XXL Nutrition

Sticky Veel Gestelde Vragen: Pgf2a

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Competitive Bodybuilder
Elite Member
15 jaar lid
Lid geworden
13 jan 2003
Alpha- prostaglandine F2 (PGF2A) Lutalyse

PGF2A werking
Allereerst komt een deel van anabolische werking van androgenen ten goede aan de lokale vorming van PGF2A.
Echter toch zorgt PGF2A voor een andere manier van spiergroei dan androgenen.

PGF2 houdt dat slechts enkele minuten vol hoewel zijn stimulerende invloed op het anabolisme veel langer duurt (uren).
Dat betekent dat frequente injecties noodzakelijk zijn.
Ideaal gezien zou dat vijf keer per dag moeten zijn, 30 minuten na de maaltijd.

Je zult eveneens merken dat wanneer je eenmaal PGF2 geïnjecteerd hebt,
de spier waarin je dit hebt gedaan bijna onmiddellijk pijn gaat doen.
Als de spier al pijnlijk was ten gevolge van de training, kan de pijnlijke sensatie wel eens erg intens worden.
Je zult beslist niet opnieuw op diezelfde plek willen injecteren, vandaar de noodzaak van roterende injecties.
Om dezelfde reden, zul je merken dat je een spier niet kunt injecteren en daarna dezelfde spier trainen.

PGF2 is algesisch (een pijnveroorzaker, waardoor microtrauma ontstaat ->groei). Daarom is de timing van de injecties erg belangrijk.
Je moet minstens 2 tot 3 dagen wachten voordat je een getrainde spier kunt injecteren.
Dan moet je weer 24 uur wachten voordat je deze spier gaat trainen.
Als je spier nog pijnlijk is, adviseer ik deze niet te injecteren zolang ze nog pijn doet.

PGF2A en lokale groei/achterliggende spieren

PGF 2A zorgt voor lokale spiergroei.
Dit maakt het ideaal voor het bijwerken van achterliggen spiergroepen.
Veel gebruikers injecteren/smeren het dan op hun kuiten.
Als die nooit wilden groeien....met pgf2a en daarna wel.

Waarom is de groei zo lokaal?

De levensduur van de geïnjecteerde PGF2 is verschrikkelijk kort (minuten).
Het meeste ervan zal worden vernietigd in de longen.
Als je injecteert in de kuiten bijvoorbeeld, zal deze spier worden blootgesteld aan een maximale concentratie van PGF2.
Als de prostaglandine razendsnel uit de kuitspier lekt en passeert in het bloed, zal het snel de longen bereiken waar het meeste wordt vernietigd.
Wat er over is aan PGF2 zal zich gelijkmatig verspreiden door het gehele lichaam.
Dat betekent dat de andere spieren worden blootgesteld aan een veel lagere concentratie PGF2.
En dus als je geen achtergebleven spiergroep extra wilt laten groeien, zal je de plaats van injectie frequent moeten roteren,
wat zoals we zullen zien geen probleem hoeft te zijn.

PGF2A en Insuline

Een van de opmerkelijkste effecten van PGF2A is dat het, het anabolishe effecten van insuline verhoogt.
Dus door het combineren van PGF2A en insuline kunnen de meesten bodybuilders minder insuline gebruiken en meer spier opbouwen dan met insuline los.


Het is bekend dat DNP het sterkste thermogenische (temperatuurverhogende) middel is dat er bestaat.
Echter van PGF2A krijg je ook een tijdenlijke verhoging van de temperatuur misschien nog wel hoger dan bij DNP.

Hierdoor zal je lichaam dus meer vet verbranden.
Verder nu het belangrijkste positiefe effect van PGF2A naast lokale spiergroei is dat vetcellen niet van PGF2A houden.
Bij blootstelling aan PGF2A zullen vetcellen sterven.

Bij een normaal dieet zullen vetcellen alleen krimpen maar niet verdwijnen.


Als PGF2 zo sterk werkt, waarom zou je het dan niet stacken met steroïden om een maximaal effect te bereiken?
Dat lijkt een goed idee, totdat je het probeert. PGF2 versterkt het effect van de androgen op de spieren waarschijnlijk door het aantal androgene receptoren te verhogen.
Steroïden verhogen op hun beurt de werking van PGF2 waarschijnlijk door een verdichting van de PGF2 receptoren in de spieren.
Je zult eindigen met een combinatie die gewoon te sterk is.

PGF2A bijwerkingen

De belangrijkste bijwerking naast de verhoging van de temperatuur is een laxerend effect.
Dus zorg ervoor dat je toegang hebt tot een w.c.
Dit kan ongeveer 20 min duren na injectie/smering.

Wat je absoluut niet wilt doen met PGF2A is injecteren in een ader, dus aspireer! Dit doet een uur lang pijn!
Je krijgt een koud gevoel in je keel wat is toe te schrijven dan aan het vaatvernauwendeffect van PGF2A op de longen.


Je moet beginnen met een behoorlijk lage dosis (25MG) en dan afwachten wat er gebeurt.
Vandaar, moet je het ZEER voorzichtig opvoeren. Nadien is the sky the limit.

