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“Being in a prison camp was better than going to a British boarding school”

Op netflix een doc met footage over concentratiekampen. Verschrikkelijke beelden.
Vergeten Post-WII dictator: Enver Hoxha : The Iron Fist of Albania


Stalinism, that particularly brutal phase of communism, came to an end in most of Eastern Europe with the death of Josef Stalin in 1953 or at least with the Khrushchev reforms that began in the Soviet Union in 1956. However, in one country - Albania - Stalinism survived virtually unscathed until 1990. The regime that the Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha led from the time of the communist takeover in 1944 until his death in 1985, and that continued unabated under his successor Ramiz Alia until 1990, was incomparably severe. Such was the reign of terror that no audible voice of opposition or dissent ever arose in the Balkan state, a European country that became as isolated from the rest of the world as North Korea is today. When the Albanian communist system finally imploded, it left behind a weary population, frightened and confused after decades of purges and political terror. It also left behind a country with a weak and fragile economy, a country where extreme poverty was the norm. In the decades since Hoxha's death, Albania has made substantial progress in political and economic terms, yet the spectre of Hoxha still lingers over the country.

Despite this, many people - inside and outside Albania - know little about the man who ruled the country with an iron fist for so many decades. This book provides the first biography of Enver Hoxha available in English, from his birth in GjirokastEr in southern Albania, then still under Ottoman rule, to his death in 1985 at the age of 76. Using archival documents and first-hand interviews, Albanian journalist Blendi Fevziu pieces together the life of this tyrannical ruler, in a biography which will be essential reading for anyone interested in Balkan history and communist studies.
Ben geen fan van Fest.

Gebaseerd op mijn eigen, wellicht Insufficiënt, onderzoek. Was Fest degene die zelfs na WWII foutief claimde dat Reinhard Heydrich van (gedeeltelijke) joodse afkomst was.

Ironisch nam Beevor dat in 2012, The Second World War, nog steeds over. Ondanks The Life of Heydrich van Gerwarth een jaar eerder. Toen verloor Beevor veel krediet bij mij. Hij is een uitstekende verhalenverteller, maar geen goede onderzoekshistoricus. (Vind ik!)

(R.H. liet trouwens zelf een onderzoek instellen naar zijn afkomst)
Laatst bewerkt:
Overigens een boek dat ik nog vergeten te vermelden was:

The Birth of the Nazis
How the Freikorps blazed a trail for Hitler

Historicus: Nigel Jones
Voorwoord: Michael Burleigh

In this chronicle of the paramilitary Freikorps - the freebooting armies that crushed the Red revolution, then themselves attempted to take over by armed force - historian and biographer Nigel Jones draws on little-known archives in Germany and Britain to paint a portrait of a state torn between revolution and counter revolution. Astonishingly, this is the first in-depth study of the Freikorps to appear in English for 50 years. Yet the figures who flit through its shadowy world - men like Roehm, Goering and Hitler himself - were to become frighteningly familiar just ten years after the turmoil that gave Nazism its fatal chance.

Vandaag opgepikt voor 7 euro.

't Zou vast een niet onaardige aanvulling, of misschien nog beter een opener, zijn voor het boek van Gerwarth dat ik jou aanraadde. (The Vanquished) Het is namelijk 'a brief history of'.
The Birth of the Nazis
How the Freikorps blazed a trail for Hitler

Index: Ehrhardt, Lt. Cmdr. Hermann (also Ehrhardt Brigade Freikorps)
Pagina's: 87, 94, 102, 136, 173, 175-9, 181-2, 184-90, 200, 204, 206, 209, 210, 212, 216, 227, 228, 238, 244, 248, 250-1, 263, 266

The Vanquished heb ik (nog) niet. Daar moet ik je helaas teleurstellen. Biografieën zijn overigens, naar mijn mening, niet per se beter dan boeken over organisaties.
De inleidende quote van hoofdstuk negen: The Freebooting Spirit

'The pure Landsknechts (Freebooter) didn't much care why they fought or for whom. The main thing for them was that they were fighting. War had become their career.'

