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Bedankt voor die foto van die tank, geloof het of niet, dit is mijn thuisstad Eeklo, Belgie!!!!!!


De zo goed als ongebruikte Duitse straalvliegtuigen.

Heinkel He 280
Messerschmitt Me 262
Arado Ar 234
Horten Ho 229
Heeft er nog iemand filmpjes en meer info over de blonde engel des doods onze irma grese?
Heeft er nog iemand filmpjes en meer info over de blonde engel des doods onze Irma Grese?

In a portrait never published before, Irma Grese, the most notorious of Hitler's women, defiantly refuses to meet the photographer's gaze.

Despite being dressed in drab prison garb, the vain Irma Grese - dubbed "the beautiful beast" by inmates - used rags to put ringlets in her blonde hair.

The daughter of a dairy farmer, she was the youngest and cruellest guard at Ravensbruck concentration camp, aged 19. Later, at Auschwitz, she rose to senior SS supervisor, the second highest rank a woman could attain.

Irma Grese always wore heavy boots and carried a plaited whip and pistol. She had a reputation as a nymphomaniac who coïtusually abused male and female prisoners. Among her many lovers was brutal camp physician Josef Mengele.

Camp survivors testified to her pure sadism. She used emotional and physical methods to torture captives, beat women to death and enjoyed randomly shooting prisoners.

She half-starved her dogs, training them to savage captives, and selected hundreds of people for death in the gas chambers. The skins of three inmates that she had made into a lampshade were found in her hut.

Irma Grese dreamt of being a film star after the war, but was captured by the British in Bergen-Belsen on April 17, 1945. Still only 22, she was sentenced to death by hanging at the end of the Belsen trial, held between September 17 and November 17, 1945.

The night before her execution Irma Grese laughed and sang Nazi songs with fellow SS torturer Elizabeth Volkenrath.

Even at the gallows at Hameln Irma Grese showed no remorse. Her final words to her British executioner, Albert Pierrepoint, were: "Quick, get it over."

It wasn't just men who exploited the situation they found themselves in—women did as well. Irma Grese was one of 170 female SS staff at Auschwitz. She was just 20 years old in 1943, and her combination of beauty and cruelty was to make her notorious. But there was nothing in her background before she came to the camp to give any hint of the monster that she was to become.

Irma Grese was one of the SS who supervised the women's camp at Auschwitz Birkenau. By the end of 1943, in the southern part of the camp complex, there were 30,000 women, housed in 62 barracks in some of the worst conditions in the whole of Auschwitz. There was little running water, and disease was rampant. For Irma Grese the women's camp became a sadistic playground.

After the war Irma Grese was tried for war crimes and sentenced to death. She was executed two months after her 22nd birthday.

Vera Alexander, Jewish Prisoner, Auschwitz:

"She didn't go to school. She was a farmer's daughter. I thought she was a small silly country bumpkin. She became someone just because she was wearing a uniform and had a whip in her hand."

"She shot one woman dead who was standing in front of me. Her brains landed on my shoulder. The next day, after the selections, Irma came to see me. I refused to talk to her. She asked, 'Are you angry with me?' I replied, 'You nearly killed me yesterday'. She answered: 'One down, it doesn't matter…'"
Een echte karakterkop ook die grese, raar ook dat je zo kan worden met een normale achtergrond..
De ironie van geschiedenis:

Amon Göth (vader), Monika Göth (dochter) & Jennifer Teege (kleindochter)


zoek de drie verschillen!:)
'Die Heimkehr der Zehntausend' (1955)

Mooiste stukje documentatie over Irma Grese dat nog bestaat.
Industrieel Henry Ford ontvangt de Verdienstorden vom Deutschen Adler (1938)
Weet iemand waar je een goede documentaire over de koude oorlog kan vinden? Of linkje?
Boycott van joodse zaken
Weet iemand waar je een goede documentaire over de koude oorlog kan vinden? Of linkje?

Welk aspect van de Koude Oorlog? De hele Koude Oorlog is niet in één documentaire te vatten, zoveel verschillende aspecten, periodes van relatieve rust, periodes van gekte.
Wehrmacht begraafplaats in Rusland





Stalingrad Madonna
Welk aspect van de Koude Oorlog? De hele Koude Oorlog is niet in één documentaire te vatten, zoveel verschillende aspecten, periodes van relatieve rust, periodes van gekte.

Bedoel eigenlijk het aspect dat de 2e wereldoorlog zegmaar overging in de koude oorlog, de wederopbouw van het westen en iets was ook goe over hoe China zich ontwikkelde in de tijd van de koude oorlog en daarna
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