De injects komen meestal met 25 MG per 0.5 ML
Laatst bewerkt:
PGF2A Transdermal Formula


Things needed

1 30ml bottle pgf2a cost depends on where you get it.

15-20 ml’s DMSO gel any farm and ranch supply should have it for $2

70-75 ml’s fruit of the earth aloe Vera gel I chose this as it was the thickest I could find Wal-Mart $3.95 I used the aloe Vera gel to get rid of the skin irritation from the DMSO.

1. Measure out the 15ml’s dmso gel into a small Pyrex bowl as dmso leaches metal salts out of metallic objects place in the sun or other warm area till it melts.

2. Add the pgf2a to the DMSO stir using a glass rod leave it sitting in the heat some more till it’s all liquid.

3. Add the 75 ml’s of aloe Vera gel and mix. I used a small plastic Wisk worked well to mix it all together.

4. Put into a squeeze bottle or other container that can be sealed stick it in the fridge for and hour and everything will gel up again and it’s ready to use. The yield is the same as the other transdermal pgf2a that is out there a little over 1mg per ml a little goes a long way so you don’t need a lot.

Smeerbare PGF2A scheelt dus hoop injectie SHIZZLE

Laatst bewerkt:
Science NERD deel 1

Hoe het nou precies werkt...

Endogenous production from Arachidonic Acid

Prostaglandins (PGs) are not stored in the tissues of your body.
PGs are produced in response to some physiological trigger.
The starting material for PG synthesis are unsaturated fatty acids that have 20 carbon structures.
The fatty acid that is used to make PGF2a is arachidonic acid.


Functions of prostaglandins in the body

Prostaglandins are classified as autocrine (effecting the same cell that produced it),
as well as paracrine (effecting adjacent cells), regulators.
They do not really fit into the category of hormones, nor are they neurotransmitters,
instead they are simply considered as a corollary of the endocrine system.

The following are some of the regulatory functions of prostaglandins in various organs and systems of the body:

Inflammation & Pain.
PGs promote many aspects of the inflammatory response.
They are involved in the sensation of pain associated with inflammation and vasoconstriction and/or dilation, and the development of fever.
PGs, when injected directly into the hypothalamus, induce fever.
Anecdotally, the use of PGF2a also induces a rise in body temperature presumably by interacting with the hypothalamus as well.

Reproductive systems.
PGs may play a role in ovulation and corpus luteum function in the ovaries and in contraction of the uterus.
Excessive PG production may be involved in premature labor, endometriosis, dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps), and other gynecological disorders. PGs are often given to induce labor.

Gastrointestinal tract.
The stomach and intestine produce PGs.
PGs are believed to inhibit gastric secretions and influence gastric motility as well as fluid absorption.
Drugs such as aspirin that inhibit prostaglandin production can lead to overproduction of gastric secretion.
This predisposes the person to gastric ulcers.

Respiratory System.
PGs can cause vasoconstriction as well as vasodilation of blood vessels within the lungs, depending on which PGs are being produced.
PGs also cause both dilation and constriction of bronchial smooth muscle.
PGs as well as other eicosanoids may play a role in asthma.

Blood vessels.
Some PGs are vasoconstrictors, others are vasodilators.
The overall effect is determined by which PG is present in greater concentration.

Blood clotting.
Thromboxanes, also a product of cyclo-oxygenase, are produced by blood platelets.
These eicosanoids promote platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction.
Prostacyclin, produced by vascular endothelial cells, inhibits platelet aggregation and causes vasodilation.

PGs are produced in the medulla of the kidneys and cause vasodilation,
resulting in increased renal blood flow and increased excretion of water and electrolytes in the urine.
In particular, high potassium intake has been shown to selectively increase PGF2a excretion in animals.

Protein synthesis.
PGs are known to be regulators of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle.
PGE2 and PGF2a being involved in protein breakdown and protein synthesis rates respectively.
Stretch induced hypertrophy of skeletal muscle is in part regulated by prostaglandins.
More on the role of PGs in protein synthesis in later sections.

PGF2a directly inhibits adipogenesis.
You should not be surprised to hear that yet another prostaglandin serves to induce adipogenesis, namely PGJ2.
GJ2 derivatives function as activating ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR), a nuclear hormone receptor that is central to fat cell proliferation.
PGF2 blocks adipogenesis through activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (the same kinase involved in insulin action),
resulting in inhibitory phosphorylation of PPAR.
Both mitogen-activated protein kinase activation and PPAR phosphorylation are required for the anti-adipogenic effects of PGF2.
So you have PGs within the cell telling the fat cell to divide while at the same time you have other PGs, such as PGF2a, at the outside preventing it from taking place.
Laatst bewerkt:
Science Nerd Deel 2

Science nerd deel 2

The Role of PGF2a in Muscle Growth

After that brief introduction into prostaglandins, we can now begin to discuss more specifically the role of prostaglandins in muscle growth.
In a nutshell, mechanical stimulation (i.e. intermittent stretch) results in the production and efflux of two prostaglandins, PGE2 and PGF2a.
PGE2 increases protein degradation where as PGF2a increases protein synthesis.
Muscle hypertrophy is usually achieved by an increase in protein synthesis as well as a proportionately smaller increase in degradation.
The simultaneous release of both PGE2 and PGF2a creates this condition.

