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During the war years he served as Hitler's interpreter during his meetings with Marshal Philippe Pétain and General Francisco Franco. On 12 June 1941, Schmidt served as the translator for the summit between Hitler and General Ion Antonescu of Romania. Antonescu was fluent in French (interwar Romania was such a Francophile nation that fluency in French was de rigueur if one wanted to advance socially) while Hitler spoke no other language other than German.[2] At the summit, Antonescu spoke in French and had his remarks translated into German by Schmidt who also translated Hitler's remarks into French (Schmidt knew no Romanian).

Eens over gehad welke talen Ad sprak.

Ik betwijfel dat hij dat gezegd heeft. Hij zal het in ieder geval niet over Hitler gehad hebben. (zoals veel neonazi's willen)
All Nazis are bad. But not all Germans are Nazis
We have destroyed what could have been a good race and replaced it with Mongolian savages. All of Europe will be communist.

Patton had een aversie voor de sovjet unie, en sympathie voor de verslagen Duitsers. Meer zou ik er niet achter zoeken.
Operation Goodwood:

Lieutenant (as he then was) Freiherr von Rosen, commander of a Panzer VI (Tiger) company, has given the following account:

"The bombardment early in the morning of 18 July was the worst we had ever experienced in the war. Although we were in foxholes under our tanks, we had a lot of casualties. Some of the 62-ton machines lay upside down in bomb craters 30 feet across; they had been spun trough the air like playing cards. Two of my men committed suicide; they weren't up to the psychological effect."

U.S. Marine Pvt. Theodore J. Miller's 'thousand-yard stare' after two days of fighting during the Battle of Eniwetok, 1944
"The bombardment early in the morning of 18 July was the worst we had ever experienced in the war. Although we were in foxholes under our tanks, we had a lot of casualties. Some of the 62-ton machines lay upside down in bomb craters 30 feet across; they had been spun trough the air like playing cards. Two of my men committed suicide; they weren't up to the psychological effect."
A Tiger I overturned at Manneville by the bombing during Operation Goodwood.
Past prima bij z'n strategisch vermogen. Dat was, inderdaad, een rommeltje.
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