
Voetbal Compilaties & Trivia

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Kies je favo, Arminius
Danny Blind natuurlijk
Subsequently, his performance at PSV led to him being branded as "the worst right back in Europe" by RTL pundits, such as René van der Gijp, having become his outspoken critics since his arrival.[10][11] Despite this, Manolev refused to bow down to the careless criticism he received, being quoted as saying: "I do not look at it and I do not make me worry about," said Manolev then. "This man (ed. Van der Gijp) is paid to give his opinion, fine. I look good at the Bulgarian television."[12]

Stanislav Manolev - Wikipedia
Ronaldo (Luís Nazário de Lima) nooit CL gewonnen
Jérémy Mathieu is open en eerlijk over zijn trekjes buiten het veld: de nieuwe verdediger van Sporting Lissabon is een fanatieke roker. 'Ik ben niet de eerste speler die rookt en zal ook niet de laatste zijn, maar als de fans me op het veld zien zullen ze blij met me zijn', aldus de Fransman die is vertrokken bij Barcelona tegen AS.

World Cup sticker Fail : Erwin KOEMAN
As we see in the last topic (World Cup sticker Fail : Jorge VALDANO) this Yugoslav 1990 World Cup Album had many mistakes. Now with the Dutch team and Ronald KOEMAN's brother. On the left side the Yugoslav Album and on the right one the Original Panini Album


I think the player on the right side is Rob REEKERS as we can see with the Sticker from the Dutch Album of 1990 on the right side :

But Erwin KOEMAN is on this Yugoslav album but with the wrong name too. On the left side Erwin KOEMAN and on the right one the real Graeme Rutjes :
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