It is well known that mechanical stretch, without any electrical activity, is sufficient to induce muscle hypertrophy.
Recent studies have shown that the mechanism by which mechanical stretch leads to prostaglandin production and ultimately muscle growth,
involves G proteins embedded in the cell membrane.
These G proteins increase the amount of cyclo-oxygenase,
the enzyme responsible for making prostaglandins from arachidonic acid.
Skeletal muscle cyclooxygenase generates PGE2 and PGF2 alpha at a ratio approximately equal to one.

The exact mechanism by which PGF2a increases protein synthesis is not entirely clear.
That’s just a spineless way of saying, "I don’t know the exact answer to that!"
We are free to speculate though.
It may involve short phase protein synthesis and/or long phase protein synthesis.

2 phases of protein synthesis Modulation

Modulation of protein synthesis rates occurs at two levels, the short phase and the long phase.
The short phase alteration in protein synthesis rates occurs by altering the activity of existing ribosomes and/or eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs).
This happens within minutes of the appropriate physiological trigger.
The long phase modulation of protein synthesis happens by way of increasing the number of myonuclei.
This mechanism involves hormones and growth factors such as HGH and IGF-1 bringing about the activation of myogenic stem cells.
This can take several days to effect protein synthesis rates.
This is a simplified view but for our purposes it is sufficient.

The role of PGF2a in short phase protein synthesis in muscle tissue is speculative at best.
n non-muscle tissue, prostaglandins effect calcium fluxes, plasma membrane ionic channel activities, and cyclic nucleotide levels.
All of which are important regulators of protein synthesis rates in muscle.
PGF2a has been shown to interact with the S6 small ribosomal subunit, increasing its potential to form the ribosomal initiation complex with the large subunits.
It is also plausible that PGF2a may effect the activity of eIFs.

Initiation of translation (the binding of mRNA to the ribosomal pre-initiation complex) requires group 4 eukaryotic initiation factors (eIFs).
These initiation factors interact with the mRNA in such a way that makes translation (the construction of new proteins from the mRNA strand) possible.
Two eIFs, called eIF4A and eIF4B, act in concert to unwind the mRNA strand.
Another one called eIF4E binds to what is called the "cap region" and is important for controlling which mRNA strands are translated and also for stabilization of the mRNA strand.
Finally, eIF4G is a large polypeptide that acts as a scaffold or framework around which all of these initiation factors and the mRNA and ribosome can be kept in place and proper orientation for translation.
There is yet no direct evidence to confirm that PGF2a works through this mechanism however.

Long term modulation of protein synthesis involves the activation of myogenic stem cells or satellite cells.
If you recall, when a muscle is stretched it not only produces PGF2a,
but also PGE2. PGE2 is a potent inducer of satellite cell proliferation and fusion.
This is how existing muscle cells increase the number of nuclei they contain.
This is important because in order for a muscle to grow rapidly, it must produce more mRNA.
This is done in the nucleus of the muscle cell. The more nuclei you have, the more mRNA you can produce.
Within the cell, prostaglandins may also be involved in regulating the number of ribosomes.
This could have long term implications on growth and development as well as stretch induced hypertrophy.


The role of other hormones, drugs and diet in the action of PGs.

Because prostaglandins are signaling molecules that get their message across through multi step signal transduction pathways,
they are susceptible to modulation by several chemical, hormonal, and dietary factors.
I will do my best to shed some light on the subject without bogging you down with meaningless terms and jargon.
It is well to remember that the action and interaction of prostaglandins in the human body is complex.


Cortisol effects the production of prostaglandins in muscle tissue by at least two mechanisms.
First, cortisol by way of lipocortins, inhibits the action of phospholipase A2.
Phospholipase is necessary in order to make arachidonic acid available for PGF2a production.
Cortisol also inhibits the production of cyclo-oxygenase mRNA content within cells.
As mentioned earlier, cyclo-oxygenase is the enzyme that converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandins.
So cortisol inhibits muscle growth by preventing the production of PGF2a in response to training (mechanical stimulation) and eating (insulin action).


Insulin stimulated protein synthesis is linked to the production of phospholipases which lead to increased availability of arachidonic acid.
This is a two edged sword. Increased availability of arachidonic acid can increase the amount of PGF2a thereby increasing protein synthesis.
On the other hand, arachidonic aid directly suppresses GLUT4 production which is the chief glucose transporter in skeletal muscle.
High levels of arachidonic acid can reduce glucose transport by up to 50%.
It could be that insulin action is more dependant on the cAMP antagonist,
cyclic PIP (prostaglandylinositol cyclic phosphate), a proposed second messenger for insulin and alpha-adrenoceptor action, than on PGF2a.
PGE2 however is a different story. Prostaglandin E, myo-inositol and one phosphate are components of cyclic PIP.
So increased production of PGE2 may increase insulin mediated glucose transport through this mechanism.
Taking this into consideration, exogenous PGF2a should not be considered to replace insulin.

