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Hitler zal zich vast wel eens hebben laten aftrekken of afzuigen door een Slavische hoer in zn Wenentijd.
Ik heb het altijd ironisch gevonden dat Eva Braun, op basis van sommige stereotypes, had kunnen doorgaans als Russische/Slavische vrouw. Amon Goth had dan weer een minnares die, eveneens op basis van stereotypes, had kunnen doorgaan als joods.


Haar naam was ook nog eens 'Ruth'.

From a Hebrew name which was derived from the Hebrew word re'ut meaning "friend". This is the name of the central character in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament, a Moabite woman who was the ancestor of King David.
Wat me trouwens opvalt en wat wel een ondergeschoven kindje is is de kwantiteit aan paarden die nog gebruikt werd door Duitsland tijdens WW2
Siegfried Knappe:

Opleiding 1936:

For two years our newspapers had been full of stories about the technological advances that had been achieved in mechanizing our modern army, including the artillery, and I had volunteered for the artillery with visions of driving self-propelled mechanized artillery. As the train neared Jena, I saw a large complex of barracks. Turning to the middle-aged man sitting next to me, I asked if he knew what they were. He looked up from his newspaper to tell me they were infantry barracks. A little closer to town was another barracks complex; my seat companion told me this was the artillery. Then to my dismay I saw horse stables and horses, and my heart began to sink. I turned to my seat companion in consternation. "You mean they still pull the artillery with horses?" I asked, hoping desperately that it was not true. "Yes, I am afraid so," he said softly, sensing my disappointment. Suddenly the artillery lost all its glamour and appeal.

Italië 1943:

In Italy it was not really possible to use horses with artillery because of the mountains and the heat, so I took over the vehicles of a mechanized Italian artillery battery at Piacenza and for the first time became mechanized. German forces in Italy were now 100 percent mechanized; in Russia, the figure was about 25 percent; in France it was approximately 60 percent.

22 juni 1941 (Barbarossa)

3 miljoen Duitse mannen

3.600 Tanks
2.500 Vliegtuigen
7.000 Artilleriestukken

600.000 Gemotoriseerde Voertuigen
625.000 Paarden

Though intensively prepared as a blitzkrieg, Operation Barbarossa remained a gamble. Wehrmacht leaders, however, were ready to go for broke. And yet the German Eastern army was poorly equipped and full of gaps. Its numbers were not significantly larger than those of the troops who had taken France a year earlier. Apart from a few dozen elite divisions, the majority of soldiers headed east in the manner of Napoleon's Grande Armée - on foot or by horse and cart.
Dat blijft ook een apart verhaal. Van wat ik heb gelezen lijkt het toch vooral op het conto van de Wehrmacht te schrijven.


There was also, not before time, concern now about winter provisions for the troops. Hitler directly asked Quartermaster-General Wagner, on a visit to Führer HQ, about this on 26 October. Wagner promised that Army Groups North and South would have a half of their necessary provisions by the end of the month, though Army Group Centre, the largest of the three, would only have a third. Supplying the south was especially difficult since the Soviets had destroyed part of the railway track along the Sea of Azov. Even so, when Wagner spoke to Goebbels, he gave the Propaganda Minister the impression that 'everything had been thought of and nothing forgotten'. In fact, Wagner appears to have become seriously concerned by this vital matter only with the rapid deterioration of the weather in mid-October, while Halder had been aware as early as August that the problem of transport of winter clothing and equipment to the eastern front could only be solved by the defeat of the Red Army before the worst of the weather set in.

(het was nota bene legergroep midden die Moskou aanviel)

Franz Halder

By 2 August General Halder was already beginning to think of how to supply German troops with winter clothing.


Despite miracles worked by Quartermaster-General Eduard Wagner's organization, transport problems on roads often unfit even in midsummer for mechanized transport brought immeasurable problems of maintaining supply-lines of fuel, equipment, and provisions for the rapidly advancing army. Supplies for Army Group Centre required twenty-five goods trains a day. But despite working round the clock to convert the railway lines to a German gauge, only eight to fifteen trains a day were reaching the front line in late July and early August.

Front + Oproep

But soon it began to snow, and on the night of of 4 December the temperature plummeted to minus 34 degrees celsius, freezing German equipment and penetrating the troops' inadequate winter clothing. The next night the thermometer fell still further, reaching minus 40 in some places. In the midst of the Russian winter, the German troops, equipped for a campaign that had been confidently expected to last only until the autumn were poorly clad an ill prepared. 'All armies,' noted Bock already on 14 November 1941, 'are complaining about considerable difficulties in bringing fresh supplies of every kind - footstuffs, ammunition, fuel and winter clothing.' Soon Reich Propaganda Minister Goebbels began a campaign to collect winter clothes for the troops. Hitler issued a personal appeal on 20 December 1941, and the same evening Goebbels broadcast a helpful list of the items needed. Woolen and fur clothing was confiscated from German Jews in late December 1941 and sent to the freezing troops on the Eastern Front. But it was all too late; and in any case, transport difficulties meant that much of the clothing would not reach the front. Meier-Welcker was reduced in hoping in late January that the 'wool collection' would at least reach the front the following winter. Cases of frostbite were occurring with increasing frequency among the German troops. 'Their feet are so swollen,' he noted, 'that their boots have to be cut open. That reveals that their feet or at least their toes are blue or already black, and there starting to be affected by frostbite.'

