
Vyotech Goat Whey!

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Freaky Bodybuilder
10 jaar lid
Lid geworden
9 jun 2006

er is een nieuwe whey op de markt die van geitenmelk gemaakt wordt.

\\ VYO-TECH // ----- One Life, One Body, One Choice. -----

ze zeggen dat het qua bouw het zelfde is als moedermelk en dat het meer IGF-1 afgifte veroorzaakt enzo.

wat vinden jullie ervan?

lijkt het je veel beter of is het weer allemaal gezwets.

kost zo ongveer rond de €55 per 1000gr. :(
Ik heb weleens wat proefproducten van Vyotech gehad maar kan niet zeggen dat ik er erg tevreden over was:nope: .
Ze proberen de producten wat te hypen op dit moment maar kwa prijs mag het wel wat minder dacht ik....;) .
Er vabn uit gaand dat je ook krijgt wat ze beloven is er niets mis met geiten proteine

The protein fraction of the milk of the goat shows a remarkable similarity to that found in other ruminant species, both in amount and in composition with respect to the specific amino acids. The relative percentage of protein (Table 1) is similar in both the cow and the goat despite past assertions that the protein content of goat's milk is lower. Such reports are likely the result of the wide range which has existed in reported values. This variation in range is due in part to a lack of standardization of protein testing procedures as well as the wide differences encountered among animals accepted as the same breed and interbreed differences. It is expected that current emphasis on standardization of protein testing procedures and efforts to improve goat breed designation will result in more accurate assessment.

A recent report has suggested that the biological value of products processed from caprine milk may be slightly higher than encountered in those made from bovine milk.

Structurally, the milk protein casein of the goat's milk is sufficiently different from that found in cow's milk to be easily differentiated in the lab. The casein miscelles typically exist either as much larger or much smaller aggregations than are found in bovine milk. Because of this it has been suggested that, although the quantity and distribution of amino acids in the casein fractions of the milks of the two species are similar, the sequency of assembly is almost certainly different. This difference is further substantiated by the fact that goat casein is associated with a lower mobility in an electrophoretic field. A similar difference appears to be found in the lactalbumin portion as well, with perhaps more clinical significance. The lactalbumin of bovine milk elicits an allergic response from many individuals, a serious problem, especially for young children. These individuals are often able to consume the milk of goats without suffering that reaction, an effect attributed to the dissimilarities in structure of the two proteins.

Goat Dairy Foods
@ 3xl, waar haal jij altijd die onderzoeken vanaf?
48€ als je deze bij Muscle2Muscle haalt

tja, het is allemaal persoonlijk waarnaar je opzoek bent, maar dan geef ik liever €2 meer uit (dus €50) om een lekkere hoeveelheid whey (5kg) in ontvangst te nemen dan zoveel neer te tellen voor amper een kilootje.
Sommigen willen meer van een proteine supplementen als een hoog percentage aminozuren en gaan ook voor de subfracties die sommige supplementen bevatten.

Oftewel sommigen gaan voor biologische activiteit en niet voor prijs op zich
Sommigen willen meer van een proteine supplementen als een hoog percentage aminozuren en gaan ook voor de subfracties die sommige supplementen bevatten.

Oftewel sommigen gaan voor biologische activiteit en niet voor prijs op zich


Iedereen is daar vrij in waarnaar zn voorkeur uitgaat maar persoonlijk vind ik gewone basis whey voldoende om mn herstel helpen te bevorderen.
Klopt iedereen is vrij in z'n voorkeur. Maar de vraag was "lijkt het je veel beter of is het weer allemaal gezwets" en niet of je het duur vond in verhouding met ................

En je kan alleen maar producten verglijken op kwaliteit als je ze ook zelf gebruikt heb niet door naar de prijs te kijken maar niet naar de samenstelling.
En je kan alleen maar producten verglijken op kwaliteit als je ze ook zelf gebruikt heb niet door naar de prijs te kijken maar niet naar de samenstelling.

Volkomen mee eens!

GOAT oftewel ORYX is ontwikkeld door een chirurg met suikerziekte. Hij kon geen gebruik maken van reguliere wheypoeders en heeft van daaruit ORYX ontwikkeld. De kwaliteit is hoger lees 104% biologische waarde oftewel je hebt er minder van nodig dan 'gewone' whey. De opname is veel beter dus wederom minder nodig dan normaal. Het heeft veel minder invloed op je insuline waardoor bv suikerpatiënten GOAT wel kunnen nemen en de gewone whey niet. Naar een wedstrijd toe halen de meeste atleten whey uit hun dieet en gaan helemaal over op vaste bronnen of ei-eiwit wat kwalitatief veel minder is dan Whey. Dit jaar heeft Melvin Anthony ORYX genomen tot op de dag vd wedstrijd en is 5e geworden op de Olympia terwijl hij voorheen rond de 10e plaats kwam.
Vraag me altijd of hoe je hoger dan 100% kan komen ? ?

