
Synchronized Sports Nutrition

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Freaky Bodybuilder
15 jaar lid
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11 okt 2002
Uit het archief van Super Training (vert. Mel Siff?) {ik was op zoek naar info over 'sleep & circadian rhythms}

Synchronized Sports Nutrition

Recently, the medical literature has paid attention to the effect of diurnal (daily), circadian and other cycles of bodily rhythms on the prescription of drugs. Researchers have observed that drugs have a different effect and effectiveness at different times of the day.

Sometimes, small doses administered at one time of the day are considerably more effective than large doses given at other times. Side effects and drug interactions are more pronounced at some times of the day than others. The adverse interaction between certain drugs and certain foodstuffs is also more marked at particular times of the day. Some pharmaceutical companies have begun to print on their product information sheets that their drugs need to be administered at specific times to optimise their effectiveness.

This has interesting implications for normal nutrition. If one examines nutrition clinically, all food consists of a complex combination of chemical substances necessary for the sustaining of life. If synthetic drugs are utilised by the body in different ways in different combinations at different times, then it is not unlikely that naturally occurring chemicals in food would also be used by the body according to similar rules.

That this is the case began to emerge from Russian research reported by Pshendin (Legkaya Atletika 1988, 6: 14). Here, the Russians point out that the nutritional tables and regimes proliferated by dietitians and scientists are merely averages for the 'average' person under 'average' circumstances. These supposedly reflect what is necessary for maintenance of 'average' bodymass and health in the 'average' man, woman or child under certain conditions of activity or inactivity.

They stress that prescription of a specific percentage of carbohydrate, protein or fats needs to be viewed with circumspection to avoid contravention of the principle of individualisation. Dietary regimes need to be designed
according to gender, age, activities, environmental conditions, metabolic rate, aesthetic appeal and individual response to each food.

The Russians identify excessive caloric intake in the form of cakes, sweets, pastries and fried foods, cooking in animal fat or heat treated vegetable oils, and insufficient intake of fresh vegetables, fruit, herbs and tubers as major problems with modern diets.

Pshendin makes the radical suggestion that less attention should be paid to visiting friends with gifts of cakes and alcohol or to extolling the virtues of gourmet cooking of intricate dishes. Instead, he considers that we should treat friends with salad and fruit dishes, and have contests for the best fruit and vegetable dishes. Certainly, in most up-market restaurants, more
attention is paid to the meat and fish portion of the meal than the vegetables, which are invariably regarded as more decorative than nutritional.

Current emphasis on take-away fried foods, stir fries and fondues involving cooking at high temperature in reheated oil is an example of the type of cooking frowned upon Russian experts on sports nutrition. The popularity of the only MacDonald in Moscow is a cause for fur-ther adverse comment. It seems as if Eastern and Western nutritional experts are in close accord in several respects.

Where the Russians differ from many Western dietitians is on the frequency and timing of meals. They consider that it is not only food deficiencies which cause ill health and reduced sporting performance. It is also a consequence of too few meals per day and irregular meals.

They have conducted research to show that the levels and efficiency of hormones, energy-producing substances (glucose, fats and phosphagens), amino-acids, and various enzymes, especially the digestive enzymes, fluctuate throughout the day. Consequently, the digestion of foods and the ability of the body to use the final products of digestion for body maintenance, growth, repair and performance, depends on when and how frequently the food is ingested.

The Russians emphasize that too low a frequency of meals (two or three meals a day), even when the caloric intake is sufficient, has a negative effect on the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They state that an optimum frequency of four or five meals is more favourable for promoting metabolic efficiency, recuperation and the ability to cope with physical and
mental stress. Thus, the nutritional regime must be matched carefully to each stage of the periodised training process from microcycle to macrocycle to optimally develop most of the physical conditioning factors including strength, endurance and muscle mass. The concept of periodisation thus may be seen to embrace far more than a simple sequence of light, medium and high
intensity cardiovascular or resistance exercise. At its most thorough level it encompasses all possible factors which have a bearing on the acquisition of general and specific fitness.

It appears as if properly synchronised nutrition needs to become an integral part of the holistic periodisation process.
Hello! Let me introduce myself!

Hello! I really liked your forum, especially this section. I just signed up and immediately decided to introduce myself, if I'm wrong section, ask the moderators to move the topic to the right place, hopefully it will take me well... My name is Jack, me 34 years, humourist and serious man in one person. Ssory for my English.
Hello! I really liked your forum, especially this section. I just signed up and immediately decided to introduce myself, if I'm wrong section, ask the moderators to move the topic to the right place, hopefully it will take me well... My name is Jack, me 34 years, humourist and serious man in one person. Ssory for my English.

Yeah you did stuff very wrong.

You replied to an old post from 2003 without any relevant content whatsoever.

I suggest you go to the international section: and open your own topic. That is if you have any interest at all in being on a DUTCH bodybuilding site (and please tell us why DUTCH in that topic). I assume you know how a forum works.
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