
Intellectual Dark Web

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Net zo snel als een Trabant. Het duurt elke dag enkele uren alvorens hij "normaal" begint te functioneren. Jammer dat ik niet meteen kan terugvinden in welke video hij zijn dagelijkse routine uiteenzette.
Net zo snel als een Trabant. Het duurt elke dag enkele uren alvorens hij "normaal" begint te functioneren. Jammer dat ik niet meteen kan terugvinden in welke video hij zijn dagelijkse routine uiteenzette.
En nog maar een paar uur per dag productief. Maar in de laatste chats komt hij wel scherp en sterk over. Lekkere tan ook.
Sowieso productiever dan ik. 🤭
Shapiro: Gina Carano (21 feb. 2021)


Gina Carano is the face of women's MMA paving the way for Ronda Rousey and Amanda Nunes, which launched her into a successful Hollywood action star career, most recently as a series regular in the hit show “The Mandalorian”.

Gina was politically outspoken in 2020 which caused the hashtag “FireGinaCarano” to trend repeatedly and last week Disney did just that. She has been removed from “The Mandalorian”, she has been dropped by her talent agency, as well as by the rest of the team representing her. She joins us today to walk through the tumultuous relationship with her employers at Disney over the last year. Plus, why Gina was convinced she couldn’t buckle under the pressures of being cancelled and details on Gina’s feature film being produced with The Daily Wire.
Jammer dat ik niet meteen kan terugvinden in welke video hij zijn dagelijkse routine uiteenzette.
Die van een paar jaar geleden of recent ?
Nee, één die ik recent gepost heb.
Heeft ze iets interessants te vertellen, ik meen dat ze laatst is gecanceld uit de eoa Disney/SW-serie want ze had een mening buiten de pc-grenzen?
Nog niet gekeken. 🤫
Heeft ze iets interessants te vertellen, ik meen dat ze laatst is gecanceld uit de eoa Disney/SW-serie want ze had een mening buiten de pc-grenzen?
Klopt! 'k Heb er zelf niets van meegekregen. Los van zijdelings een nieuwsbericht ergens. Echter kwam haar naam ter sprake tijdens het CIS debat. Straks maar eens luisteren wat de big dealio was.

Het is allemaal binnen de context van de "cancel culture".
Net zo snel als een Trabant. Het duurt elke dag enkele uren alvorens hij "normaal" begint te functioneren. Jammer dat ik niet meteen kan terugvinden in welke video hij zijn dagelijkse routine uiteenzette.
Hij heeft het er in het interview met de Sunday Times ook even over gehad, maar ik dacht ook nog ergens anders. Ben benieuwd of het nu al wat beter gaat.

Jordan 59:57
Well I get up and I start breakfast, and then I go and I have a sauna for an hour and a half, and then I’m in the shower, and I scrub myself for about 20 minutes. And I usually can hardly stand up at that point. And then I eat, and by the time I start to eat, then I’m starting to be- I can walk with- at a somewhat normal pace by then. And then I usually walk for anywhere between two and four hours. And then I can have- I’m beginning to have something resembling a productive day. My cognition is sharp enough now, again, so that I can, well, engage in an interview like this, for example, or I’ve been increasingly participating in podcasts, and that’s probably- that’s been the other thing that’s so difficult is my life was so bloody complicated that when it- when I stopped my occupational activities, it was very, very difficult to start them up again because it’s like jumping into a car that’s going 900 miles an hour. You know, I did a podcast with Matthew McConaughey on December 22, I think. It was released yesterday and something on the order of a million people, 1.2 million people, I think, have watched it by now. To jump back into my life is to jump back into that. There’s no simple entry point, and so that’s been a real problem. I haven’t known what to do. The other thing that happened to me, that was terrible in 2020, is that I had this terrible experience of time dilation. So when I first woke up in Russia, I was asking Mikhaila, when she’d come and visit me, I’d asked her what time it was 10 times in 10 minutes, assuming that something on the order of half an hour or an hour had gone by, since the last time I asked her. And so I had these torturous days that were like 100 times longer than they should have been. So that’s receded and now my days are- they last the proper amount of time. Yes, thank God-

Interviewer 1:03:10
26 days in November, right? So how did you do it?