(Bock is Generalfeldmarschall Fedor von Bock)

Gotthard Heinrici

The wind wrote General Heinrici, 'stabs you in the face with needles, and blasts through your protective headgear and your gloves. Your eyes are streaming so much that you can hardly see a thing.' In one infantry division, 13 per cent of the unit's average strength were invalided out with frostbite between 20 December and 19 February 1942. After weeks without washing or changing their clothes, the men were dirty and verminous. 'Everybody is swarming with lice, and is constantly itching and scratching,' wrote Heinrici. 'Many have suppurating wounds from the eternal scratching and scraping. Many have got bladder and bowel infections through lying on the cold ground.' His troops were 'extremely exhausted'.

Dit gezegd zijnde vind ik het steeds vreemder dat velen Stalingrad als hét keerpunt zien. De onderscheiding 'winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42' kreeg trouwens allerlei bijnamen v.d. troepen. (o.a. Frost-Medaille)

625.000 Paarden
'Thank god for our horses!' exclaimed Meier-Welcker:

At times they are the last and only thing we can rely on. Thanks to them we made it through the winter, even if they died in their thousands from exhaustion, lack of fodder and their tremendous exertions. Horses are especially important in the wet summer of this year and the often thickly wooded, boggy and impassable terrain of our present sector. The motorized troop units in our area shrank to miserable objects last winter and spring.

Die beesten hebben ook afgezien. :(
Reportage over de Belgische-Volksdeutsche tijdens WWII:

Die stem van Tintin :roflol:
Op zich wel een grappig ventje.

De vraag is of het een pathologische leugenaar was of een psychiatrische patiënt met teveel fantasie. Zo zou hij eens gezegd hebben tegen Hitler dat de Walen vele malen 'Germaanser' zijn dan de Duitsers.

Erg geloofwaardig, Leo... :o
You are truly unique in history. You are a political leader who fights like a soldier. If I had a son, I would want him to be like you."

Dat heb ik met jou, poesje :kiss:
Ja, voor die uitspraak is ook geen enkele secundaire bron.

Als ik een gok moet nemen dan denk ik dat iemand zoals Heydrich zijn ideale zoon zou zijn. Wanneer Hitler jou 'de man met het ijzeren hart' noemt, dan doe je het vrij goed in de nazi enterprise.
You are truly unique in history.
Hitler had teveel geschiedkundige kennis om zo'n uitspraak te doen. Hij had nota bene een portret van Friedrich der Grosse hangen in zo'n beetje al zijn verblijven.

Zijn vader had dan wel de bijnaam 'Soldatenkoning', maar Fredje heeft hem daarin, in de praktijk, overtroffen.
Leek mij dat Hitler meer sympathie had voor de Noorse of Deense contingenten en hun leiders. Walen zijn ook maar Romanen.
Over Noorwegen gesproken, hij plande een Duits enclave in Trondheim. Albert Speer schreef in z'n celletje te Spandau:

Hitler's ideas about the political constitution of his "Teutonic Empire of the German Nation" still seemed quite vague, but he had already in his mind about one point: In the immediate vicinity of the Norwegian city of Trondheim, which offered a particularly favorable strategic position, the largest naval base was to arise. Along with shipyards and docks a city for a quarter of a million Germans would be built and incorporated into the German Reich. Hitler had commissioned me to do the planning. On May 1, 1941, I obtained from Vice Admiral Fuchs of the High Command of the Navy the necessary date on the space required for a large state-owned shipyard. On June 21, Grand Admiral Erich Raeder and I went to the Chancellery to report to Hitler on the project. Hitler then determined the approximate site of the city. As much as a year later, on May 13,1942, he discussed this base in the course of a conference on armaments. Special maps were prepared from which he studied the optimum position of the docks, and he decided that a large underground submarine base was to be blasted into the granite cliff. For the rest, Hitler assumed that Saint-Nazaire and Lorient in France, as well as the British Channel Islands, would be incorporated into a future naval base system. Thus he disposed at will of territories, interests, and rights belonging to others; by now he was totally convinced of his world dominion.

In this connection I must mention his plan for founding German cities in the occupied ares of the Soviet Union. On November 24, 1941, in the very midst of the winter catastrophe, Gauleiter Alfred Meyer, deputy of Alfred Rosenberg, the Reich Minister for the occupied eastern territories, asked me to take over the section on "new cities" and plan and build the settlements for the German garrisons and civil administrations. I finally refused this offer at the end of January 1942 on the grounds that a central authority for city planning would inevitably lead to a uniformity of pattern. I instead suggested that the great German cities each stand as sponsor for the construction of the new ones.

(Fuchs is wellicht Werner Fuchs)
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