Manfred von Killinger,
Chief of Staff to Ehrhardt's Marine Brigade
Das Waren Kerle! ('These Were Men!)

Hoofstuk tien: The Baltic Campaign
Laatst bewerkt:
Before you take my heart, reconsider :rocker2:

Here comes the summer's son :rocker:
Ladies and Gentlemen.

We got him!
Ik ook!


Toen ik er doorheen bladerde werd ik er toevallig op gewezen dat ik dringend iets moet lezen van G. Ritter.

Context: It would be wrong to assume, however, that the mass participation in these antisemitic attacks indicated unanimous agreement - in other words, that the ideology and practices of the SA had so deeply penetrated the mind and hearts of the majority of Germans that pogroms like Kristallnacht were widely embraced. —Auteur

Ritter: And the historian Gerhard Ritter, writing to his mother two weeks after the events, expressed what many thought, but rarely said openly: 'What we have experienced throughout Germany in the last two weeks are the most disgraceful and dreadful events to have happpened for a long time. How did we come to this? One of the many consequences is [...], for the first time now, general shame indignation.'

Nou, zijn Friedrich II biografie (1992 druk) kost momenteel 32,73 euro. (268 pagina's) Waarom is er zo weinig interesse om dat soort boeken te herdrukken? Emil Ludwig is, voor zover ik weet, één van de weinigen waarvan sommige (!) boeken (nog) aan acceptabele prijzen verkrijgbaar zijn.
Weet je nog welke dit was?
Eén met een interessante geschiedenis:

Memory of the Camps (1985)

In 1945, Allied forces found evidence of atrocities. This is the historical record. Seventy years ago, Allied troops invaded Germany and liberated Nazi death camps. They found unspeakable horrors which still haunt the world’s conscience. FRONTLINE presents the world broadcast of a 1945 film made by British and American film crews who were with the troops liberating the camps. The film was directed in part by Alfred Hitchcock and was broadcast for the first time in its entirety on FRONTLINE.

Het doet me denken aan A Film Unfinished (2010). De desbetreffende beelden lagen ook decennialang in een archief.
Jaaaaa, wat leuk!
Wat we nu nog nodig hebben is een mega-biografie (liefst in meerdere delen) over de Schutzstaffel. Nu zijn er nog een paar in omloop voor zover ik weet. Zoveel zwarte gaten, terwijl er ondertussen al één miljoen boeken over D-Day zijn. :treuren:
  • The Order of the Death's Head – 1967, Heinz Höhne
  • The SS : Alibi Of A Nation – 1956, Revised ed. 1989, Gerald Reitlinger
  • The SS: A New History – 2010, Adrian Weale (P.S. Richard J. Evans insinueerde dat A.W. wellicht de Duitse taal niet machtig is.)
Wat ik verder kan aanraden:
  • The Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War – 1966, Revised ed. 1984, George H. Stein (gelezen)
  • Soldiers of Destruction – 1977, Revised ed. 1990, Charles W. Sydnor, Jr.) (P.S. Volledige geschiedenis v.d. SS-Division Totenkopf) (gelezen)
  • The Gestapo – 2015, Frank McDonough (positieve reviews)
  • KL : A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps – 2015, Nikolaus Wachsmann (positieve reviews)
  • Waffen-SS : Hitler's Army at War – 2019 (hardback), 2020 (paperback), Adrian Gilbert (positieve reviews)

Trouwens de reden dat ik opper voor meerdere delen. Dit alleen al was de RSHA.

The Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War – 1966, Revised ed. 1984, George H. Stein (gelezen)
Van dit boek is er trouwens een qua prijs acceptabele vertaling.

Standaard Boekhandel


Ik betaalde destijds 15,79 euro voor de Engelstalige versie. (nu is de prijs 18,12 euro op de desbetreffende site)
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