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Training in the evening gives you more muscles, more definition

The research that Tim Scheett did at the University of Southern Mississippi has not been published in a peer reviewed journal. In fact, his research might never be published. Nevertheless we suspect you might be interested to know the conclusion – that bodybuilders make more progression if they train in the evenings than if they train early in the morning. Fundamental studies have shown that the time at which training is done can have an effect on your progression. The balance between muscle building testosterone and muscle destroying cortisol is more favourable in the evening. You’re also slightly stronger in the evening. But are these effects so strong that you also build up more muscle mass and strength if you train in the evening? This is the question that Scheett set out to answer.

So he did an experiment with 16 trained bodybuilders. He got them to train four times a week for a period of ten weeks. The test subjects trained each large muscle group twice a week using weights. They did three-quarters of an hour weight training each workout, followed by three-quarters of an hour of cardio training. Half of the test subjects trained in the mornings before 10 o’clock. This was the AM group. The other half of the test subjects, the PM group, trained after 6 o'clock in the evening. When the ten weeks were up, Scheett looked at what had happened to the body composition of the bodybuilders in the two groups. The differences were not statistically significant. This is because the group of athletes that Scheett used for the experiment was too small. Both groups achieved the same amount of progression in terms of muscle power.

Scheett refers to the effects that he observed as ‘small’, and did not regard them as big enough to discourage bodybuilders from training in the morning. “You should train at a time that is most convenient to you and at a time which feels comfortable", stresses Scheett. “Only if it doesn’t matter to you when you train, could you consider doing those bench presses in the evening. Or if you’ve already been training for a while in the morning, but have noticed that you don’t react well to this.” Scheett did not investigate how these effects arise. He speculates that the body’s metabolism usually declines in the evening. As a result you use less energy. But if you train at that moment, your metabolism starts to work even harder. If you train in the evenings, you burn more energy over the whole day. That might explain why the subjects in the PM group became drier. And the more favourable testosterone-cortisol ratio may also help explain why the PM group also built up more muscle mass.

Scheett presented his findings in a poster during the annual National Strength and Conditioning Association Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, 2005. The full title was Effect of training time of day on body composition, muscular strength and endurance.

Flex, Feb 2009.
Bodybuilders op dieet houden spieren vast met veel eiwit (Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Nov 13. [Epub ahead of print].)

Als je je dagelijkse energie-inname terugschroeft tot 60 procent van wat je verbrandt, hoef je geen spiermassa kwijt te raken. Als je je eiwit-inname maar verhoogt blijven je spieren gewoon zitten. Dat schrijven sportwetenschappers van de University of Birmingham in Engeland binnenkort in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Eating Red Meat Will Not Increase Colorectal Cancer Risk, Study Suggests
ScienceDaily (June 13, 2007) — Recent studies published in the journal Cancer Science have disproved the common myth that consumption of red meat increases colorectal cancer risk.

Published by the world’s largest society publisher Wiley-Blackwell, the study also found that consumption of fish and fish products was similarly inversely related to the risk.

High intake of red meat has traditionally always been associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer, especially in Western countries. There has recently been heightened interest in examining the role n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) plays in enabling colorectal cancer prevention further, as existing epidemiological findings are limited and inconsistent.

Researchers have run a large case-control study in Japan, examining associations of meat, fish and fat intake with risk of colorectal cancer, paying particular attention to the subsite within the colorectum. The Fukuoka Colorectal Cancer Study – using a newly developed personal-computer software for registering semi quantitative food frequencies – found that intake of beef/pork, processed meat, total fat, saturated fat or n-6 PUFA showed no clear association with the overall or subsite-specific risk of colorectal cancer.

Lead author, Dr. Yasumi Kimura from the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Kyushu University said, “There was an almost significant inverse association between n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) intake and incidences of colorectal cancer, particularly in the distal colon.”

“This study provides further evidence that a diet with a high intake of fish and n-3 PUFA can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.”

The published findings not only disproves the common hypothesis that consumption of red meat increases colorectal cancer risk, the results also suggest that a high intake of fish may in fact decrease the risk- particularly in the case of distal colon cancer.


Studie: 'roodvlees veroorzaakt geen kanker'

FUKUOKA - Het eten van roodvlees vergroot níet de kans op endeldarmkanker. Dat blijkt uit een recente studie die gepubliceerd is in het Japanse Cancer Science.

De consumptie van roodvlees wordt al jaren geassocieerd met een verhoogd risico op het krijgen van endeldarmkanker, vooral in de Westerse landen. Recentelijk is er veel interesse in de rol die n-3 meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren (omega-3 vetzuren) spelen bij het voorkomen van kanker, maar bestaande epdemiologische resultaten zijn beperkt en niet eenduidig, meldt Medical News Today.

De studie van Dr Yasumi Kimura, van de Graduate School of Medical Science van de Kyushu Universiteit, vond plaats in Fukuoka in Japan. Resultaat was dat inname van rund- of varkensvlees, verwerkt vlees, vet, verzadigd vet of n-6 meervoudig onverzadigde vetzuren geen duidelijke invloed had op het risico tot het krijgen van endeldarmkanker. Daarmee zou de mythe dat roodvlees kanker zou veroorzaken worden ontkracht. Wel kwam bewijs naar voren dat een dieet met een hoge inname van vis en omega-3 vetzuren kan helpen om het risico op het krijgen van kanker aan de endeldarm te verminderen.
Worteltjes goed zijn voor je ogen!
En als je de korstjes van je brood eet kan fluiten?
Als je verbrand bent Yogurt op je huid smeren! Neemt de temperatuur toe.
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Fenegriek . voor mensen die moeite hebben met bulken en ectos die niet aankomen. bevorderd hongergevoel

Fenegriek is rijk aan ijzer en koper. Fenegriek bevat saponine en coumarinen, waardoor het kan helpen bij aderproblemen. Verder heeft het ontstekingswerende eigenschappen en bevordert het de galproductie. Fenegriek is te verkrijgen in capsules en kan gewichtstoename bevorderen (wordt gebruikt door mensen die te licht zijn en door gezond eten niet aankomen).

bron wiki. https://nl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenegriek verkrijgbaar rode pilaar d...Holland baret
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