Fitness Seller

Things I've learned from over 25 years of Bodybuilding

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beetje decline en maar minimaal inlcine press oefeningen. ( omdat anders je voorste kop van schouder teveel haat mee-doen ...

Daar voel ik wel wat voor. Er is toch ooit eens een ( aantal) topics hierover geweest ? Dat 45 graden Incline net zo goed bovenste gedeelte stimuleerd als 30 of zo ? ( al die k*t grades ben er niet zo in thuis verdomme :mad: )

Wie traint er nog meer van jullie met een minimale graden schuin voor upper chest ?
ik doe ook incline op iets van 30 graden ofzo, en mn bovenborst groeit dan mee. En mn voorste schouderkoppen ook. of 45graden beter zou zijn weet ik niet.
ik heb eens foto's van em gezien
ma of dat nouw hier of op een ander forum was ik weet et nie en ik kan ze ook nie meer vinden:S

hij had zen rug en voorkant [met hem aan] gepost....

misschien zou hij die nog eens willen posten :)
nice karma voor jou 3 xl
Aardig stuk! Veel focus op overtraining en de anterior delt.
1. 4 main workouts a week: 2 Maximum effort workouts (1 for bench and 1 for squat/deadlift) and 2 Dynamic effort (speed) workouts (1 for bench and 1 for squat/deadlift).
2. ME workouts follow the DE workouts by 72 hours. If you do your DE bench on Monday, the ME bench workout will be on Thursday.
3. Do not have back to back ME workouts.
4. Workouts typically consist of 1 main exercise, 1 supplemental exercise & 1-2 accessory exercises.
5. Less is more, more is less.
6. Dynamic effort bench days always use the bench press as the main exercise (grips inside of contest width) for 8 sets of 3 reps@ approx. 50% of your 1 rep max.
7. Dynamic effort squat days always use the box squat as the main exercise (1” below parallel) for 8 sets of 2 reps @ 50-60% of your 1 rep max.
8. Percentages are a guideline.
9. Good mornings are misnamed.
10. Rotate max effort exercises at least every 2 weeks.
11. Be fast on dynamic effort day.
12. Put your life on the line on max effort day.
13. Chuck Taylors.
14. Eat and get rest.
15. Workout to recover.
16. Learn to strain.
17. Be open-minded.
18. If it works, figure out the why later.
19. If it doesn’t work, don’t do it.
20. Be patient with the uninformed.
21. The conjugate method is as much art as science.
22. Be smart but not anal.
23. Don’t make excuses.
24. Give back to the sport.
25. Be focused but keep a sense of humor.
26. Nutrition is often overrated.
27. Take the aisle seat on the plane.
28. Workouts should not exceed an hour.
29. Train the chain.
30. Train weaknesses.
31. Train the core.
32. Train for chaos.
33. Triceps, triceps, triceps.
34. Hurting and being injured is not the same thing.
35. Ephedrine = good times.
36. Polygamy = extra spotters
37. Accommodate resistance.
38. Make certain your power rack is anchored before hooking up your bands.
39. After seeing the pictures, never let your kids: 1) Play twister with Uncle Jim. 2) Do online research with Uncle Dave at his house.
40. A totally safe exercise is probably totally useless.
41. Baby wipes, a cut above.
42. I don’t know Billy Mimnaugh, but I’m pretty certain I don’t want to see him hovering over a bidet either.
43. Be patient.
44. Be persistent.
45. Be creative.
46. Talk is cheap.
47. Don’t worry about the other guy.
48. Be humble, there will always be somebody stronger than you.
49. Adjust and tweak the program as necessary for personal needs.
50. I am not the only one not a Buckeyes fan.
51. Get a dedicated training partner.
52. An extended middle digit from a training partner is not necessarily a rep count.
53. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
54. Black underwear is a good idea.
55. Again, don’t sweat the small stuff.
56. Why do this? It’s because it’s what I do.
by Steve Fredine

Hier kan ik me meer in vinden.
Ook na 25 jaar ervaring ?
haha, post zelf ook een paar dingen bro.
Ik denk dat veel mensen benieuwd zijn naar je ervaringen/tips, na 25 jaar trainen.
Naar boven