
Nieuws: Athlete says sports steroids changed him from woman to man

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hij leek al een vent, en is nu gewoon wat ouder :p
Niet zo vreemd dat ze op die foto al lijkt op een vent, toen was de virilisatie allang begonnen.
As a member of that cherished elite she also received the best in medical and, unbeknownst to her, chemical support. Oral-Turinabol (OT), an East German-manufactured anabolic steroid, packed the power behind the tiny nation’s sporting punch for over two decades. It was the mainstay of "State Plan 14.25," the secret policy directing the pharmacological development of sport nationwide. Doctors passed the little pink and blue pills on to coaches, who doled them out in daily rations of vitamins.

Alles werd door oraal verstrekt

Soon sport took precedence over school. As not all of the children could withstand the long days and ever-escalating physical workload, the drop-out rate was high. When training camps started in seventh grade, the demands on the athletes’ time and energy were enormous. Despite several years of private tutoring, Birgit needed 15 years to finish school.

Om maar een idee te geven hoeveel druk er op die sporters lag en hoe weinig ander leven ze hadden buiten het sporten.

By the time she was 12, Birgit was receiving pills after workouts. "I always assumed they were vitamins," she says, noting she recognized some of them. She’s not sure when the blue pills became part of the assortment. Later on, she also received testosterone injections passed off as "vitamin cocktails."

Vanaf je 12de aan de doping, niet zo vreemd dat je dan manwijven krijgt.

Providing urine for Doping Control before major competitions was part of the routine. "We were told we could have accidentally taken something in a cold medication, and that the tests were for our own protection she says. In reality such internal tests were the key to the system’s success. Any athlete whose urine still showed traces of drugs was not allowed to travel; this way the GDR avoided having athletes test positive at international competitions.

By the time she was 15, people remarked that Birgit’s voice had deepened. "I didn’t notice it myself," she says. Her parents, who fully supported her career, maintain they never noticed it either even though they saw her everyday. "It was those who saw me less often that mentioned it to me," she continues. "I asked my coach about it and he told me it was from the humidity in the swimming hall and our frequent colds."

Het grote liegen van de coaches waarom er veranderingen waren in de fysieke verschijning en hoe je om moest gaan met dopingcontroles.

Despite other physical changes, the athletes never spoke between themselves about what was happening. "It was simply understood that we weren’t to talk about it," Birgit says with a shrug. The subject was taboo.

Het taboe rond de fysieke veranderingen. Er mocht niet eens over gesproken worden onderling.

Questions of any kind were discouraged. Birgit remembers complaining to the National Swim Team doctor, Dr. Loth Kipke, about the severe bouts of acne she was experiencing before big competitions. He smirked at her, ‘You girls don’t get enough coïtus.’ Such comments left a lasting impression, but like everything else, Birgit kept them to herself.

Klachten werden weggelachen.

The wake-up call came in 1993 when a bout of jaundice revealed Hepatitis C and a liver tumor the size of a tennis ball. "That was hard," she concedes. For the first time she thought seriously about doping and what consequences it may have.

De onnuchterende werkelijkheid na de carriere met Hepatitis C en een levertumor.

Een relaas van een andere sportster wat duidelijk maakt dat alles in het geheim ging en de atletes zo goed als niks wisten en er ook niet over mochten praten. In het artikel komt ook nog aan bod welke privileges ze kregen als atleten wat het voor hun aantrekkelijker maakte om toch maar te blijven meedoen aan het DDR-systeem.

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