Dietary Fatty Acids

Dietary fatty acids significantly effects prostaglandin production.
Diets high in omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, flax oil) decrease prostaglandin production.
Diets high in omega-6 fatty acids (corn oil) increase prostaglandin production.
Once again you have pros and cons with trying to manipulate PGF2a production with your diet. By increasing omega-3s,
you get lower levels of PGF2a and probably a less intense stimulus of protein synthesis immediately after you workout.
On the other hand by increasing omega-3s you reduce inflamation, pain, increase GLUT4 content,
and a whole host of other factors related to cardiac risk.
I don’t think its as clear cut as Dr. Sears (Zone Diet) would have you believe.
Trying to manipulate the diet to control prostaglandin kinetics is fraught with complexity making black and white statements difficult to support.


NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
An example of such drugs are aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin), naproxen sodium (Anaprox, Alleve).
There are several more but these are the most common to consumers. NSAIDs work by inhibiting the activity of cyclooxygenase.
By blocking cyclooxygenase you block prostaglandin production.
These drugs have been shown to improve nitrogen balance under conditions of severe physical stress such as after surgery.
The effect is abolished when PGE2 is infused linking PGE2 production with the catabolic effect of stress.
In the case of PGF2a, the use of NSAIDs also blocks its production in that PGE2 and PGF2a are normally produced in a 1:1 ratio from the same precursor.
Using NSAIDS while using exogenous PGF2a may improve the anabolic effect by reducing PGE2 in the presents of elevated PGF2a shifting the ratio towards anabolism.
Laatst bewerkt:
PGF2A bijwerkingen

De belangrijkste bijwerking naast de verhoging van de temperatuur is een laxerend effect.
Dus zorg ervoor dat je toegang hebt tot een w.c.
Dit kan ongeveer 20 min duren na injectie/smering.

Wat je absoluut niet wilt doen met PGF2A is injecteren in een ader, dus aspireer! Dit doet een uur lang pijn!
Je krijgt een koud gevoel in je keel wat is toe te schrijven dan aan het vaatvernauwendeffect van PGF2A op de longen.


Je moet beginnen met een behoorlijk lage dosis (25MG) en dan afwachten wat er gebeurt.
Vandaar, moet je het ZEER voorzichtig opvoeren. Nadien is the sky the limit.

De injects komen meestal met 25 MG per 0.5 ML

goede post, 1 kleine opmerkingen...tikfoutje is 5mg/ml

en wat je idaad echt niet wilt is in ader injecteren, echt dat is compleet hel...is gewoon 10dubbele tren hoest...
kloterige is dat aspireren niet altijd verzekerd dat er klein beetje in ader komt...als je naald eruithaald kan het zo zijn dat klein beetje in doorprikte haarvat heengaat zodat er toch nog iets in bloedbaan komt....
Je hebt nog karma van me te goed ikke, kan nu even niet geven

Zijn er al praktijkervaringen? Zo ja, welke results
Big Brother Val!

