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Dacht Schnaps en Samogonka.


Cognac voor Joachim
Ik drink amper plus nooit sterke drank. Voor deze gelegenheid had ik wat lager gekocht.
Ze hadden het, gezien hun overmacht op elk gebied, vast lastig tegen de derde garnituur van het Duitse leger.
Trouwen in tijden van oorlog lijkt me echt een slecht idee. Ik zou zelfs geen relatie beginnen. :thinking:


KIA 8 augustus 1944
...of aan kinderen beginnen.


KIA 24 april 1945
"Half-drunk Red Army soldiers, armed with rifles and machine guns, made unarmed Germans stand in rows. Other Russians forced women and girls to lie on the ground, tore off their clothes and began raping them. The male Germans could only silently clench their fists. U.S. soldiers from their truck looked on at all this with eyes wide open.

It seemed that they were simply paralyzed by the spectacle. When two young German girls, stripped naked, shouting all the time rushed to the truck and in desperation began to climb on it the American guards pulled them up. The Russians did not like this. Firing wildly into the air and shouting, they rushed to the American truck. The U.S. soldiers quickly readied their guns, and the truck raced away across the road. When it had disappeared, the Russian soldiers attacked the German women again.

A young German woman, a little over thirty, mother of a 12-year-old girl, knelt at the feet of a Russian corporal and prayed to God that the Soviet soldiers take her, and not the girl. But her prayers went unanswered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she kept praying.

The Russian corporal walked away from the woman, his face contorted into a mocking grin. One of the soldiers hit the woman on the face with his boot. "Damned fascist pig!", he yelled. The young mother fell on her back. The soldier who had hit her, shot her in the head and killed her.

The Russians seized all the German women who were visible. The little daughter of the murdered woman was dragged behind a tank by the killer of her mother. He was joined by other Russians. For half an hour rang out wild screams and moans. Then, completely naked, the girl, unable to stand on her feet, crept back.

However, in the overall picture of the atrocities, the suffering of the girl was not anything special. The helpless German men tried to persuade the Russian guards to allow them to help the girl. Rifle at the ready, the Russian allowed a German medic to attend to the girl. An hour later she died, and her last sobs burned the hearts of Hartmann and his soldiers.

8 and 9-year-old girls were being repeatedly raped mercilessly by a brutalized Russian military. They showed no other feelings other than hatred and lust. Until all the monsters had satisfied themselves amongst the wild screams and wailing of women, Erich and his soldiers were under the muzzles of guns.

Spattered with blood, the Russian, lust satisfied, took over the covering of German soldiers. Mothers tried to protect their daughters, but they were beaten unconscious and dragged to the side, and then raped in that state. Even though Eric was a battle-hardened pilot, who had fought in hundreds of missions and who had received many wounds was struck in the heart by what he saw. By a superhuman effort of will he fought down an attack of vomiting.

Such an orgy just could not go on for long. Lust was sated, and began to appear the first signs of pity. Sometimes smiling, sometimes indifferent, sometimes a little depressed, Russian soldiers returned the women and girls. Those who were dragged away from the truck, nobody saw them again. Others fell unconscious in the arms of shaken fathers and husbands.

The Germans were herded into a makeshift camp in a meadow. They were allowed to go to the lake to wash and wash clothes. Then around the meadow was built a ring of 30 tanks to organize security for the night. Russian soldiers came again and again to the German women. The violence continued throughout the night, and stopped just before dawn. Women stumbled back, like broken dolls, after the Russian had satisfied themselves. Soldiers of JG-52 Squadron, which served E. Hartmann, had to make hard choices, and many of them made it.

When the first rays of the sun fell on the meadow surrounded by tanks, many Germans did not rise. Those who woke up, found themselves in a terrible realm of death, which was etched in red-hot iron in their memories forever. When Eric woke up, he saw a German sergeant with his wife and daughter lying beside him. The sergeant's wife quietly cut the veins of her hands with a homemade knife. Then he just killed his 11-year-old daughter, and then cut his own vein . Life slowly went away from them, while Eric lay nearby watching.

Other men strangled their wives and daughters and then hanged themselves on the sides of trucks. They preferred to die slowly and painfully. Erich began quietly talking to himself, to overcome the terrible effects of the bloody scenes in the mind. "You must live, Erich. You must survive to tell others about what happened. You can never forget what happens when man falls below any animal."


Geen wonder dat ze er niet in slaagden om hem te breken als krijgsgevangene. Als ik me niet vergis sloeg hij zelfs eens een ondervrager bewusteloos. (wellicht NKVD)

De neiging om ook kinderen te verkrachten vind ik toch opmerkelijk. Het waren overigens niet alleen de Sovjets die zich daar schuldig aan maakten.
Verbatim (vandaar de fouten)

Steinhoff: "An attack against a unit of Flying Fortresses was something like controlled suicide. If a formation of 1000 bombers, by the way something which will never again happen in history, the flight of the bombers in big formations... If you attack a unit like this you were breathing deep and your heart was beating... As the formation leader you were the first one to attack. To lead a unit of fighters into an approaching bomber unit was a great art. At the right angle, at the right speed... And you're flying an attack, a real attack, against how many machine guns? Sometimes 50, sometimes 80 machine guns... They're firing at you. You're going to shoot down a bomber only if you approach at very near distance. In the last, let's say, 200 meters you attempted to close your eyes and continue firing. Frightened to death... Frightened to death!"

Galland: "The chance to be killed in the last missions, the last ten missions, was very high. But we didn't pay much attention for it. In this conditions, in this time, to be killed, was nothing for us."
De herstelbetalingen waren één grote farce.

Maryla Husyt: 3,500 USD
  • Warsaw Ghetto
  • Majdanek
  • Czestochowa
  • Skarzysko-Kamienna
Other Jewish victims (and many who were in fact not victims), however, received lifetime pensions from Germany eventually totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In casting the film Spielberg sought to create a cast that "looked" the part, stating in an interview, "You know, the people in World War II actually looked different than people look today", adding to this end that he cast partly based on wanting the cast "to match the faces I saw on the newsreels".[12

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Is zijn mening relevant?

Ik zou allereerst beginnen met het niet gebruiken van make-up. Soldaten slapen soms 2-3 nachten niet. Aangezien ik het toch net over Peiper had:

"Peiper threw back a cognac, complaining he had not slept in days. He fell into a deep slumber."
The result of an ISU-152 shell hitting a Panther’s turret. Instead of being knocked off, the turret was blown wide open.
Steel Inferno :bang:
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