
Update Antoine Vaillant

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John Meadows is echt cool. :D Wou dat hij mijn trainer was haha.
Hij is een diëtist als het goed is, kan uren naar die man luisteren. Interessante weetjes over gezonde voeding. Helaas hebben wij hier in NL niet zulke grocery stores...
***1. Mtor – John described mtor as “starting the car.” Without mtor, no muscle building can take place, no matter what else happens. Driving mtor - mechanical tension, Leucine, Insulin helps

2. That being said, endurance training shuts down mtor. If you’re trying to build muscle, do NOT do post-workout cardio.

3. You don’t have to rush down and drink a post-workout shake within minutes. You have about an hour.

***4. If maximum muscle growth is your goal, before a workout, consume a moderate amount of carbs and a small amount of fat to start a steady insulin rise. During a workout you want to consume liquid carbs and hydrolysate as they are fast acting.

***5. Shortly after your workout you want more carbs and protein (liquid is best) then solid food shortly after that (animal protein with a fast digesting carb like white rice would be great) or another pulse of casein hydro. Again, this doesn’t have to be done immediately, within 30-60 minutes post workout is fine. However, if you didn’t consume protein and carbs during your workout, then you need them more quickly.

6. BCAAs are basically only good because of leucine.

7. Leucine alone is better than BCAAs.

8. Don’t be afraid of carbs before bed. The seretonin release can help with sleep.

9. “I have never seen anyone get fat pounding carbs PWO.” – John Meadows

10. If your training has less volume then you need less overall protein and carbs (less pre workout, less post workout, less during workout).

11. Avoid oil high in omega-6 fatty acids because they increase inflammation.

12. The body is not good at converting flax oil to DHA. Fish oil is a much better choice.

13. Make sure you eat veggies with fat so you can absorb them (many of the vitamins and minerals in vegetables are fat soluble)
Hij is een diëtist als het goed is, kan uren naar die man luisteren. Interessante weetjes over gezonde voeding. Helaas hebben wij hier in NL niet zulke grocery stores...

Idd, ook wat ze daar in supermarkten hebben echt zo relaxt, en veel meer in bulk hoeveelheden
Antoine is ook de enige die een beetje leven in de brouwerij brengt van al die gasten :roflol:
super vet filmpje, weet iemand de titel van het eerste liedje?
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