight there, correct the technique problems/weak points, and perform 2 more sets with this weight. That is your first "3 sets of 5" workout for that exercise.
However, since we're talking about the internet, where 99% of all novices do NOT use proper technique, it has proven itself to be useful to advise that the trainee drop anywhere from 5-15% off his 5-RM, and start his next workout using that weight.
Yes, this is low. It allows for a certain fudge factor that is present when dealing with a novice's ability to evaluate his own technique performance.
Generally, if a newb says "I benched 135 x 5 for the first time, my technique was great!", what he really means is that "I benched 135 x 5, but I probably should've only used about 120 or 125"
Be on the safe side, start lighter than you think you need to, and go from there. This also helps develop a base of conditioning with slightly less weight than absolute max, which helps reduce initial DOMS.
Let me say that one again.
Start off using weight that is LOWER than you think you can handle, and progress upward. It is better to use weight that is too light than weight that is too heavy.
Question - How much weight should I add from workout to workout?
Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe, pg. 122, Practical Programming Editorial Copy
for young males that weigh between 150-200 lbs., deadlifts can move up 15-20 lbs. per workout, squats 10-15 lbs., with continued steady progress for 3-4 weeks before slowing down to half that rate. Bench presses, presses, and cleans (edit - and rows) can move up 5-10 lbs. per workout, with progress on these exercises slowing down to 2.5-5 lbs. per workout after only 2-3 weeks. Young women make progress on the squat and the deadlift at about the same rate, adjusted for bodyweight, but much slower on the press, the bench press, cleans and snatches, and assistance exercises.
The general rule of thumb developed by me (for internet instruction purposes):
1) If you get all 3 sets of 5 with proper technique, then move the weight up as described above.
2) If you get all 3 sets of 5 with proper technique, but bar speed was exceedingly slow on the last few reps (i.e. you busted a nut trying to complete your reps), then you may end up stalling if you add the full amount. Err on the side of "lower". i.e. don't add 20 lbs to the deadlift, add 15. Don't add 10 lbs to the press, add 5 (or even 2.5), etc.
3) If you get the first 2 sets of 5 with proper technique, but you only get 4 reps on the 3rd, then determine if it was a "recovery deficit" (4 hours sleep last night/skipped meals, etc) or a "technique deficit" (body wasn't tight during presses, leaned forward too much in squat, etc). If the strength or technique deficit was an anomaly and/or is easily correctable, then you can probably add the normal amount of weight as described above. If the weight just felt dog heavy, then add only a bit more, or even keep the weight the same for the next workout. Better to get your 5/5/5 next workout then get a 5/5/3 or a 5/4/4 with a heavier weight.
4) If you get at least 12 or 13 of the reps total (i.e. 5/4/4 or 5/4/3 or 4/4/4) then keep the weight the same for the next workout.
If you get something strange like 5/5/2 or 5/3/4 on your 3 sets, then you probably just need to be more mindful of rest periods. Best to use 3 minutes between pressing, cleaning and rowing work sets and up to 5 for squats and deadlifts if necessary. For now, use a little too much rest rather than too little rest.
If you can't get at least the first set of 5, or if you are missing 2 or more reps each on the 2nd and 3rd sets, then you are using too much weight, assuming you recently started training.
If you had been making progress, but then all of sudden, you have several workouts in a row where you can't add weight to the bar for an exercise and get your 5/5/5, then see the sections on "stalling".
1) 80kg BF25+ (Start KT dec '09) http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index248.html#post5946252
1.5) Vergelijking rug begin/3mnd: http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index14.html#post4737327
2) 90kg, taille: 93cm
3) 78kg, taille: 82cm (Einde cut 1 juli '11 : http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index248.html#post5946208 )
4) 90kg, taille: 89cm (Half/eind januari '12)
5) 78kg, taille 78cm (Half juni '12 : http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index342.html#post6901368 )
6) 78kg, taille 82,5cm (eind april '13) Van feb tot 30 april niet getrained op Recon Ron na. Back into the gym.
7) 79kg, taille 82,5cm (24 aug '13) pre-cut pic: http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index373.html#post7951518
8) (8 aug '13) 2 weken in de cut http://forum.dutchbodybuilding.com/f81/op-naar-sterren-daar-voorbij-229813/index377.html#post7987128
Niet up-to-date info...;
PR-jacht en UB/LB schema doet zijn intrede op 1-11-1011! Edit: inmiddels push pull benen.
