
Woke, Klimaat, Cultuur, Westerse Hegemonie - de waanzin voorbij (psychological warfare)

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  • Totaal niet, de enige reden dat er zoveel geld zit in het MO en dat zij hun versie van de Islam, en in het geval van Qatar onderdak voor Islamisme, kunnen uitstorten over de wereld is dat ze fosiele brandstoffen hebben die wij willen kopen. Het Westen financieert de eigen sabotage, de WK's voetbal in Qatar en Saudi-Arabië vertellen het verhaal.
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    Waarderingen: RookworstXL
    Totaal niet, de enige reden dat er zoveel geld zit in het MO en dat zij hun versie van de Islam, en in het geval van Qatar onderdak voor Islamisme, kunnen uitstorten over de wereld is dat ze fosiele brandstoffen hebben die wij willen kopen. Het Westen financieert de eigen sabotage, de WK's voetbal in Qatar en Saudi-Arabië vertellen het verhaal.
    Corruptie is het westen inderdaad
    Verbouwen tot een museum of kantoor. Geen moskees.
    Verbouwen tot hippe bierbrouwerij/bar.

    Deze zit 5 mins bij mij om de hoek. Lekker bier. Iets van 30 verschillende, van de tap. Prachtige locatie. Lekker koel ook in de zomer vanwege het hoge plafond.
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    Waarderingen: Chase, RookworstXL en Mentat
    Verbouwen tot hippe bierbrouwerij/bar.
    Deze zit 5 mins bij mij om de hoek. Lekker bier. Iets van 30 verschillende, van de tap. Prachtige locatie. Lekker koel ook in de zomer vanwege het hoge plafond.
    De Jopen-brouwerij in Haarlem is ook een goed voorbeeld.
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    Waarderingen: apfelstrudel
    Speaking of Latin...
    It is never spoken about. It is never addressed. And if someone does mention it in passing, they are looked at as if they are speaking Latin.

    Anti-blank racisme en blanke meisjes uit de lagere sociaal-economische klasse op het offerblok van diversiteit en de multiculturele samenleving, zo ziet dat eruit.
    I’m a qualified clinician working in the NHS in one of the infamous northern Rape Gang towns.

    Being a psychological service, we come into contact with victims of these gangs extremely frequently, and have done for decades. Their stories are truly horrifying.

    Like most NHS services, the one I work for has a particular talent for running ‘awareness’ initiatives. Posters are put up, whole service emails are sent, presentations are given, meetings are had.

    LGBTQ+ awareness, Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Refugee Week, Race Equality Week, Ramadan (used as a springboard for ‘Islam awareness’)… we have all of those and more. Every. Single. Year.

    We also have one off initiatives that respond to current events. For example, in response to the death of George Floyd.

    We even had emails sent around, and group meetings held, in response to the recent Southport murders, though these were exclusively about the ‘fear members of the BAME community must be feeling’.

    Given the fact we work in an area swamped in the organised mass rape of young, vulnerable British girls, and that we routinely work with these girls, you’d expect an initiative to be created in response to this issues, wouldn’t you?

    NOTHING. Absolutely nothing.

    Not even a single email.

    It is never spoken about. It is never addressed. And if someone does mention it in passing, they are looked at as if they are speaking Latin.

    If nothing else, you’d expect there to be a clinical need for conversations to be taking place, you know, considering we provide care to many of the victims. But no. Apparently not.

    We are woefully unprepared to work with these girls because no one’s willing to address the problem head on.

    Maybe I’m stupid or have lost my mind. God knows it’s starting to feel like I have. I’m just utterly appalled at the lack of willingness on the part of professionals to pull their bloody heads out of the sand and face up to what’s laid before us.

    Decades on and they still can’t seem to do it. Yet they wonder why faith in them, and a good majority of other public service, is collapsing.

    Repulsive, wilful blindness.

    If you read this, please RT it. People like myself have no other way to publicise such disgraces due to the institutional gagging of anyone and everyone who dares to challenge our respective establishments.
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    Waarderingen: inVorm
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