According to Val pumps are INSANE! In addition, Val, as the rest of us
found; needed the unrestricted use of the bathroom…Does it hurt? In
Val's words, " This shit is awesome…Hurts like ****ing hell!" As Val
stayed with the injections, and SLOWLY increased the dosage, we got a report
from him at the 2-week point of the cycle. Injections and dosages
varied, but I will relate this as Val told it, " Hitting the arms 12 times a
day….3 in each Biceps, 3 in each Triceps, for a total of 6cc's a day. I
am being burned out on injecting myself so often, especially in the
Biceps. The pain is reducing now, and I do not feel sick. Still get
shortness of breath, and tightness in the chest each time. There is a visible
difference in growth thus far, and my body fat has dropped
significally." As you can see, and as most of us found, the injections become a
major burden to deal with, the benefit though, is the visible growth all
of us have saw…it is a very hard choice. This was taken off the E!
litefitness Board as one of Big Brother Val's Post's! I was injecting
my arms 4 times a week. It went like this: Sun:..shoot/arms......
lift/rest Mon:..shoot/shoulders..lift/arms, pump/chest
Tues:.shoot/shoulders..lift/back, pump/shouders Wed:..shoot/shoulders..lift/legs
Thurs.shoot/arms.......lift/chest, pump/arms Fri:..shoot/arms.......lift/shoulders,
pump/calves Sat:..shoot/arms.......lift/rest Then repeat. I've switched
it up a bit, and have found a lot better response... in a matter of a
few days, I have new stretch marks starting on my tri's... and my arms
have never felt so full. Now my lifting schedule is the same. However, I
switched up the dosage on PGF2A. I read in the articles by Dharkam that
you should shoot 24 hours before training a muscle... then wait 2 days
after that to shoot it again. Maybe even three days if you train hard
enough. I personally have found that if I shoot the muscle group the
same day I train it... that my lifts go better... my pumps are abso!
lutely incredible... and I keep my pump a lot longer, as well as feel
more pumped the next couple of days. Now I follow this schedule:
Sun:..shoot/arms...... lift/rest Mon:..shoot/ARMS.......lift/arms, pump/chest
Tues:.shoot/shoulders..lift/back, pump/shouders
Wed:..shoot/shoulders..lift/legs Thurs.shoot/arms.......lift/chest, pump/arms
Fri:..shoot/SHOULDERS.......lift/shoulders, pump/calves
Sat:..shoot/arms.......lift/rest Then repeat. Val wrote "It's only a switch of two days... but for my
personal results it's really working great. On arm day, I take six cc's
throughout the day. I will up the dosage coming up next week, and see
how that goes. My side effects are gone... besides the odd feeling in
the chest... and the intense muscle pain. Just thought I would give an
update for those interested in this." I have just come off a Sustanon,
Eq. cycle... and will be doing a cycle of test, Eq, and Dbol after my
PGF2A run. The pain sucks, absolutely. However, I want to focus on my
arms and deltas, so they can catch up. A lot harder to do on regular
gear. "My poundage's are definitely affected. Not nearly as dramatic as
stated in that article, though. I was curling 65 lb. dumbbells for eight
reps before I started this. Now I'm curling 45 lb. dumbbells and hoping
for eight. The pump is insane." "One of the great things, is that you
can REALLY feel the muscle working. Really, helps to focus on that
muscle group and feel it work throughout the entire range of motion. The
pain factor is intense... and the muscle REALLY burns bad while training
it. More so when you shoot on the same day you train it. That feeling
isn't as intense if you stop shooting that muscle 24 hours before you
train it." "I'm never sore after a workout the following day, but hot damn
am I sore after each shot." "Well.... the muscle pain you experience is
INTENSE!! Right now for example... I hit arms on my lunch break... (got
the most incredible pump I have EVER had, by the way), came back,
and shot in the bathroom. My arms hurt so badly right now, I can't
explain it. Can't bend 'em very well, or straighten them all the way....
I have a tight feeling in the chest... Nevertheless, GODDAMN!!! This is
the biggest my arms have EVER looked!! IT'S ****IN' INSANE!! I
literally cannot put on the shirt I was wearing before break... it won't
stretch enough to fit on my arms!!"

Jeff rys!

After 4 to 5 weeks of PGF2A injections, Jeff reported the following to
me. " I'm doing 8 shots a day at .5cc. Left Biceps, Right Biceps would
equal one full cc. I am fed up with the numerous injections, and if I
can overcome being fed up with the needle, I will inject more. As for
the results, ½ on arms when flexed. I did shoulders as well, and they are
thicker. I did some injecting in the abs, by pulling the skin up, and
injecting. The site turned red, in a spot of around 3 square inches. I
am now injecting into the muscle of the abs, but this is dangerous
because you may pass through and hit an organ. I only inject abs once a
week, and the site gets thick, as if a vein is iriated. It is not a vein,
but it feels like it. I have dropped 11 pounds, and everyone says how
good I look…. I tried lower back, and chest as well, not much results,
but I think it works best if you inject in the same spot a lot more. I
feel it's a good alternative to steroids…But, I don't know how safe it is."


Okay, here's my info: 1/2 cc in both body parts (1cc total)at a time.
biceps morning, triceps noon, delt's night. this is my third day. about
5 min. after injection stinging in bodypart. about 10 min. after
injection coughing and "weird feeling" in my lungs, numb lips, intense waves
of pain in the body part injected. about 20-30 min. after injection
slight to moderate urge to shit, not that bad though, no running to
bathroom. One and ½ to two hours after injection all bad sides are gone.
pleasant pump/pain in bodypart. I am noticing a big difference already! Oh
yea! I almost forgot, major chills and feeling VERY cold about 10 min.
after and lasts about 30 min.


