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Dirlewanger en zijn kornuiten waren ook gestoord. Kaminski, Stroop & Zelewski pasten gelijkaardige tactieken toe.

Oberführer Oskar Dirlewanger

Een andere Warschau beul, Reinefarth, werd nooit gestraft.

Gruppenführer Heinz Reinefarth
Dirlewanger en zijn kornuiten werden speciaal geselecteerd, dat was een groep criminelen bij elkaar die de vuilste klussen moesten opknappen.

Blijft bizar dat een figuur als von dem Bach-Zelewski de dans kon ontspringen door bekentenissen tegen zijn superieuren. Die man had zoveel bloed aan zijn handen kleven dat hij ook de galg verdiende. Gelukkig later nog wel een gevangenisstraf gekregen maar niet voor zijn daden in Polen.

Hij had net zoals Stroop eigenlijk in Polen terecht moeten staan, dan was hij op zeker opgehangen.
U-571 is ook wel nice
'Bloedbad' van Malmedy

The officers and men of the Leibstandarte and Hitlerjugend Divisions were indeed extraordinary men—considered heroes and revered by some, judged as criminals and reviled by others. Not all of them acted bravely—there are plenty of examples of terrified youngsters surrendering to Allied soldiers. But they can as a whole be equated to the men of Caesar's finest Legions and to Napoleon's Old Guard. They have also been compared to Ghengis Khan's scourging hordes and Attila's invading Huns! But whatever else they were, they were remarkable soldiers—the like of which we may never see again.

And now we must ask ourselves what made them as they were? And here we face a number of contradictions. That they were motivated by what turned out to be a thoroughly evil system did not prevent them from being fine leaders and soldiers, and the fact that they came almost entirely from Christian homes and schools did not prevent them from acting brutally and without mercy. But then they did not believe that war was a "game" to be played by "rules"; it was instead a contest which had to be won. The other contestants were seen as inferior and therefore it was unthinkable that the opposition could or should be allowed to win.

Despite flawed strategic direction from the Supreme Command (Hitler), which often placed the soldiers of the LAH and HJ in almost impossible situations, at the tactical level their officers usually managed to select the vital ground on which the soldiers had a reasonable chance of performing well. And despite the short and often inadequate training which many of the soldiers received before being committed to battle, their motivation, discipline, natural instincts as soldiers and intense loyalty to each other, enabled them to achieve remarkable results. The combined effect of skilled officers and senior NCOs and brave, dedicated soldiers made for an extremely formidable military machine. Wounds were to be borne with pride and never used as a reason to leave the field of battle; mercy was seen as a sign of weakness and was normally neither offered nor expected.

The willingness of the members of the Waffen-SS to go on fighting when it was clear that the war was lost can only be a source of wonder to today's generation. However, their experiences in the East undoubtedly added to their resolve to protect their homeland for as long as possible and at whatever cost.

The fact that these men were part of an elite organization which was stamped with their charismatic leader's own name was an important influence on their outlook. But attractive uniforms, fine weapons, abundant quantities of meaningful medals worn even in battle to single out the proven brave, a strong emphasis on comradeship—these were all factors which played a part in making these men unique. Perhaps, though, the most significant thing which singled out the men of these Divisions was their obvious pride in being soldiers. It is strange that in post-war years the former Allies have spent so much time criticizing each other's performances in WWII but admiring that of the enemy—particularly the Waffen-SS. At the end of the day it has to be said that the soldiers of the I SS Panzer Corps excelled in what is still, in some circles, called "The Art of War".
—retired Major General Michael Reynolds
Stellvertreter Rudolf Hess (Spandau)


Woensdagavond komt er weer een leuke docu op NGC
Fritze te Oekraïne
8,8 cm FlaK
But far more shocking from a Russian point of view is the fact that Red Army officers and soldiers also raped Ukrainian, Russian and Belorussian women and girls released from slave labour in Germany. Many of the girls were as young as sixteen when taken to the Reich; some were just fourteen. The widespread raping of women taken forcibly from the Soviet Union completely undermines any attempts at justifying Red Army behaviour on the grounds of the German brutality in the Soviet Union. —Antony Beevor
Jezus, wat een misselijkmakend verhaal.

De Russen waren net zo beestachtig als de Duitsers zelf, wat dat betreft.
Als we de bronnen mogen geloven véél erger.
Als we de bronnen mogen geloven véél erger.

Nee dus, er was wel een grote wraakzucht bij de Russen maar qua wreedheid wonnen de Duitsers toch wel. Ook qua aantallen, het aantal burgerslachtoffers door Duitse wreedheden in de Sovjet-gebieden lag vele malen hoger dan de burgerslachtoffers in Duitsland na de inval van de Sovjets. Zelfs als je de verdrijving van de Volksduitsers meetelt is er geen vergelijk te maken met hoe de Einsatzgruppen, Wehrmacht, SD, SS en andere groeperingen hebben huisgehouden in de Sovjetgebieden en het Generaal Gouvernement.

Oorlogsmisdaden zijn nooit goed te praten maar net zoals de Britten via hun terreur bombardementen huis hielden in Duitsland hebben de Sovjets zich ook niet onbetuigd gelaten toen er moest worden afgerekend.

De hoogste schattingen voor Duitse burgerslachtoffers door Sovjethanden ligt op 2,2 miljoen, de Duitse overheidsschattingen liggen op net iets meer dan 600.000.

Het aantal burgerslachtoffers in de Sovjetunie door Duitse handen (of bevriende mogendheden) ligt tussen de 7 en 20 miljoen. Waarbij bijna niemand een genadedood werd gegund. De kogel, vergassing, ondervoeding, uitputting of andere oorzaken waren de hoofdoorzaak van het hoge aantal doden.
Ik ben van mening dat het bij de Duitsers een doel op zich was om zich te 'misdragen' en dat het bij de Russen deels gevolg was van de ellende die ze hebben moeten doormaken.
Naar boven