dat zijn de voor foto's.. + na foto's
hmm miss niet duidelijk bijgeschreven
aah ok:
foto's met 1 erachter.. zijn de foto's 1 maand geleden. en de foto's met een 2 zijn vanmorgen genomen..
dit zijn dus foto's wanneer ik helemaal koud ben iig
dit is de comment van mijn trainer. hij is nu tijdelijk terug naar indonesie, en komt over een paar maanden terug. we hebben nog wel contact via mail. dit is wat hij zei over mijn foto's:
Here my comments:
1.Now as you can see anspanen 1 and 2. you developed the line to our arm/ biceps (look at V line in your biceps)
2. Your abs is so obvious now
3. And your lower sides chest improving, but unfortunately I could not see clearly in the picture you middle chest and upper chest.
4. It’s nothing change much to you leg, It’s already good the way it’s, the last time we only focus on your buttocks and side legs. I can see the improvement on you inner thigh. You can see the curve already.
Good work…Don’t let people distract you. To make a good body shape it’s like an art. It needs a different touch to everybody. Can you Imagine if it’s all the same, then everyone in this world would be hunk and good body. Unfortunately they are not.
Sometimes, a person need 3 months to get bigger, but some person may need 5 or 6 months. It's also depends on what type of muscle you have. To give you an example.. based on a research, to make a great abs, 60% depends on genetic. The rest 25% on food and 15 percent on exercise. And also based on a research, some one is not made to be a sprinter but born to be a sprinter. There is a certain muscle in their leg to make them run faster (I forgot what they call it).
Basically you are doing a great hard working exercise.