Vraag me ook af hoe het komt dat ondanks de grote gelijkenis kwa aminogram geitenwei ( :D ) lager op de insuline index scoort ? Enige wat me dan te binnen schiet is het feit dat geiten melk minder lactose bevat, maar een goed wei product bevat weinig of geen lactose meer.

Whowwww, geitenwei kan je 5 plaatsen schelen op de Mr O. ! ! ! Laat de rest het maar niet horen :(
Vraag me altijd of hoe je hoger dan 100% kan komen ? ?

Hoe het komt dat ORYX op 104 uitkomt is simpel.
De referentie voor BW (Biologsche Waarde) is n.l. het ei-eiwit en die is 100.
ORYX heeft dus een hogere BW dan ei-eiwit, lees de hoogste BW.
Laatst bewerkt:
BW of BV kan op diverse manieren benaderd worden

Biological Value (BV)

One test to biologically determine protein quality includes a consideration of protein losses in the urine as well as the losses in feces. Test results are referred to as the Biological Value (BV) of a test protein. The formula is:

BV of test protein = I - (F - Fo) - (U - Uo) x 100


I - (F - Fo)

where I is intake of nitrogen; F is fecal nitrogen; Fo is obligatory fecal nitrogen; U is urinary nitrogen; and Uo is obligatory urinary nitrogen. Obligatory nitrogen values for feces and urine are calculated when subjects are on a nitrogen-free diet. It is a measure of the loss of nitrogen from the normal ongoing breakdown of tissue constituents and not those losses from dietary sources. By subtracting obligatory losses from total values obtained, we theoretically get those losses from just the dietary.

BV is a measure of dietary nitrogen retained for the body's use and is expressed as a percentage of nitrogen utilized.

Proteins exhibit a higher BV when fed at levels below the amount necessary for nitrogen equilibrium; that is, when the amount of nitrogen being eaten balances that amount lost. We'll discuss various concepts involved with this idea of nitrogen equilibrium in a future article in this series. We note here, however, that equilibrium testing is the means by which protein requirements in humans are determined.




3.Biological value

Among methods used to determine protein quality, N balance is one. From data on N balance, Net Protein Utilisation (NPU) which is the proportion of ingested protein retained can be calculated. By measuring True Digestibility (TD), the Biological Value (BV) can be arrived at - which is the proportion of the absorbed nitrogen retained. Biological Value and NPU may be considered as good measures of protein quality, since presumably, the retained N is used for protein synthesis. In experimental animals NPU can be directly estimated by carcass analysis and values are therefore likely to be more accurate than when BV and NPU are derived from N balance data, as it is done in human studies. The inaccuracies inherent in N balance studies are known, no matter how carefully conducted. NPU and BV thus measure the same parameter (N retained, except that BV is calculated from N absorbed and NPU from N ingested).

The concept of BV has the merit that it can be used to assess requirements of protein derived from foods with known quality differences, because BV is directly related to the efficiency of protein utilisation. It however has some serious limitations. It ignores the importance of factors which influence digestion of the protein and interaction of protein with other dietary factors before absorption. On theoretical grounds, the requirement of a protein which has a BV of 100, would be half that of another whose BV is only 50. The application of BV data for human protein requirements, is however, not this straightforward, because of methodological considerations. Conventionally, BV and NPU are determined using a single level of protein; more importantly, they are measured when the protein content of the diet is clearly below that of requirement, deliberately done to maximise existing differences in quality. Differences may however become considerably minimised, if not completely masked, when proteins are fed at levels above or close to requirement, since requirements of all EAA can be completely met even from a poor quality protein, when enough is consumed to satisfy the needs of its most limiting aminoacid. Thus what BV and NPU measure is the near maximal potential ability of the protein. That the utilisation of a protein - the % retained, falls with its increasing concentration in the diet was first shown over three decades ago (7) and subsequently repeatedly confirmed. BV can vary by a factor of two-form over 90% at low intakes (100 mg N/kg) to around 40% at high intakes (500 mg/kg) (8). In young men, BV of wheat gluten fell from 100 (intake 100 mg/kg) to 45 (intake 400 mg/kg) and 25 (intake 1.09/kg) when intakes progressively increased. (9). Similarly the BV of egg protein fell from a value of 100 at an intake of 200 mg/kg to around 60 and 70 when intakes increased to 400 and 500 mg/kg (10). As importantly, the dose-response relationship was found not to be linear through all ranges of intake, but curvilinear at both low and high intakes and at intakes approaching requirements. Differences in protein value as judged by BV were not evident when wheat gluten and egg were fed at levels below 200 mg/kg, but became clear at higher levels. Differences progressively increased as protein intake increased (11). The degree of carvature depends upon the most limiting aminoacid.