What's up guys.. as we speak, I'm on my first dose of PGF2A. It was a
little ****ed up how it happened so I will just explain from the
beginning. I decided to try the DMSO method first. I guess I am just curious
like that. I put 1/4 of a cc on each gauze pad and some DMSO gel. I had
my wife tape the shit to my shoulders and I waited. It got warm, and I
was light- headed as well. I felt weird once it was absorbing and the
DMSO gets warm! I'm not sure if its that or the PGF2A, but whatever. I
did 1/4 of a cc because I just wanted to test it out a little. Well,
after having it on there for like 30 minutes, I said **** it, loaded
another one up with 1/4 cc, and put them on my bicep's. Therefore, as I am
typing this I have the pads on both areas and I am heating up rather
warm. From what my boy tells me, the gel takes a little while to absorb,
so I am giving it some time. I will say, my biceps's feel much-pumped
right now. Kinda cool. He also told me, what he noticed was with the D!
MSO, its like a more "all around" growth, where as with the pin, its
like a peak growth. Not all around means the whole body. It means the
whole muscle you put it on. He explained to me how the vessel's work, this
dudes like a medical student, so I trust him. **** I gotta shit. Hang
on! Ok I am back. Goddamn did not even see that one coming! Ok I just
took off the deltoid pads; it has been almost an hour now. Well it looks
like a big ass rash on my deltoids now. In addition, its WARM. The
biceps's are still kicking full force now. I think the dose is the thing
that determines the whole shit your pants thing and all just hope I get
some results. My biceps are pumped! In addition, my veins are coming out
like crazy from my BI's on down. Well, I am gonna go for now. Next time
I will try the inject. ****, I can't wait for that shit! Okay, after
reading over the Ranger's e-mail to me a couple of times I said **** it
and got up the balls to do it. I don't know why, but I was like, R!
EALLY thinking it was going to be BAD. So after some prepping and all I
had my wife stick my delts. when she injected, I didn't feel
shit..nothing. in fact, I almost thought my shit was bunk..lol then I got light
headed..like a paint high. then I felt a little soreness in the sites. I
was waiting for the other sides and I got a couple cramps in the
stomach and that was about it. now please keep in mind, I get explosive shits
all the time.. I think my body was laughing at the PGF2A, McDonalds is
worse. hehe As time went on ,I began to get more sore.. like I had did
a BIG set of laterals I guess. Once the soreness starts, the short
breath came. not too bad though.. I only felt it when I TRIED to breathe in
hard. after that all sets in, nothing else happened.. I coughed a few
times but that's it. If this is what's its like ,then I shouldn't have a
problem with this. Not for the results, it's supposed to give. Ranger's
right on this one.. after everything I read, I was waiting for!
it to be PURE HELL, but this is not the case. I will now retract my
statement about the taking a shit part. I had a FULL stomach on my last
inject, in fact I had just eaten a mcflurry well, at first I got a
little rumble down there so I grabbed my favorite car audio magazine and
went to town. the rumble was followed by some NASTY unloading, lets just
say I made a swamp. **** it though, I felt lean as a mofo once it was
over! the burning/pain part isn't shit, on the delts at least, I'm sure
the BI's would be worse but I'm not worried about it. I guess I was
thinking it would be like REAL bad,but its not. as for injecting, I've sort
of came up with my own little schedule. I figure this week I want to
hit triceps and shoulders. so one-day ill do my tri's twice and shoulders
once, then the next day ill change that around. this way they are
getting hit twice one day and once the next day. I can't think of another
way to do it without injecting like way more. The injects aren't bad!
at all, I could stand it like 5 times a day, but I don't have the time
to take that many 45 min shits. Ranger, man my ****ing lips get numb
now! LOL the good thing is, I'm getting used to the sides now, and they
don't bother me. it did bother me last night when my wife hit a nerve in
my tricep. here is a list of my experience so far.. 1. the inject, no
pain unless she hits the nerve.. ouch 2. slight sting on injection spot
3. begin to feel warm.. a little dizzy 4. get small cramps in stomach
5. sites get a little more sore 6. lips numb 7. HUGE SHIT, liquid 8.
everything goes away.. chills sometimes. that's it.. it all lasts about
20-30 minutes for me and I'm done. I do this shit on my lunch break now.
once one side hits, another goes away. PGF2A is not painful, it's
****ing annoying. it sucks to have to feel that way three times a day,
that's why it sucks.


got 2 bottles of PGF-2a just becuase i was curious about it. i wanted to used for enhance my biceps sinc they are lagging and to try them on my abs.
well im cutting i have been using .5CC on my biceps. when i started my biceps were 17.5 in after a mounth of PGF my biceps are 18.4 after last time i measured it. while im useing T-3 at 75mcg ed my strength is going up!!! i always losse strengh while using t-3. i decided to try it later on my abs and love handle i used 1cc total, and im lost 2.3in from my abs. i didnt use any gear while dieting. i have been cycle ECA and pgf.

i stated cutting at 195 20%bf
and now 3 month later im 180 at 10BF%

there some bad sides from PGF but its not big deal for me:
-my body temp raises from stuff and sweet alot like a pigf
-after injection i cough for 2 min then it goes away
-some times i feel like i have diareiah, but its not that bad i noticed that for 2 days only, some user report worst sides
- most annying thing is amount of injections. you have to inject it 3-5 times ED, but after a while i got used to it.

over all i feel this product is like magic. nothing preserved my strength and mass while on T-3 even 50mg of winny and test prop.
its great product, i can say one of best i have used. i say go for it if you can take the sides.

After nearly two weeks on, I’m very, very pleased with the results. I’m not taking any steroids or

creatine, and I have not changed my diet in any way. My actual body weight gain has been nearly 5 pounds of muscle as far as I can tell. What with the constant pump I get, my overall appearance has improved greatly. I am using up to 2mg in each body part at a time for a total of 8mg a day. I have tried going higher but 2mg at a time are my limit in any one sight of injection. The body parts that have been hit the most have improved to no end. The improvement is ver visible. This stuff does not take weeks or months to work, it starts right away, and if you can live with the side effects this is worth trying. On the subject of transdermal PGF2a, I am still not sure the PGF2a gets to the muscle before it’s out of the body. This is why I sent e-mail to Dharkham asking this same question. I’m still waiting for a reply. If anyone wants any info on how to use or obtain PGF2a, e-mail me and I will try to answer you.