PRs per oefening
Deadlift 1x200, 4/2x172.5, 5/6/6/5x150, 15x120(alles deadstop)
Squat 3x5x120, 2x140, VPR: 2x4x120/4x100/7x100/5x100
Benchpress 1x90, 3x85, 8x70, 4x5x72.5
Standing Shoulderpress 3x47.5, vpr 5x42.5/3x47.5/2x5x42.5,
DB Shoulder Press 7x24 (VPR 5x18/5x24/5x22/10x18)
Side Raise 6x14
Rear Raise 10x12
Facepulls 5x12x55
Incline DB Press 9x24
WG Bench (wijsvinger @ ring) 4x8x62.5
Decline Bench 4x90
Incline Chestpress 6x70
Pecdeck 8x70/80/90/80/80
Pendlay Rows 5x75, 8x72.5, 5x5x65
Pullups Hammergrip 31xBW (in 7 sets), 9xBW
Pullups Hammergrip Wide 2x3xBW+5
Pullups Normal (iets breder dan schouderbreedte) 50 rep total
DB Row 17x40, 10/10x48, 6x10x32
Cable Row (wide hammergrip) 8/6x59
Cable Row (small hammergrip) 10x41 2x10x46 10x41
Lat Pulldown (hammergrip) 8x68
Lat Pulldown (wide grip) 10x50/55/50/50, 5x10x46 (supersetted)
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 8x50/50/46, 5x12x41
Pullover Machine 10x35, 3x45
Standing Calfraise Machine Shrugs 8/10/8x187.5, 40x120 lol
DB Shrugs 3x8x28
Dips 6/6/5xBW+10, 4xBW+15, 12/9/5xBW
Decline Skullcrushers 3x30
Decline DB Skullcrushers 7x9
Cable Pushdown 2x8x46
Cable Overhead Extension 8/4x50
2h DB Overhead Extension 4x20
1h Cable Extension 8x18
Ez Curl 8x35, vpr 8x30-35-30
Ez-Preacher 8/5x30
BB Hammercurl 8x20/25/30/25
BB Curl 4x5x30
Hammer Curl 5x16
Machine Curl 5x35
Cable Curl 2x12x32, 4x12x27
Concentration Ez Curl 12x25, 6x35
DB Concentration Curl Arnie Style 5x14kg
Good Morning 5x62.5, 3x67.5
Frontsquat 2x5x72.5, 3x92.5
Legpress (plate loaded) 10x230, 3x8x210
Leg Extension (plate loaded) 10/11x80, 8x90
DB Lunges 10 stappen 20s
Standing Calf Raise 15x135, 2x20x120
Seated Calf Raise 5x100, 8x85 met hold, 3x15x70 met hold
Hanging Crunches 12xBW, 10/8xBW
Leg Raises 20/15/10
PR-jacht en UB/LB schema doet zijn intrede op 1-11-1011! Edit: inmiddels push pull benen.
PRs per oefening
Deadlift 1x200, 4/2x172.5, 5/6/6/5x150, 15x120(alles deadstop)
Squat 3x5x120, 2x140, VPR: 2x4x120/4x100/7x100/5x100
Benchpress 1x90, 3x85, 8x70, 4x5x72.5
Standing Shoulderpress 3x47.5, vpr 5x42.5/3x47.5/2x5x42.5,
DB Shoulder Press 7x24 (VPR 5x18/5x24/5x22/10x18)
Side Raise 6x14
Rear Raise 10x12
Facepulls 5x12x55
Incline DB Press 9x24
WG Bench (wijsvinger @ ring) 4x8x62.5
Decline Bench 4x90
Incline Chestpress 6x70
Pecdeck 8x70/80/90/80/80
Pendlay Rows 5x75, 8x72.5, 5x5x65
Pullups Hammergrip 31xBW (in 7 sets), 9xBW
Pullups Hammergrip Wide 2x3xBW+5
Pullups Normal (iets breder dan schouderbreedte) 50 rep total
DB Row 17x40, 10/10x48, 6x10x32
Cable Row (wide hammergrip) 8/6x59
Cable Row (small hammergrip) 10x41 2x10x46 10x41
Lat Pulldown (hammergrip) 8x68
Lat Pulldown (wide grip) 10x50/55/50/50, 5x10x46 (supersetted)
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 8x50/50/46, 5x12x41
Pullover Machine 10x35, 3x45
Standing Calfraise Machine Shrugs 8/10/8x187.5, 40x120 lol
DB Shrugs 3x8x28
Dips 6/6/5xBW+10, 4xBW+15, 12/9/5xBW
Decline Skullcrushers 3x30
Decline DB Skullcrushers 7x9
Cable Pushdown 2x8x46
Cable Overhead Extension 8/4x50
2h DB Overhead Extension 4x20
1h Cable Extension 8x18
Ez Curl 8x35, vpr 8x30-35-30
Ez-Preacher 8/5x30
BB Hammercurl 8x20/25/30/25
BB Curl 4x5x30
Hammer Curl 5x16
Machine Curl 5x35
Cable Curl 2x12x32, 4x12x27
Concentration Ez Curl 12x25, 6x35
DB Concentration Curl Arnie Style 5x14kg
Good Morning 5x62.5, 3x67.5
Frontsquat 2x5x72.5, 3x92.5
Legpress (plate loaded) 10x230, 3x8x210
Leg Extension (plate loaded) 10/11x80, 8x90
DB Lunges 10 stappen 20s
Standing Calf Raise 15x135, 2x20x120
Seated Calf Raise 5x100, 8x85 met hold, 3x15x70 met hold
Hanging Crunches 12xBW, 10/8xBW
Leg Raises 20/15/10
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