Jordan 1:03:12
I would go well, I would go to the studio, virtually convulsing in the car, like unable to control my movements, unable to control my arms, unable to control my legs, thrashing about. And Tammy would drive me there or my son, and then the same thing would happen in the lobby. I was moving just frenetically, and then I’d get upstairs into the studio and force myself to sit down, and then force myself to not move for two hours and do the recording. I was- if you would have asked me to lay odds on the probability that I would live to finish the recording, I would have bet you ten to one that I wouldn’t have. But certainly, as well that I wouldn’t have been able to do the recording. But I did the recording. So it’s done. And it was the same with the book. I mean, I’ve had lots of support, you know, my family has supported me tremendously. And the professional staff that I’ve had the fortune to employ have helped me, and my viewers have supported me, and all of that’s helped a lot. And so-
Verbatim geciteerd met streepjes waar hij pauzeert :heart: Kan het zo in zijn stem lezen :roflol:
Peterson: Bret Weinstein (15 mrt. 2021)

Beetje verwarrend, maar blijkbaar hadden ze al een recente podcast achter de rug. Alleen was deel I, op het kanaal van JP, nog niet vrijgegeven.

8 mrt. 2021: Deel II
15 mrt. 2021: Deel I

DarkHorse: Peterson (8 mrt. 2021)

Beck: Eric Weinstein (16 jan. 2021)

Eric Weinstein is not a conservative, but he talks to conservatives because he says, more often, they’re the ones who let him speak his mind without branding him (a Jew) a Nazi. He tells Glenn why, after many requests over the last few years, he finally agreed to this podcast. In the aftermath of the U.S. Capitol riot and President Trump’s second impeachment, Eric and Glenn probe the historical, economic, social, and even scientific reasons for the events of the last week. They also tackle some of the hardest questions our country faces: What do we do about a power-grabbing Big Tech, a dishonest media, Wokistan vs. MAGAstan, and the destruction of American culture? How do we restore civility between the Left and the Right? How do we save the UNITED States of America? In an honest conversation that will stretch your comfort zone, Glenn and Eric show us where to start.
Mag niet wijzen op dat man>vrouw trans atleten in vechtsport de vrouwen daar kapot slaan.
Gina mag mij de hele dag in elkaar slaan.


Al moet ik vast eerst mijn schmeckel laten amputeren.
I.D.W (Geen Vaste Leden)

"Eric Weinstein came up with the phrase 'Intellectual Dark Web' to describe this eclectic mix of people from Harris to Shapiro to Weinstein to Petersen, who are figuring out ways to have the important and often dangerous conversations that are completely ignored by the mainstream."

  • Eric Weinstein: Economist (VS)
  • Bret Weinstein: Bioloog (VS)
  • Heather Heying: Bioloog (VS)
  • Sam Harris: Filosoof (VS)
  • Christina Sommers: Feminist (VS)
  • Jordan Peterson: Klinisch Psycholoog (Canada)
  • Debra Soh: Wetenschapsjournalist (Canada)
  • Gad Saad: Evolutionair Psycholoog (Canada)
  • Maajid Nawaz: Islamistisch Reformist (UK)
  • Douglas Murray: Politiek Commentator (UK)
  • Claire Lehmann: Schrijfster (Australië)
"An alliance of heretics is making an end run around the mainstream conversation"
Rebel Wisdom: Eric Weinstein (20 apr. 2020)

Over two years ago the New York Times reported on "a group of heretics, making an end run around the national conversation", the Intellectual Dark Web.

Since then the concept has been celebrated and criticised in equal measure. Rebel Wisdom talks to the man who came up with the name, mathematician Eric Weinstein, about the web and its critics. What has been learned since 2018?
Shapiro: Andrew Yang (1 mei 2021)

Andrew Yang Makes the Case for Universal Basic Income:

Daar ben ik al jaren voorstander van:

Als economische leek vrees ik dat massa-immigratie het debat an sich al nutteloos maakt. :rolleyes:
Shapiro: Andrew Yang (1 mei 2021)

Andrew Yang Makes the Case for Universal Basic Income:

Daar ben ik al jaren voorstander van:

Als economische leek vrees ik dat massa-immigratie het debat an sich al nutteloos maakt. :rolleyes:
Jij bent voorstander van het communisme, en tegen een meritocratie? Of begrijp ik dat verkeerd?
Ik ben min of meer een pragmatische liberaal–conservatief. De link met communisme ontgaat mij.
Jij bent voorstander van het communisme, en tegen een meritocratie? Of begrijp ik dat verkeerd?
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