To recap things; on the 13/01/99 I started using PGF2a, my starting body weight was 221 pounds. After nearly 2 weeks of use, I was up 5 pounds. My report follows from here. As of 31/01/99 my body weight is 238 pounds, that’s 17 pounds of body weight gain in 17 days! As ****ing amazing as it sounds, I began to notice all of this weight was not muscle, but a slight retention of water under the skin. I still got those great pumps you get from using pgf2a, maybe this is why? For the last two weeks, I had been using 10mg of pgf2a a day. The side effects seem to becoming less and less every time I use it. Or maybe I do not notice it so much? I experimented with a few

things as well, such as injecting a body part in the morning and training it that same night. I had no problems with this at all, if anything, I got a better work out because I could feel the muscle better. I’m not saying it does not hurt but it’s a pain I can live with and if you cannot stand a bit of pain in your workouts, then don’t use pgf2a, simple. I also injected straight after training and

still had no problems with the pain, these sensations only last about an hour anyway. I feel this is the best way to take pgf2a as your getting this growth promoter in the place where it’s needed the most, in the trained muscle. This is what I found and the next man might have different results but I found it OK. Other observations that I noticed apart from the slight water retention (maybe this is a one off and will not happen to you) was that it gave me amazingly hard erections, not a bad side effect if you ask me! I know Dharkham states in his article that people using steroids and pgf2a have to cut back on their poundage but, because I have been off for quite awhile now, my strength gains seemed to increase with pgf2a use.

All right, this is where the fun begins. On the 31/01/99 I decided to go on a weeks diet to see what actual muscle gains I had made. I went on the loose theory that if all the weight I had gained was mostly water; I would have a body weight under that than which I had started on 13/01/99. When I diet, I go for it 100%. I use everything in my power to lose those pounds of fat. Here is the list of supplements that I used:








If you want more info on this ****ing brilliant way to diet look on the "underground library message board", it’s well worth the read. And I cannot possibly do justice to it in a few lines of words. All right let’s get back to the diet. I weighed myself this morning and had a very pleasant surprise. I scaled in at 228 pounds of lean body weight. As I had hardly any carbs in my system or the water weight, which comes with carb stores, I had gained 7 pounds of lean body mass since my pgf2a experiment. So when I ingest carbs again and rehydrate my muscles, this figure will go

up. I am very, very pleased with the look that pgf2a has given me. I will continue to use pgf2a to gain muscle and hardness. I cannot wait to try a mild cycle with this stuff; God knows how much muscle you can gain? I will report back next issue, as I do not know if I will do another weeks diet

or not. I only intended to do one week but the ease of animals diet has made me want more. It’s the best diet I have been on ever! I’m still working on a new supplement to take with your pgf2a which stops calcium leaks in your muscles which should equate to less muscle being broken down when you train. See ya

zal binnekort een logje gaan maken met transdermal-pgf2, ben erg benieuwd..
Some information on pgf2a I got from a Friend;

Prostaglandins (PGF2Aa) are in a class of hormones known as EICOSANOIDS, which use fat as their raw materials. Scientists, Kurzrok and Lieb, discovered prostaglandins in 1930. PGF2a are known to regulate protein synthesis in skeletal muscles. It was originally used to help induce labor in cattle and was noticed to cause muscle growth. PGF2a has been used in the bodybuilding community over the last 5 years for localized muscle growth in lagging muscle groups.
I will be discussing the straight version of PGF2a not the analog versions, as some have no anabolic properties whatsoever. It should be noted that PGF2A is not currently approved for use in humans and should be considered very hazardous to a woman’s health.
PGF2a mediates the major parts of insulin and is great for increasing the growth of weak body parts (calves, delts and arms); it should not be associated with synthol (oil injected into weak areas for temporary gains). The gains are in real muscle tissue and are permanent. PGF2a may also be used as a thermogenic, as body temperature is increased after the administration of exogenous PGF2a. Unlike other fat burners, which only decrease the size of fat cells, PGF2a actually destroys them. Fat cells die when exposed to PGF2a.
Side effects associated with its use are an elevation in body temperature, vomiting, troubled breathing and gastrointestinal pain. It vasoconstricts the lungs making you feel as if you have a throat cold, thereby making it a little hard to take deep breaths. PGF2a will enhance hypoglycemia, so necessary precautions should followed.
PGF2a should be injected in the muscle, not in a vein. If injected into a vein, severe pain will last upwards of an hour. A dose of injected PGF2a has a very short half-life in the body (minutes actually), most of which is destroyed in the lungs, thus making frequent injections necessary. Inject as far away from the intestine as possible. It will induce a very strong contraction of the intestine and bladder, emptying the stomach and intestines of all its contents, and will last for 20 minutes. So make sure that you have unrestricted use of a bathroom.
There are stimulatory effects on the actions of anabolics which makes them(effects)last longer. PGF2a and anabolic/androgenic steroids potentiate each other too much, making workout pumps almost painful. Therefore, the two should not be used together. PGF2a will make training near impossible because of the pump that is created from this drug. Although weight poundage during workouts may need to be decreased significantly during its use, strength will increase because of the new muscle growth after PGF2a is discontinued. Try to stay away from injecting into sore muscles. Do not inject in the same muscle that was just trained; try to wait 2-3 days before injecting into that body part and stop injecting 24 hours before training it again. Injecting into the outer heads of muscles hurts much less than inner heads.