At intakes of protein approaching requirement, BV is considerably lower than maximal. To use values obtained under conditions designed to evaluate maximal potential, for purposes of calculating protein requirements would therefore have a high degree of inaccuracy built in. This would also be true when data on BV of two proteins obtained at levels meant to demonstrate maximal differences in quality are used to arrive at requirement of those two proteins, because proportionately between proteins seen at lower levels will not be maintained at higher levels. Requirements of any protein cannot be estimated from an extrapolation of the dose-response line obtained using low levels of the protein. If BV of a protein is to be used to compute human protein requirements, the value then, has to be measured at several intake levels close to requirement levels.

Another limitation of the use of BV as a measure of protein quality is that proteins which are completely devoid of one EAA can still have a BV of up to 40, because of the capacity of the organism to conserve and recycle EAA as an adaptation of inadequate intake of the aminoacid; also EAA needs for growth and maintenance are different (12).

Determination of BV of a single protein is of limited use for application to human protein requirements. No population derives all of its protein exclusively from a single food. Proteins come from a mixed bag of animal and vegetable foods or from a mixture of several vegetable foods. Mixtures of protein foods frequently promote better growth than anticipated from the performance of individual components of the mixture. This has been explained on the basis of a partial or complete correction of the constraint imposed by the limiting aminoacid present in individual proteins. That this may not be the sole explanation, is suggested by the observation that in some mixtures which promote better growth, levels of some EAA are lower than that seen in the better component of the mixture. A better aminoacid balance which improves utilisation of existing aminoacids has been suggested as a possible explanation.

When two or more protein sources are mixed, the outcome in terms of quality may be that the mixture has:

a value which lies between those of the components predicted by changes in EAA composition,

a value close to or identical with that of the better component or

a value which is even higher than that of the better component.

There is no instance where the value falls below that of the poorest component. Various explanations, including changes in the ratio of total EAA to non EAA and digestibility of protein have been offered (13). The important point from the application angle, is that the determination of BV of a single protein has limited value, and that BV should be determined on combinations of proteins present in habitual diets. Such determination should be made at levels of protein intake needed for N balance in adults and for growth in children. It would be best to evaluate protein quality of the diet in the form in which it is actually eaten. This would be the procedure which would provide the most direct estimate of protein quality, but even such data suffer from some limitations. Such studies per force are done under controlled conditions, usually in a metabolic ward. There is evidence that some of the conditions under which such studies are done influence the results and that these conditions may not apply to real life situations.


Biological ValueThe Biological Value (BV) is a scale of measurement used to determine what percentage of a given nutrient source is utilized by the body. The scale is most frequently applied to protein sources, particularly whey protein. Biological Value is derived from providing a measure intake of protein, then determining the nitrogen uptake versus nitrogen excretion. The theoretical highest BV of any food source is 100%. In short - BV refers to how well and how quickly your body can actually use the protein you consume.
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Biological Value

Proteins are ranked according to Biological Values (BV), arbitrary numbers given to protein to show comparisons in their availability within the body. At the time the system was introduced eggs were given the highest BV of 100 because they are the most bio-available natural protein. Afterwards whey was isolated from milk and shown to have a higher BV, and depending on the process used can yield percentage from 104 to 154 on the scale. BV scales are a useful tool in putting together a complete protein, but it pisses me off that it's being used as a sales-pitch by companies promoting their whey products. Obviously a high BV brings with it certain downsides. The easier it absorbs the faster it absorbs. The faster it absorbs the faster it's rendered useless within the body, which makes taking it in large amounts at once impossible. Some would have you take 50 grams of whey in one sitting, and I guarantee you 25 to 50 percent of that is being wasted. At the price of a decent whey protein Isolate that is plain insanity. So in this article I present you with your fast-track guide to protein consumption

Zoals je ziet stelt de enige BW benadering die uitgaan van percentage dat hoger dan 100%[/niet mogenlijk is.

Als dus gesteld wordt dat iets 104% is dan is of het % teken verkeerd of er wordt onzin beweerd.
ORYX Goat Whey Protein has the highest concentration of BCAA's (branched chain amino acids) of any protein and a BV (biological value) of 104, which is higher than whole egg (100).
Dank je 3XL voor de (uitgebreide :P ) uitleg!
ORYX is voor mensen die allergisch zijn voor lactose.
Even wat verglijkingen NutritionData's Nutrition Facts Calorie Counter


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Leucine 265mg
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Leucine 56mg
isoleucine 95mg
valine 63mg
Amino Acid Score 124
Estimated Glycemic Load 2
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