
Breaking News Too Much Whey Today, Type II Diabetes Tomorrow

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Woooow no whey man!!
TS, heb je het artikel überhaupt gelezen?
'What is yet more important is that the overall message the study and the half-sentence "protein ingestion causes insulin resistance" (Smith. 2015) from the abstract are sending are false: In fact, the study at hand doesn't allow for any reliable conclusions with respect to either the long-term or acute real-world insulin sensitizing or desensitizing effects of whey protein, because the scientists used a method that does not account for extra glucose that is produced in the liver during the testing procedure via gluconeogenesis (I know that high insulin levels reduce gluconeogenesis, but they won't shut it off).
Against that background and in view of the existing data from dozens of practically relevant clinical trials which indicate that whey will have positive, not negative effects on glucose metabolism, it would appear foolish to cite use the study at hand to argue that the cosumption of whey protein may ruin your insulin sensitivity and "too much whey today" may turn you into a type II diabetic tomorrow'
Zo lang je alles maar met mate doet is er geen probleem.

Ik eet ook ongezonde dingen en ik drink ook wel eens alcohol maar alles met mate.

(Overdaad schaad)
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