The main drawback of PGF2a is the difficulty of administration, because of the short half-life the injections will be very frequent. Dosages should be built up slowly and injection sites should be changed frequently. Normally PGF2a comes in 25mgs per 5ml (1ml= 5mgs). If you used 1ml per injection, 5 times per day, you would use 1 vial per day (2 vials if you use 2 ml). There is no optimal dosing schedule for PGF2a but as a starting point, do not use more than 2 ml per injection, and no more than 4 sites per day. This way, all parts will be kept equal. If you inject 2ml in the right shoulder, then the next shot you would use should be 2 ml in the left shoulder. That is 2 sites. Then if you used 2ml in the right calf and 2 in the left calf, that’s 4 sites per day. Rotate to 2 different sites on the next day (rear delts, triceps, etc.). It usually takes 1 week to notice the results of the PGF2a and it should not be used less than 2 times per day. The vials of PGF2a need to be refrigerated. The overall dose of PGF2a can be decreased if used when insulin secretion is at its highest point, 30 minutes after meals preferably.
Cycle length is usually determined by how long someone can stand using it. Best cycle advice would be between steroid cycles. Two months would give great growth and still let your body recoup from the last cycle of steroids. This is not a huge weight-gainer type drug; it is best used to bring up lagging body parts and to help close the bridge between steroid cycles.
Something else to consider is that it is currently not tested by any athletic testing group. So, for all the athletes who need to be concerned with their drug use, what type of results would a GH/INSULIN/PGF2a cycle bring? We will have to wait and see. Although it may alter the testosterone / epitestosterone values, but to what degree, is unknown. Creatine should be used with doses from 10-20 grams per day and aspirin at normal doses will greatly weaken its effect. To help with the pain associated with its use, try ice applied directly to the area being injected. PGF2a, called Lutalyse, is currently being made by Upjohn.
Is PGF2a a perfect drug, far from it. Is it better than synthol, or other oil supplements, I believe so. PGF2a does has its side effects and should be considered just as dangerous as any other drug, but hopefully it will help in keeping all the weight that is normally lost after the steroid cycle is discontinued. As Dan Duchaine once said,” Body builders healthy, who knows, big and lean, definitely.”
The advanced schedule

This is not a pro schedule. It should rather fit most of the readers' needs for muscles. As you taper off your steroid intake, slowly build up your PGF2 intake first in terms of dosage, then in terms of frequency. The animal studies suggest that PGF2 tends to depress testosterone secretion. But the PGF2 users usually get very "horny", which is a good sign, especially at the end of a steroid cycle. And do not discount the general hardening properties of PGF2 which amazingly is not restricted to skeletal muscles. Frequency of administration as well as dosage should be increased compared to beginners. You also have the choice between insulin injections and oral insulin boosters. Sticking with the oral booster may be wiser until you get more comfortable with the control of your glycemia. This is especially true as PGF2 will enhance the hypoglycemic effects of insulin. Wake up and have a liquid meal followed by a more solid meal within 30 minutes. Use that period for an insulin shot (start low with 5 UI and build up to no more than 15 UI per meal) or for oral Glipizide (2.5 to 5 mg). Prefer a long acting insulin to a short one. Wait for 15 minutes before your PGF2 (always start low and build up as you feel more comfortable). Repeat this procedure at lunch. Keep the liquid meal for after the lunch in case you feel hypoglycemia. Another reason to prefer Glipizide at that time is that you may get tired of the frequent injections. Repeat this procedure after training. You can use another PGF2 injection a bit before bedtime still with a meal but without the insulin or the booster. Some people who bad-mouth the prostaglandins argue that prostaglandins depress GH secretion. This is funny as the scientific literature points out the opposite. GH should be liberated overnight.
As you use more PGF2 than in the beginner cycle, go with at least 15 grams of creatine over 24 hours.
als je pgf in een ader of beetje langs spuit kan je aardig trippen...misschien was dat het
als je pgf in een ader of beetje langs spuit kan je aardig trippen...misschien was dat het

Was het zeker niet....netjes volgens het boekje gedaan.

Nu dosis verlaagd :(
wat is jullie protocol precies guys? ben wel benieuwd..
Ach, een echt protocol is het niet echt.
Ziet zoals bij slin.

Maar je moet rustig opbouwen, en ik ben net iets te hard gegaan.
en je kracht gaat toch tijdelijk erg achteruit? of niet
Heeft er iemand hier al een PGF2A-gel gefabriceerd?
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